
Kefir in the diet of children under one year old: more benefit or harm?

From birth, babies need nutrients for normal growth and development. They get all this with their mother's milk. But the moment comes when the child should receive fermented milk products. Our article will tell you about one of them - kefir - today.

Kefir for children under one year old - useful properties

This fermented milk drink has Caucasian roots, where it was called "kef", which means "health". Indeed, later II Mechnikov proved the beneficial effect of lactic acid bacteria on the human digestive tract.

  1. Kefir improves appetite.
  2. Helps the assimilation of essential substances - iron, vitamin D, calcium.
  3. Restores intestinal microflora.
  4. Improves performance, gives strength.
  5. Due to lactic acid, it has a moderate antiseptic effect for stomach diseases, intestinal infections.
  6. It contains a large amount of lactic acid, which stimulates the appetite and perfectly quenches thirst.

But there are also negative aspects of excessive consumption of baby kefir.

The protein casein, which is poorly broken down by the children's enzyme system, can cause allergic reactions. Acids can strain the kidneys, stomach and act as strong irritants.

At what age can you give baby kefir?

Kefir for children under one year old should be introduced gradually. If the baby is on breast milk, then baby kefir should be given from 8 months, if on mixtures - then from 7.

This is due to the fact that after the introduction of the first complementary foods, the digestive system can already cope with fermented milk products. There is one more nuance: if the baby's fontanelle quickly closes, then it is not recommended to give kefir to him, since it contains a large amount of calcium

Kefir has a rather specific taste - sour, the child may not want to drink it. You can add fruit such as a banana. But it is better to give up sugar, because it reduces the nutritional value of the product.

Kira Sukhilova, nutritionist: “I would recommend introducing kefir from 1 year old. This is due to the fact that the baby's digestive system is not yet fully matured up to one year old and may not process lactose, which will cause allergic reactions. "

What is the risk of the earlier introduction of kefir into the diet?

  • kefir contains a lot of casein protein, which complicates the digestion process;
  • the protein component is twice as much as in breast milk. This puts stress on the kidneys;
  • kefir fats are not always suitable for the child's body;
  • the high content of minerals (calcium, sodium) can create a huge load on the still immature kidneys of the baby.

What kefir can be given to a child?

Children's kefir in the modern market is made by many brands. This is "Agusha" and "Our Masha". Recently, kefir "Fruto-Nyanya" has appeared. Their difference lies in the price.

Children's kefir, in contrast to an adult, has a lower fat content. Milk and sourdough is of the best quality. All products for children undergo strict quality control. Children's kefir should not contain starch, preservatives, additives.

You need to start giving kefir from 30 ml per day. Be sure to pay attention to the child's reaction.

Adult kefir can be given to a child over 3 years old.

Possible allergic reactions

  1. Rash.
  2. Itchy skin.
  3. Redness of the cheeks, peeling.

There may also be a response to kefir from the not yet fully matured digestive system in the form of constipation or, conversely, loose stools.

How to give kefir?

Children should be given kefir in the following volume:

  • children from 7 months to 2 years old should be given 200 ml at night;
  • 2 - 3 years - up to 400 ml per day;
  • from 3 years old - up to 1 liter per day.

Kefir can be given to the baby in the evening, an hour before bedtime. So the baby will be full and not overload the stomach. The baby will calmly fall asleep and will not worry at night.

How to cook kefir at home?

Also, children's kefir can be prepared at home on your own.

Babies should not be given ordinary sour milk, this is too much stress on the gastric mucosa. Enzymes are still fully prepared to break down the proteins of sour milk.

There are special starters from which you can get good homemade kefir. You should choose homemade milk from trusted grandmothers.

Doctor Komarovsky about whether a child can eat kefir

The children's doctor is convinced that it is possible to give a milk drink. Kefir is a wonderful product for the development of normal digestion in infancy. But you do not need to offer kefir to the child from the first days of life. This is a rather complex product for a child in terms of its mineral composition. Therefore, the optimal age for introduction into the diet is 8 months. It is advisable to give the drink after a successful day, at night.

On the modern market there are many manufacturers of children's kefir - "Nasha Masha", "Tema", "Agusha". From the whole assortment to choose for mom and baby. Products may differ slightly in taste, quality composition and cost.

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Watch the video: Healthy Kids Snack Ideas. Kefir. Fermentation (July 2024).