
Linex for children - instructions for use

For dysbiosis and other intestinal problems, children are often prescribed probiotics. One of the most popular representatives of this group of drugs is Linex. But, before giving it to the baby, parents should find out why such a drug is used, how to give it correctly, and other features of using Linex.

Forms of release and composition

Linex is available in several forms:

  1. In capsules.
  2. In a sachet with powder (form specially designed for children).

Also, such a probiotic can be found in the form of a drug Linex Forte, the main difference is the smaller number of bacteria species. They are represented only by bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, however the total number of microorganisms in Linex Fort is much higher than in regular Linex.

This allows the beneficial bacteria to colonize the baby's intestines more quickly and allows the medicine to be given fewer times a day.


This form of the drug is presented in portions of white powder, packed in separate sachets. Each sachet contains 1.5 g of odorless powder, and the package contains 10 or 20 sachets. The active component of this form of Linex is bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium animalis), which are contained in one sachet as a lyophilisate 1.5x108CFU. The bacteria are supplemented with only one compound - maltodextrin.


Linex encapsulated form sold in packs of two, four or six aluminum blisters, each containing 8 capsules. Also in pharmacies there are dark glass bottles with 16 or 32 capsules inside.

Store packages with Linex capsules in a dry place inaccessible to babies, where the temperature will not exceed + 25 ° C. The shelf life of Linex packages in blisters is 2 years. If you have opened a bottle with capsules, then after that the medicine can be stored for no longer than 4 months.

Linex capsules are white and opaque. They contain a white powder that is odorless. Each capsule of the drug contains 280 mg of an active substance called Lebenin.

Its active components are:

  1. Bifidobacterium infantis
  2. Lactobacillus acidophilus
  3. Enterococcus faecium

The microorganisms are supplemented with lactose and potato starch and magnesium stearate. The capsule itself is made from gelatin.

Linex Forte

This form of the drug is available in capsules, packed in 7, 14 or 28 pieces in aluminum blisters or glass bottles.

This probiotic capsules include:

  1. Bifidobacterium animalis
  2. Lactobacillus acidophilus

The bacteria are supplemented with fructose, magnesium stearate, glucose, inulin, sucrose, potato starch and cellulose. All of these components are encased in a hydroxypropyl methylcellulose shell.


Due to the effect on the intestinal flora, Linex helps to restore its balance. The bacteria contained in Linex are in an inactive state (they are dried). But as soon as they enter the intestinal lumen, microorganisms "come to life" and their active reproduction begins.

As a result of their activity and due to additional substances in the composition, the intestinal reaction shifts to the acidic side, which inhibits pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms, and also provides optimal conditions for the enzyme system to work. Besides, bacteria from Linex themselves produce substances that have an antibacterial effect.

Note also that the bacteria in Linex are involved in the production of many vitamins, for example, K, C and group B, which has a positive effect on the entire body. In addition, microorganisms from this probiotic are involved in metabolic processes associated with bile acids and pigments. The result of taking Linex is also an increase in the immune reactivity of the child's body.


The main indication for the appointment of Linex is dysbiosis, while the drug is used both for therapeutic purposes and for prevention. The drug is prescribed for children with dyspepsia, constipation, abdominal pain, nausea, bloating, diarrhea and other symptoms of an imbalance in the intestinal flora. Infant colic is also often an indication for the use of Linex.found in babies aged 2-4 months.

For babies fed with formula, Linex can be prescribed to prevent digestive problems. The medicine is recommended when breastfeeding is impossible, early transition to formula feeding, prolonged stay in the hospital, prematurity and in other situations.

Do all children need probiotics, see the video of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia.

Application after antibiotics

One of the frequent indications for Linex's prescription is antibiotic therapy, due to which 5-40% of babies may experience disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is recommended to be given to children taking antibiotics and for prophylactic purposes., and to eliminate digestive problems that appeared after a course of antibiotics.


An obstacle to the appointment of Linex can only be an intolerance to any component of this medication. Most often, the drug in capsules is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to dairy products, since each Linex capsule contains 50 mg of lactose.

Linex Forte, due to the content of oligofructose and glucose, should not be given to children with disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. In these situations, Linex is used for children.

Side effects

Some children, when taking Linex, have:

  • Skin rash.
  • Itchy skin.

How to give to a child: instructions for use

  • Linex is given to children during meals or after meals, so that the gastric juice does not destroy the bacteria contained in the preparation.
  • Using the medicine in powder, carefully open the sachet, pour the contents into a spoon and mix with liquid food (kefir, breast milk, formula) or with a cool drink (tea, juice, water).
  • Such a suspension should be prepared immediately before giving the medicine to the child, since you cannot store the diluted powder.
  • If capsules are used, then the child is asked to swallow the required number of capsules and drink them with water in a small amount.
  • Babies under 3 years of age and older children who do not yet know how to swallow a capsule are given only its contents. To do this, the capsule is opened, the powder is poured from it into a spoon, a little liquid is added there and the baby is allowed to swallow.
  • You can not drink Linex with any hot drink.
  • If the medicine is prescribed for antibiotic treatment, then taking Linex is recommended 3 hours after taking the antimicrobial agent.


Linex powder

The drug for children in powder is prescribed in a single dose of one sachet at the age of 7 years and two sachets at the age of 7-12 years. The medicine is taken once a day.

Linex capsules

A single dosage of Linex capsules depends on age:

A single dose is taken at equal intervals three times a day.

For prophylactic use, it is recommended to adhere to the scheme - 1 capsule 1 time per day.

Linex Forte

A single dosage of the drug is represented by one capsule, and the frequency of receptions per day depends on age:

How many days to give

The duration of Linex's use is affected by the reason for which the drug was prescribed. In addition, the timing of therapy is determined by the individual characteristics of the child. As a rule, the medicine is prescribed for a rather long period - from two weeks to a month or longer.

For the formation of normal intestinal flora in children on artificial feeding, Linex is taken in 2-week courses with a break of 3 months.

Komarovsky's opinion

A popular doctor considers Linex to be harmless drugs, but believes that the effectiveness of the effect of this drug, like other probiotics, has not been proven. Komarovsky calls dysbiosis a non-existent diagnosis, supporting his foreign colleagues in this opinion.

The famous pediatrician does not consider it necessary to prescribe probiotics for antibiotic treatment, and he is also sure that there are no effective remedies to help get rid of colic. And therefore, he does not recommend taking Linex either for prophylactic purposes, or for pain in the tummy, but advises to focus on the child's diet and his correct diet.


The opinions of parents and doctors regarding Linex are very contradictory. Someone claims that the medicine is highly effective and good for diarrhea, colic and other digestive problems. And someone claims that the drug did not help.

Many parents, when compiling a home first-aid kit while waiting for a newborn, choose Linex as a probiotic.

The medicine is often purchased before a trip to the sea in order to protect children and adult family members from possible problems with the digestive tract during the trip.

In most cases, according to the parents, Linex is well tolerated. Allergy to the drug is rare. The disadvantages of the drug are called the high price and inconvenience of using the encapsulated form for small children (the need to open the capsules).

For more information about Linex and similar drugs, see the next video.

Can a child be given an adult Linex?

Any form of Linex can be given to babies from birth. Adults consider the drug in capsules, however, it is permissible to give it to children, if necessary, opening the capsule shell and mixing the powder contained in it with liquid.


If for any reason it is not possible to give Linex to the child (for example, when Linex has no effect or a rash appears), the drug can be replaced with another drug with a similar effect. Instead of Linex, babies can be given:

  • Bifidumbacterin - a probiotic containing bifidobacteria. It is released in the form of a powder, from which a suspension is prepared, as well as in candles.
  • Hilak forte - prebiotic, which is a substance that stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria. The drug is presented in drops, which are given to children from birth.
  • Acipol - a probiotic preparation in capsules, in which acidophilic live lactobacilli are supplemented with polysaccharides from kefir fungus.
  • Lactobacterin - a medicinal product in the form of a lyophilisate, from which a suspension containing lactobacilli is prepared.
  • Probifor - a probiotic containing bifidobacteria. The medicine is produced in powder, as well as in capsules.
  • Bifiform - means of probiotic group, containing, depending on the form of release (capsules, powder, chewable tablets) enterococci, bifidobacteria or lactobacilli.

If Linex was prescribed to a baby with colic, it can be replaced with:

  • Plantex - a preparation based on fennel.
  • Espumisan - a medicine containing simethicone.
  • Drops Babykalm - a product that contains essential oils.

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