Good to know

How to organize a bridegroom for a newborn, what to give to a baby, some rules for guests and superstitions

The custom of inviting relatives and friends to the bride's bridegroom is quite ancient. Until the fortieth day, the parents did not talk about the baby and did not let strangers into the house. And after this period, they organized a celebration, and sometimes they walked for several days. Today, the rules are not so strict.

When is the best time to arrange a bride and whom to invite?

These are the most important questions for parents. Invite guests immediately or wait for the notorious 40 days, or maybe postpone the bride for 5-6 months? Can I invite friends and colleagues or just relatives?

When. Of course, you should not arrange a holiday in the first months of a baby's life. The immunity of the newborn has not yet matured, so at this time it is necessary to reduce the circle of communication. In addition, the emotional state of the baby is important - he can get nervous and capricious when even one new person appears, not to mention a large crowd of guests. Parents also need time: mom to establish the process of breastfeeding and childcare, dad to get used to a new family member and a new daily routine. Considering all this, it is better to wait a few months and only then invite guests.

Who to call. Close relatives should be the first to see the newborn. And it will be enough to invite grandparents. It is better to postpone inviting friends and girlfriends, colleagues and acquaintances for a while.

Number of guests... It is best if there are not too many of them. You can invite 3-6 people. Remember, the child is not yet used to the presence of strangers. Instead of having fun, he can throw a tantrum. Then the holiday will fail. And then the overexcited baby will not be able to fall asleep on time.

Time. What is the best time to invite guests? It all depends on the daily routine of the newborn. The baby must be full, so it is advisable to guess and invite guests immediately after feeding. It's good if you show your baby and then put him to bed.

Safety... Be sure to take care of the safety of the crumbs. Guests must be healthy, warn them in advance. Ventilate the child's room, do a wet cleaning before the arrival of guests and after. Do not allow kissing the baby, it will be enough to look at him :).


How to organize a bride show? What to put on the table? How to decorate your home? It is difficult for a young mother to organize grandiose events during this period, so it is better to have a modest dinner.

How long. How long will the event last? Consider your child's daily routine. It is best to keep within while the baby is sleeping. But if he sleeps a little, the guests want to sit longer or you are sure that you can put the baby to bed again, arrange a long celebration.

What to cook... You can organize a lavish feast: prepare many dishes if you have the time and energy. If you decide to have a simple dinner, limit yourself to 2-3 types of snacks.

How to decorate. It all depends on the imagination of the parents. Posters, garlands - in general, whatever you like will do. But it is better to refuse balloons (the baby may be allergic to them), or the balloon may burst and scare the child.

The best gifts for crumbs

New parents can give guests hints about the gifts they would like to see. But if there were no such hints, then choose yourself. We offer gift options.

  • Musical carousel (mobile)... This is a very useful thing. The kid can entertain himself with the sound and movement of the carousel, examine the figures. And mom at this time will go about her business.
  • Large towel or blanket... Such a gift is very popular with relatives. And he is really useful.
  • Developing mat... The baby will play with this rug for a long time. Now there are both musical rugs and simple developmental ones. Take your pick.
  • Swing. This is a wonderful thing for both the child and the mother. The kid will be delighted with the fun pastime, and the mother will be able to relax a little.
  • Bath toys... Not all babies love to swim, but everyone loves to play with floating toys. Therefore, you can purchase a set of bright bath toys.
  • Overalls. A warm winter jumpsuit is an expensive but necessary item. If you have the funds, you can buy it. Your parents will be very grateful to you.
  • Feeding table... The same expensive things include a feeding table. They use it for a long time, so the gift will be long-lasting.
  • Diaper set... What you really need all the time is diapers. Now they make funny diaper cakes. You can make a small cake and leave the rest of the diapers in the package, it will be more hygienic.
  • Educational toys... Various soft cubes, pyramids, large puzzles, interesting rattles - all this is needed by the baby.
  • Big ball. The horn ball is useful for gymnastics. Just at this age, exercises with the baby should be done every day, so the ball is a very necessary gift (read the article on fitness ball exercises).

Don't buy gifts such as:

  • cosmetics... It is not known which cosmetics the baby will not be allergic to;
  • baby food... This is a strictly individual choice;
  • stroller... Although this is an expensive gift, parents may not like the model;
  • baby clothes... If you are not sure about the good quality, do not buy clothes. Or you don't know what your parents have already bought. Why bring the tenth vest;
  • souvenirs... It is a useless gift at this age;
  • bicycle, scooters, skates... All in good time. It's too early to buy these things.

Master class: DIY diaper cake

Guest rules

If you are going to the bride, it is good to know some rules.

[sc: rsa]

  • You must be healthy. Even a mild cold will hurt a newborn.
  • Do not make noise... Do not show emotions too violently and make noise. Children do not like excessive emotionality and begin to be capricious. Be calm.
  • Smells. Do not bring strong-smelling flowers into the house, do not use saturated perfume. The baby may have allergies.
  • Purity... Once inside the house, be sure to wash your hands. The crumbs don't need extra microbes now.
  • Don't take children. If you have children, you shouldn't take them with you. Kindergarteners and schoolchildren are the most serious carriers of infections.
  • Do not pick up... If you are not allowed to hold the child, do not be offended. Understand young parents - they are worried about their child.
  • Help... Offer help to parents, now it will not be superfluous, for example, to go to the store.
  • Be polite... If it seems to you that the young mother has recovered, and the baby is not too beautiful, you should not voice your thoughts. Do not impose your opinion on the upbringing and nutrition of the baby. Each family has its own experience and beliefs.
  • Do not sit too long... Because it’s uncomfortable for young parents to tell you it’s time to leave, be mindful of the timing.
  • clothing... Do not wear fluffy clothes when visiting. Pathogens of various diseases in dust particles can linger in it.

Signs associated with the bride

Few people now remember about the signs, but some of them still came down to us.

  • 40 days after birth - a special period, you cannot show the child to anyone;
  • you can't kiss the baby on the heels - he will go late;
  • you can't take pictures - it is not known why;
  • you can't come empty-handed - you cannot come to the house of a newborn without a gift;
  • do not breastfeed in front of strangers - jinx.

For the bridegroom to go well, the baby must be healthy and well-fed, and the parents must be calm and ready to receive guests.

This is a bride so a bride 🙂

Watch the video: The Vishal Gondal Show: Luke Coutinho (September 2024).