
Is it always good when a child is obedient

To raise a happy, healthy child, and in the future - an adult, to cultivate independence and self-confidence in him, parents need to be careful with strict upbringing and submission to his will.

You can often hear in playgrounds how mothers complain to each other about the disobedience of children. Let's try to figure out whether it is so bad when a child does not always follow the instructions of adults exactly, sometimes he is naughty and capricious.
If disobedience is harmful to health, parents should insist on their own. In other cases, it is better to support the initiative and give the baby the freedom to make decisions. For example, when choosing entertainment, colors of clothes, toys.

An obedient, executive child is usually called good. But is the unquestioning fulfillment of all the instructions of adults so useful for the upbringing of a future independent personality?

In every little child
For both the boy and the girl
There are two hundred grams of explosives
Or even a pound!
He must run and jump
To grab everything, kick your legs,
Otherwise, he will explode, bang-bang!
And there is none!

Every new kid
Comes out of the diaper
And is lost everywhere
And it is everywhere!
He always rushes somewhere
He's terribly upset,
If anything in the world
What if it happens without him!

When a child is overly helpful, parents need to worry. Although it seems that it is more convenient if the child does not create problems, obeys the will of the parents and behaves politely with others.

But shouldn't a child be an active mischievous person?

He learns the world and with interest discovers everything new for himself. And it's good if his parents help him with this.

Adults should figure out the reason for such an overly "comfortable", submissive behavior of the child. Perhaps they show excessive severity and suppress the still emerging personality. Will their child grow up to be an exemplary citizen or will their parents bring up a dependent, lack of initiative, subject to someone else's influence?

There are also personal characteristics of temperament. Choleric people are prone to activity, restlessness, they rush like the wind and do not give rest to their parents. Phlegmatic people seem calm and reasonable, they like quiet, independent games more and rarely create inconveniences for their elders.

The kid does not want to upset the parents. He thinks that he will be loved less and will be punished for "wrong behavior." The child crushes negative emotions in himself and does not allow them to go outside. Because of this, he can accumulate aggression and have problems with the nervous system. The child is afraid of the anger of elders, tries to meet their expectations, to be exemplary and comfortable in order to please and not cause irritation.

When raising a baby in unnecessary prohibitions, an independent personality is unlikely to form, capable of defending his point of view in adulthood. The dependent person will seek outside support and avoid responsibility for their actions, shifting decisions on others.

It is important to show your child that you respect his desires and character. To do this, you need to give a little freedom. Let him choose what to play, what to read and what to wear. The more opportunities he has to show initiative and make choices, the freer the personality will grow. A free person is more likely to succeed in life.

Let your child know that you do not judge him and love him for who he is. The child needs to feel your support in his children's, but such important matters for him, even if they seem insignificant to you.

  • 5 problems of obedient children
  • Comfortable baby. Is obedience always good?
  • What if your child doesn't listen to you?
  • How to re-educate a spoiled child (how to understand that a child is spoiled: signs and reasons)
  • Children's whim or selfishness: how is one different from the other?
  • 10 secrets of raising an obedient child: how to teach children to respect and listen to their parents

Watch the video: KCQ 중고등부 Good Tree Youth Friday NITE-We Are Imitators In Christ: Part 1=Pastor Brian. (July 2024).