Child development

"One left" or how to properly raise a left-handed child?

The birth of a baby poses a variety of questions for new parents. One of the less important, but still important for optimal child development: "What if my child is left-handed?" / P>

Left-handed people at all times aroused genuine interest from others. There is an opinion that a person with such a "zest" is distinguished by special dexterity and skills (remember the character Leskov, who shod a flea).

Another opinion, on the contrary, compares this feature to the flaw that distinguishes left-handed people from "normal" people. This is what some parents think when trying to remake little left-handers.

Let's just say that left-handedness is not a deviation, so harsh measures are unjustified.

Features of the brain

Almost all living beings, and humans in this case are no exception, are characterized by asymmetry. The brain is divided into two hemispheres, one of which takes on a key function, and the other obeys.

Both hemispheres interact, however each has its own features and functionality:

  • the left hemisphere is considered more rational... His sphere of "activity" is logic, analytics, abstraction. The information in it is processed sequentially, step by step. The left side of the brain is responsible for the right side of the body, receiving signals from the right eye, ear, upper and lower limbs;
  • the right hemisphere is considered sensual... His areas of responsibility are imagination, emotional reactions, creative and imaginative thinking. The signals received from the left side of the body are processed in full, instantly creating a complete image. Our intuitive abilities also depend on the development of the right hemisphere.

The dominant hand, organs of sight and hearing begin to be determined by about five years. If the child prefers the left hand, it means that the right hemisphere of the brain prevails.

Until the age of five, one can only talk about the preference of a certain hand, but not about the dominance of a certain hemisphere. Usually, children under 5 years old change their hands in the process of activity, when they eat with a spoon, cut out with scissors, throw a ball.

How is left-handedness different from left-handedness?

Determining the preferred hand is just one small step in the study of functional asymmetry of the brain. The concept of left-handedness is much broader than that of left-handedness.

Left-handedness is a characteristic that means the leading upper limb, but left-handedness is a complex concept that reflects the dominance of the right hemisphere.

That is, if a child prefers his left hand when performing any activity, he can be called left-handed.

But to say that he is a true left-hander is premature.

This characteristic is determined collectively, identifying the leading eye, ear, lower limb.

At the beginning of the process of learning to write and upon entering school, the most important thing for parents is to determine exactly the leading hand, that is, to establish whether the child is left-handed. This will help to avoid problems with the formation of the necessary educational skills.

Sources of left-handedness

According to various sources, left-handedness occurs in about 10% of the world's population. Agree, a fairly significant part of the world's population. However, the reasons for this phenomenon have not yet been fully studied and established.

Experts identify 3 main factors that put the left hand in the first role: genetic left-handedness (heredity), compensatory left-handedness caused by brain damage during intrauterine development and early childhood, and forced left-handedness.

Let's consider these factors in more detail:

  • genetic laterality... The mechanisms of transmission of such a feature have not yet been precisely established, but it is already clear that left-handed children are 10 times more likely to be born in families in which the mother or father is left-handed;
  • compensatory laterality... During the period of gestation and birth of a child, injury to the left hemisphere is possible. And since it is this sector of the brain that is responsible for the work of the right hand, then a certain functional is taken over by the right hemisphere. That is why the “palm” is taken over by the left hand;
  • forced laterality... The preference for the leading upper limb is associated either with injury to the right arm or is a consequence of imitation of significant adults.

A factor such as pseudo-left hand is also considered separately. Due to insufficient mental development, optimal lateralization of the hemispheres and the formation of interhemispheric interaction do not occur. As a result, the dominant hand does not stand out.

Thus, left-handedness is most often a consequence of the special structure of the brain structures. This feature is usually congenital, like eye color, height, so it must be accepted, and not tried to change.

How to tell if a child is left-handed or right-handed?

If a preschool child prefers to perform many actions with his left hand, it is best for parents to go to a qualified specialist in order to determine exactly whether their beloved child is right-handed or left-handed.

Neuropsychologists have in their arsenal many specialized tests that help to identify the features of the lateralization of the brain in childhood with one hundred percent accuracy.

However, even at home, parents on their own will be able to determine whether a child is left-handed, or at least make a preliminary conclusion about his left-handedness. The simplest method is to control the activity.

Adults need to track which hand the baby has leading when performing listed actions:

  • spinning the top;
  • throwing dice;
  • picking up buttons;
  • watering plants;
  • using a toothbrush;
  • pressing the switch;
  • combing;
  • work with a hammer and screwdriver;
  • building a tower from cubes;
  • sweeping;
  • unscrewing the lid from the jar;
  • wiping the countertop;
  • peeling an orange.

If a child performs the vast majority of the above actions with his left hand, there is reason to believe that he is left-handed. A neuropsychologist can more accurately determine.

In addition, you can ask the baby to look through the telescope and kaleidoscopic telescope, listen to the ticking clock. This will make it clear that the child is left-handed, and not just left-handed.

Psychological characteristics of left-handed children

The differences between left-handers and right-handed children, of course, are not limited to the fact that the former prefer to act more actively with the left hand, and the latter with the right.

The difference is much deeper, but the main difference lies in a completely different way of processing signals that come from the environment, and the peculiarities of emotional response to these same signals.

Consider the positive qualities of left-handers and the possible difficulties that await children, especially in the transition to systematic schooling.

Lefties Benefits

Since left-handed people have always been forced to live in a right-handed world, their main quality is flexibility and a high level of adaptation to changing environmental conditions. This trait applies, for example, to climate adaptation.

In addition, among the unique traits of left-handers are the following positive features:

  • left-handed people are capable of creating unique and original products of creativity, since their way of processing information is unique - grasping a holistic image, and not isolated parts;
  • the left-hander is distinguished by a deep and rich emotional world, which allows such people to achieve success in creative professions and activities;
  • "Innovative" nature of thinking, when a person is able to generate many ideas and simultaneously "scroll" various solutions in his head;
  • the leading left hand allows left-handers to stand out among right-handed athletes, therefore there are many left-handed winners of boxing, tennis and fencing tournaments.

In addition, one cannot fail to mention the large number of talented and even brilliant people among left-handers. Perhaps it is this information that will reassure mothers who believe that a left-handed child will be too much trouble.

Difficulties of left-handed children

It must be said right away that left-handedness is a variant of the norm, therefore, the following information should not be taken with hostility by parents of left-handed children. On the contrary, knowledge of difficulties should help to highlight strengths and reduce the manifestation of negative psychophysiological qualities.

As already noted, a left-handed child is distinguished by a more developed creative thinking than right-handed peers. However, at the same time, left-handed children show a slow formation of those skills that require interhemispheric interaction.

American scientists have found that among the emotional background among left-handers, such qualities as incontinence, timidity, low mood, and anxiety prevail. In general, children are characterized by negative rather than positive emotions.

The main problem of left-handed children is impaired or insufficiently developed visual-spatial perception, visual memory and visual-motor coordination.

Insufficiency of these functions can lead to to difficulties such as:

  • delayed learning to read due to impaired perception and memorization of letter structures;
  • creation of incorrect visual images of digital and letter designations (the child violates the ratios of elements, gets confused in similar letters and numbers, ascribes extra parts or forgets to add the necessary elements of letters);
  • weak differentiation of geometric figures, replacement of figures similar in outline (a circle with an oval, a square with a rectangle);
  • difficulties with copying various images in a notebook;
  • ugly handwriting (curved strokes, elongated, enlarged letters, constant change in their slope);
  • mirroring of letters, numbers and some images;
  • low writing speed.

The severity of such shortcomings can be reduced by taking into account the characteristics of left-handed children. Otherwise, the problems will only increase (especially with retraining).

In addition, psychologists note that many left-handed children find it difficult to get used to schooling. That is why left-handed first-graders require increased attention from both teachers and parents.

Negative outcomes of left-handed retraining

Is retraining of such children permissible? Of course no. It should be remembered that when we talk about left-handed people, we mean not just the dominant hand, but a certain organization of the brain.

Even if parents or teachers can force a child to take writing utensils with the right hand, they are not able to change the lateralization of brain functions.

The results of such rash actions are often serious changes in the emotional state of the child. Hot temper, moodiness, irritability appear.

Parents of retrained left-handed children may experience a variety of neurological disorders, among which are several groups of neuroses:

  1. Asthenic neurosis... Manifestations of this condition are high fatigue, nervous exhaustion, decreased performance. Little left-handers work fully only at the beginning of the school day, and then get tired. Difficulties are also observed with homework.
  2. Obsessive-compulsive disorder... If adults are overly worried about childish left-handedness, they try to force them to work with their right hand, punish for disobedience, the child grows anxious. As a result, children have various fears and phobias, for example, the fear of writing at school.
  3. Urinary incontinence... Most often, in retrained left-handers, only nocturnal enuresis occurs, but in severe cases, involuntary urination can also be observed during the day. Such an intimate problem only worsens the child's condition, further reducing the emotional mood.
  4. Uncontrolled movements... Another variant of a neurotic state is tics. The child blinks involuntarily, licks his lips, wrinkles his forehead, twitches his nose, etc. Such manifestations intensify when a retrained left-hander gets tired or overly nervous.

It will depend on moms and dads how the development of the left-hander will go: either he will develop in accordance with his characteristics, or he will turn into a retrained right-hander with neurotic reactions, complexes and psychological disorders.

Helpful hints

First of all, when communicating with a little left-handed person, one should not constantly remind that he is "not like everyone else." The constant emphasis on this feature, as well as the desire to retrain a child, can reduce children's self-esteem and lead to neuroses.

You should also do other general recommendations:

  1. Give up the idea of ​​retraining a child and do not allow teachers to do it. Before studying, be sure to talk with the teacher to bring her up to date and discuss general methods of raising a left-hander.
  2. If a left-handed child reacts too emotionally to various stimuli, there is no need to scold him and punish him for this. Due to the increased sensitivity, left-handed children may even cry when watching a cartoon.
  3. When developing classes with a left-handed person, be sure to use various schemes, images and other visual aids. This is important because these children think in holistic ways.
  4. Since left-handed children have a well-developed imagination, one should not laugh at his inventions. However, it is also not worth encouraging outright lies. Try to find a middle ground.
  5. Due to the peculiarities of the nervous system, left-handed children get tired quickly enough. This is why all homework should not exceed 20 minutes. Then a break is needed, during which the child will recuperate and rest.
  6. For left-handed children, those types of physical education are suitable in which both upper limbs act equally. These include cross-country skiing, swimming, basketball. For girls, lessons in modeling, knitting, playing the piano will be useful.

Lefties, like "ordinary" children, need parental praise. That is why psychologists advise supporting all children's talents, helping to realize the inclinations and abilities, and praising for every success.

Learning to write

Domestic pedagogy is only developing specialized methods of teaching left-handed writing. This is why left-handed children learn in the same way as their right-handed peers.

However, there are several important tips to keep in mind that, if followed, will optimize the process of teaching writing skills:

  1. Parents should organize their workplace wisely. It is necessary to monitor the angle of inclination of the writing, the position of the shoulders, the correctness of the holding of the writing instruments.
  2. The lamp must be installed so that the light falls from the right side.
  3. You cannot demand from a left-handed child a right-angled lettering. The best option is to display the text vertically.
  4. Also, children should not be required to write non-stop. Let the child choose the best way to write.
  5. If possible, you should purchase not only a recipe, but also writing utensils that are designed specifically for left-handed children.

Well, it is best to entrust the process of teaching writing to a specialist - a primary school teacher. He possesses the necessary skills and knows how to properly organize the working environment.

How can a child know that he is achieving certain success in the learning process? His parents should help him in this. It is necessary to compare your child only with himself. And if you still need to compare the results, then compare with his own success.

If a left-handed child is growing up in your family, do not despair. The possible difficulties described above should not be exaggerated.

The task of parents is to cheer up the little left-hander in every possible way, to come to his aid. And, of course, you should not listen to the advice of "well-wishers" who recommend retraining a left-handed child. Love him the way he was born!

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