
Smart thermometers for children

To control fever in a sick child, every mother's first aid kit will certainly have a thermometer. Along with the electronic and infrared thermometers that are quite popular today, mercury models do not lose their popularity.

Recently, however, a so-called smart thermometer has appeared on the market, which can record the temperature of a child constantly.

This idea was liked by mothers who are always worried about illnesses with fever in babies. What else is interesting about smart thermometers and does such a device really help in controlling temperature in babies?

Features of the device

A thermometer, which is called smart, is put on the child's hand. Its sensor records the baby's body temperature and transmits signals to the mother's smartphone located at a distance of 18 meters. On the phone, you can see the temperature of the crumbs in real time, as well as the entire history of changes in the baby's temperature level. Mom also configures the rate above which the phone will beep.

Due to the fact that the thermometer communicates with the phone via bluetooth, such a device is also called a bluetooth thermometer. The device is presented in several colors, and other information can be stored in the application, for example, the age and weight of the baby, the use of medicines, personal notes, and so on.


The manufacturer of smart thermometers declares the following advantages of the device:

  • The product allows you to know the temperature of the child 24 hours a day, writing data to the phone memory or sending it to the cloud service. Through remote access, information can be viewed by the attending physician or other family members.
  • The thermometer immediately notifies that the baby's temperature has risen. This helps to react in time and prevent the exacerbation of the disease or the development of complications.
  • The thermometer does not cause any discomfort to the child. The weight of the device is very small, and the strap is convenient enough to fasten it on the body of a toddler.
  • To find out the state of the child during sleep, with a smart thermometer, you do not need to wake up the baby.
  • The smart thermometer also lets you know your baby's temperature while walking. With such a device, the mother will not worry if the baby is frozen or overheated due to weather conditions.
  • The measurement accuracy of the smart thermometer is up to 0.1 degrees.
  • The smart thermometer is safe for babies and is an environmentally friendly device. This thermometer contains no glass, alcohol, mercury and other substances that are unsafe for children.


Moms who bought a smart thermometer note the following disadvantages:

  • The temperature rise by the device takes much longer than stated by the manufacturer.
  • The instrument battery can be discharged at any time.
  • The device is recommended for measuring the temperature of children under 4-5 years of age; the length of the strap is not suitable for older children.
  • The strap may slip, resulting in an incorrect temperature.
  • The thermometer requires an android at least 4.4, and the bluetooth is periodically turned off, so you have to contact the thermometer again.
  • The alarm about exceeding the set temperature does not always work.
  • The price of a smart thermometer significantly exceeds the cost of other types of thermometers.

Caution: deception

Undoubtedly, the idea of ​​a smart thermometer can be called wonderful. And it is quite possible that there are good devices that regularly perform their function, but most of the real reviews of Russian buyers (not purchased) do not yet inspire confidence in bluetooth thermometers.

In such reviews, you can read mainly about fraud on the Internet and see complaints that the money spent on a smart thermometer was simply wasted. Be careful!

In the following video, you can see how a smart thermometer works in practice. An example would be the Vipose iFever model

Watch the video: Medical Smart Thermometer Relsib WT50 for children and adults (June 2024).