Legal issues

How to register a child: basic rules and nuances of temporary and permanent registration of newborn children

Do I need to prescribe a newborn baby?

First of all, it should be noted that passing and receiving registration is the responsibility of every citizen. Naturally, due to age, the baby cannot go through this procedure on his own, therefore, the parents must prescribe the child.

All this is understandable, but the registration of a newborn baby continues to raise many different questions. Including due to conflicting information that is available in open sources, for example, on the Internet.

Let us consider in more detail all the controversial points that relate to the registration of a child after birth:

  1. Issuance of a compulsory medical insurance policy. It is generally accepted that it cannot be obtained without the preliminary registration of the child. However, according to the law on health insurance, organizations are required to issue a policy to a newborn, even if his parents did not register. But the mother must have this very registration.
  2. Receiving benefits. In such a situation, it does not matter what kind of registration the child has - permanent or temporary. However, it is mandatory to register a newborn in order to receive benefits.
  3. Getting family capital. It is impossible to obtain a certificate for the use of maternity capital without registering a child at the place of residence of the parents.
  4. Enrollment in kindergarten. To put a child in a kindergarten queue, and then go to a preschool institution, you must first issue a residence permit. By the way, it can be temporary.

In addition, not all parents understand how long it takes to prescribe a newborn. The legislation of the Russian Federation does not define a specific time frame for the parents to register their baby at their place of residence. It turns out that there are no penalties in this situation.

At birth, the baby is purely automatically “registered” where his mother is.

What documents are needed to register a newborn?

Before registering a residence permit, parents should register the baby with the civil registry office (registry office), that is, obtain a birth certificate. To do this, you need to take a certificate from the maternity hospital (given at the birth of the child).

After the birth certificate is received, you can proceed to the next step - registering a newborn baby at the place of residence or stay.

What documents may be needed for a child's registration? Parents should collect some important papers:

  1. Passports (original documents and duplicates) of parents.
  2. Child's birth certificate (again, the original document and a copy).
  3. Extract from the house book, if the baby is recorded in the apartment.
  4. The house book itself, if the newborn is registered in a private house.
  5. Marriage certificate (not a mandatory document in this case, but it cannot be ruled out that the passport office staff will ask for it).
  6. Parents' application, which is filled out on a special form.

If a newborn will be prescribed with only one parent (it doesn't matter whether it is a mother or a father), it is imperative to provide the written consent of the second spouse at the place of temporary or permanent registration of the baby.

If the mother and father are officially married and registered on the same living space (where they are going to register the baby), then they do not have to go to the passport office together. One parent is enough to bring a full package of documents.

Registration of a child with one of the parents

As already noted, the registration of a newborn at the place of residence or stay of the parents is a kind of formality. In general, the baby has already been registered with the mother (the so-called initial registration), it remains only to arrange all this as required by law.

It should be understood that you can register a child not only at the place of residence of the mother, but also the father. In these cases, the registration procedure is practically the same, only the set of documents is different.

Registration of a child with a motherRegistering a child with dad

  • identity card (original and copy);

  • original and copy of the child's birth certificate;

  • consent for registration written by the father and certified by a notary (it is better to make a copy);

  • certificate confirming that the baby is not registered at the dad's place of residence;

  • statement.

  • identity card (original and copy);

  • original and copy of the child's birth certificate;

  • paternity document;

  • consent for registration written by the mother and certified by a notary (it is better to make a copy);

  • certificate confirming that the baby is not registered at the place of registration of the mother;

  • statement.

It should be remembered that if the child's parents have not registered their relationship and the father is not entered on the birth certificate (that is, he has not confirmed paternity), then the newborn cannot be registered on his living space. It turns out that the baby simply does not have a second parent.

Temporary registration of a newborn

What documents will be required for temporary registration of a newborn? It is necessary to prepare papers such as:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • statement from parents;
  • confirmation of the temporary registration of the parents.

Making a non-permanent registration is a fairly simple process. Parents only need to collect the necessary documents and go to the passport office.

When may a child need temporary registration? There are a number of situations in which one cannot do without the registration of the baby at the place of stay of the parents. It is necessary to consider these cases and various nuances in more detail:

  • the parents have a temporary registration (for example, in case of moving to another city or region). In this case, the fickle registration of the newborn acts as a kind of "addition". The consent of the homeowners is not required, since such registration does not affect the inheritance mechanism and the ownership of the living space;
  • the mother and father live together but are registered at different addresses. While the parents are deciding where it is better to register the baby (and this may take time), the child needs to make a temporary registration;
  • the parents of the newborn are not registered, there is no agreement between them about where the baby should be registered. Usually such disputes are resolved in court, but for now the child will need a temporary registration;
  • relatives offer to register the baby on their living space in order to simplify the inheritance mechanism or to receive any benefits when paying for utilities. In this case, the mother and father must also be temporarily registered at this address.

In order for the baby to be able to use medical and other services in full, it is better to give him a temporary registration if permanent registration is impossible for some reason or is postponed for the future.

Important clarifications

As already noted, in order to register a child on a permanent or temporary basis, the parent must also be registered in this area. That is, it is impossible to register the baby with the grandmother or grandfather if one of the parents does not have registration there.

Such severity is due to the fact that, according to Russian law, parents are obliged to take care of the baby, living with him.

It is important to understand that if the mother or father does not own the living space, the children will also not be able to make a claim for participation in the inheritance, regardless of the type of registration. Conversely, if the mother and father are the owners of the privatized housing, the child registered here will claim part of the property.

A single father has exactly the same rights as a single mother, so he can also issue a residence permit for a newborn. But in addition, he will need to provide a certificate of the death of the mother or her official refusal to raise the baby (a certificate of deprivation of her parental rights).

It is curious that when registering a baby, you do not need to ask permission from the rest of those living in this living space. Registration will take place, even if other residents are categorically against such a legal procedure.

If the child is not registered for the first time, two copies of the deregistration coupon (also known as the “departure sheet”) are submitted. This coupon is issued upon discharge from the previous place of residence.

A child can be registered in an apartment or house, even if the area of ​​the dwelling does not meet the standards for dwelling. Such a clarification was adopted in order to protect children from the fate of becoming a person without a registration.

Where is the registration issued?

As soon as the baby's birth certificate is ready, parents should contact the local passport office and submit all the documents that we mentioned above.

In addition, a newborn child can be registered in other ways:

  1. Through the MFC. It's easy to do - just go to your nearest multifunctional center and hand over a package of necessary papers. After a certain period of time, an employee of the organization will contact you and tell you about when it will be possible to pick up the finished document.
  2. Through the Unified Portal of Public Services. Parents register and indicate in which department of the OUFMS they are registered. After checking all the data, you will receive an invitation to register by e-mail. In case of refusal, the reason and recommendations for correcting the deficiencies are indicated.

Which way to prefer is up to the parents alone. In small towns, mums and dads usually choose the traditional option - going to the passport office.

Terms of registration

What should parents remember about the duration of the registration procedure? Registration - both temporary and permanent - takes approximately 3 to 8 days after the application is submitted. Of course, if the parents have prepared all the necessary documents.

For the entire period of registration, not only duplicates, but also original documents will be withdrawn from parents. That is why, at this time, it is better not to plan any serious events that may require passports and a child's birth certificate.

Parents, in addition to directly registering, also need to control the process of issuing an insert about the baby's citizenship. This small stamp will be needed to obtain, among other things, maternity capital (if the child is the second or subsequent).

In general, the procedure is very fast, simple, free, and does not imply additional visits to the authorities. So parents should immediately after the birth of the baby take care of his registration. Delaying registration is undesirable, since it is on this document that the receipt of benefits depends, as well as the registration and admission of the child to kindergarten.

Possible difficulties

The list of required documents, as already noted, is determined by legislative acts. However, some FMS officers sometimes require additional documents (for example, a certificate of family composition), which is not entirely legal.

It often happens that the employees of the registering organization engage in arbitrariness, which is expressed in the form:

  • refusal to accept and register an application that is submitted later than 7 days from the date of birth of the child;
  • refusal to register a baby in a small apartment;
  • requirements to pay a fine for late appeal to the passport office.

In such cases, parents need to insist on their innocence or contact higher authorities. If this does not help, you can contact the prosecutor's office. Supervisory officials can even bring a negligent employee to administrative responsibility for exceeding powers.

Now you know how to register a newborn baby without any problems. Timely registration will not only save you a lot of hassle, but also make it easier to get various benefits and benefits. Therefore, try to deal with the registration of children's documents at the time recommended by law and regulations.

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