
"Totem" during pregnancy: instructions for use

During the period of carrying a child, a woman often has an iron deficiency, which leads to the appearance iron deficiency anemia... For its treatment, doctors prescribe special iron-based preparations, which include "Totem"... If this medicine was prescribed to the expectant mother, she should carefully read the instructions for use to find out how to drink Totema correctly during pregnancy, and when taking such a medicine in ampoules is contraindicated.

Features of the drug

"Totem" is produced in the form of a solution, which must be taken orally. It has a dark brown color, sweetish taste and characteristic aroma. This liquid is packaged in 10 ml glass ampoules with two sharp tips. One package contains 20 ampoules. A sediment may form inside the ampoule, which is considered a normal variant.

The solution contains three active substances at once. The main one is iron in the form of gluconate dihydrate. In terms of elemental iron, its content in one ampoule is 50 mg. Two other active substances are presented manganese and copper.

Both elements are used in the form of gluconate.

If we count on the elementary form, then each ampoule of "Totem" is a source of 1.33 mg of manganese and 0.7 mg of copper.

Operating principle

The iron present in the "Totem" makes up for the lack of this element, which is often found during pregnancy. Once in the body, it participates in the formation of heme - a constituent part of hemoglobin. In addition, iron is necessary for the synthesis of many other substances (among them there are important enzymes) and metabolic reactions.

Iron supplementation with copper and manganese promotes better absorption and enhances the antianemic effect of the drug.

Such trace elements are important for tissue respiration, the activity of many enzymes, the metabolism of hormones and nucleic acids.

Their number is directly related to the exchange of iron, so they were combined in one ampoule for a complex effect on the body.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

"Totema" is included in the list of drugs against anemia, which are often prescribed to women in position in order to prevent a decrease in hemoglobin levels or to relieve the expectant mother from the symptoms of iron deficiency anemia (weakness, pallor of the skin, lethargy, rapid heartbeat, taste change, etc.).

This problem occurs in many pregnant women, because the need for iron while waiting for a child greatly increases and often cannot be covered by the daily intake of such an element with food. This leads to the prophylactic or therapeutic use of medicines containing iron, to which "Totema" belongs.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

The most common use of "Totems" during pregnancy resort when a woman's blood test shows a decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin levels... In order to identify such a situation in time and take measures even with a mild degree of anemia, a pregnant woman should regularly take a blood test in consultation.

With an increased risk of anemia, Totem is prescribed for prophylactic purposes., for example, if the expectant mother has impaired iron absorption due to diseases of the digestive tract. Usually, such a medicine is prescribed for prophylaxis from 4 months of pregnancy (from 16-18 weeks), when the blood volume begins to increase, and the need for iron increases significantly.


The use of "Totems" is inappropriate if the decrease in the level of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells is caused not by iron deficiency, but by other reasons.

The drug is not prescribed for women with peptic ulcer disease that affects the duodenum or stomach (especially in the acute phase).

In addition, the "Totems" move prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to any of the active or auxiliary components of the solution.

The remedy also contraindicated in case of intoxication with manganese, copper or lead. Since the preparation contains dextrose and sucrose, "Totem" is not prescribed for patients with glucose-galactose malabsorption, fructose intolerance, or the absence of sucrase or isomaltase in the body. As for the use in diabetes mellitus, it requires caution and specialist control.

Side effects

Under the influence of the iron present in the medicine, the feces of the patients become dark, but this is not a negative side effect, and soon after stopping the use of "Totem", the color of the feces normalizes. Some women the use of the solution can have a harmful effect on the gastrointestinal tract, provoking heartburn, vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, diarrhea or nausea.

Also meet allergic reactions, due to which treatment with "Totem" is immediately stopped. Another negative effect of the drug is a change in the color of the tooth enamel - it becomes darker with prolonged use of the medication.

Instructions for use

The dosage of "Totems" during pregnancy, as well as the duration of use of the solution, is determined by the attending physician for each woman in the position separately. The most common prophylactic dosage of the complex is 1 ampoule per day. For treatment, the doctor may prescribe to drink from 2 to 4 ampoules every day for several months. The duration of administration depends on the tolerance of the solution, changes in blood tests and many other factors.

The remedy is taken before meals for about 10 minutes. The ampoule needs to be shaken, then break off one end of it, place the ampoule over a glass of water, then break off the second sharp tip, after which the solution will immediately pour into liquid. Water can be plain or sweetened. Alternatively, juice such as orange juice can be used instead of water. To make the tips of the ampoule break off easily and without fragments, it is recommended to wrap them with a piece of cardboard packaging (they are marked with perforations) or with a regular napkin.

It is important to take into account that some food and drink products can affect the absorption of the active substances of Totems. For example, a woman should limit her consumption of tea and coffee, and a break of at least 2 hours is required between taking the drug and eating foods with a high calcium content.

In order to prevent darkening of the tooth enamel, the solution should be swallowed as quickly as possible, without holding it in the mouth.

A good way to prevent negative effects on your teeth is to use a straw.


Women who took "Totem" while waiting for a child leave about such a drug mostly good reviews... According to them, the drug effectively eliminates the signs of anemia and raises hemoglobin. Its advantages include the composition and form of release, and among the main disadvantages they note a specific taste and effect on tooth enamel.


Medicines with the same composition, capable of fully replacing "Totem", are not released, therefore, if necessary, the doctor may recommend the following drugs to a pregnant woman.

  • Sorbifer Durules... These round coated tablets contain a combination of ferrous sulfate with ascorbic acid. They are well absorbed and have rare side effects. Expectant mothers can take them at any stage of pregnancy.
  • Maltofer. The main component of such a drug is iron hydroxide polymaltose. The tool is presented in pharmacies in several forms: syrup, drops, chewable tablets. For pregnant women, such a medication is prescribed for an iron deficiency state and an unbalanced diet. Instead, the doctor may also prescribe Maltofer Fol tablets, which contain not only iron, but also folic acid.
  • Ferlatum. This solution, which is taken orally, contains iron in the form of the protein succinylate. It is sold in plastic bottles, receives many positive reviews, and is approved for pregnant women.

Watch the video on the procedure for taking "Totem" during pregnancy.

Watch the video: Episode 68 Paul Chek: Lessons from the Pain Teacher (September 2024).