
Code of Conduct for Schoolchildren in Public Places

Even the freest society always requires its members to adhere to certain rules of conduct in public places. Violation of established regulations can result in condemnation from others and problems with the law. If adults are at least relatively familiar with this topic, for schoolchildren the etiquette of public places can be something new.

Many children are not inclined to follow the rules due to their immature age, then parents should make every effort to make the child feel responsible for their behavior.

Not at home: basic principles

Each public place can have its own code of conduct, taking into account the specifics of the people who gather here and their activities. However, this does not prevent the formulation of generalized rules that are relevant wherever the student is. If there are specific rules of conduct in a given place, they must be followed..

In any situation, the culture of interaction with other people is extremely important.

Politeness forms an approving attitude from others, often avoids conflict. It should be expressed not only in the words "thank you" and "please", but also in the absence of harsh words, as well as obscene language. Remember that all visitors to public institutions are equal... However, it is worth taking a closer look at pensioners, disabled people, pregnant women and small children.

Under no circumstances should someone else's property, including public property, be broken or damaged. Such actions are fraught with big problems with the owner of the damaged things or even with law enforcement agencies. Soiling can also be considered damage (in particular, with the help of cans of paint). Even if the surface was used exclusively for artistic purposes, and everyone present, including adults, recognized the masterpiece in the drawing, the owner may not appreciate it. Can't litter or spit.

Children under 16 should not be outside the home after a certain amount of time. This time is usually determined by each parent individually. Although there are also recommendations from experts suggesting not allowing minors to walk on their own after 21-22 hours. It is unacceptable to violate this rule.

For their own safety, children are discouraged from engaging in conversation with strangers in public. This rule does not prohibit young people from getting to know each other.

But if an adult shows a clear desire to get to know the child, this should raise suspicion. It is completely unacceptable to go anywhere with such a person, even if he calls to a crowded place.

Traffic rules exist not only for drivers and pedestrians, but also for young cyclists, as well as schoolchildren riding scooters, skateboards and other personal vehicles of this kind. Irresponsible behavior on the roadway or near it threatens the offender with very serious consequences. Emergency situations cannot be created.

Violation of public order by children is the same jurisdictional matter as if it were committed by adults. But the responsibility for this can be borne by the parents if the child has not reached the age of 14. Drinking and smoking on the street is not recommended even for adults, and such entertainments are generally unacceptable for children. You can't pester passers-by on the street, speak too loudly or laugh (especially at late hours).

You should pay attention to your own behavior with fire and on the water. Fire is generally not a toy for children, especially near residential buildings or other buildings. Swimming unaccompanied by adults is allowed only in specially adapted places. It is important to comply with the condition that one of the group is always on the shore.

In public transport

In large cities, you often have to get to popular public places by bus or other transport. It also has its own etiquette.

  • To skip ahead when boarding a bus a woman or an elderly person, to give way to a pensioner or a disabled person is a sign of a well-bred child. Pushing, getting into transport without queuing is a characteristic feature of an ignoramus.
  • Paying the fare is not just a courtesy, but the duty of any citizen, unless he has the right to free travel. The driver or controller may not notice the stowaway passenger, but the transport runs regularly and looks beautiful thanks to the paid tickets.
  • In transport, it is unacceptable to litter, spoil the interior and its parts. In addition, you do not need to disturb other people with loud conversations or laughter. It is permissible to use a gadget to listen to music, watch a movie or play games, but then it is advisable to use headphones.

Any extraneous factors distract passengers and the driver, and the health of dozens of people depends on his attentiveness.

Appearance and manners

The appearance of the student is unlikely to become the direct cause of the conflict, but it can provoke ridicule or condemnation. As for the manners, the "wrong" behavior can even provoke others to the most unexpected reaction. It is enough to follow a few simple tips to avoid such situations.

  • You need to go out into the street only in your best image: combed and neatly dressed.
  • It is extremely impolite to cough or sneeze at other people. Ill - cover your mouth with your hand, but even if there is no illness, this recommendation remains relevant. With a runny nose, it is better not to sniff, but to use a handkerchief.
  • I decided to eat in public - do it carefully and quietly. You should not attract attention with loud champing or the sight of a face smeared with sauce. Napkins will be an indispensable assistant in this situation.
  • Everyone has the right to their own opinion, but one should not express it publicly in the presence of strangers. Someone may be offended by this point of view, then the result will be unpredictable.

Other rules

Finally, it is worth paying attention to a few more tips that will help form a positive opinion of yourself among others.

  • If you need to enter a closed door, first knock: there may not be happy about an unexpected appearance.
  • Whispering in front of other people is considered impolite: they may feel that they are being discussed. It is not a fact that strangers need to hear what you are talking about, but then at least you don’t need to look in their direction during communication.
  • When another person speaks, you do not need to interrupt him: you should let him speak and finish his thought. This applies to absolutely any interlocutor, including your own friends.
  • It will be extremely impolite and even offensive gesture to turn your back on a person when he addresses you. This demonstrates neglect or unwillingness to communicate, which in itself can be perceived as an insult.

For information on how to teach children ethics of behavior in public places, see the next video.

Watch the video: United Nations Day Mock General Assembly ICET Public School Malappuram (June 2024).