
How to potty train a child

Not all parents know how to teach a child to go to the potty; over time, this question arises for everyone. Pediatricians and child psychologists do not give an unambiguous answer, often their opinions differ. The process of getting used to a new "toilet" does not always go smoothly; parents face a number of problems. In order to safely and calmly teach your baby to walk on the potty, it is necessary to take into account his age and desires.

Legs of a baby sitting on a potty

Favorable period for potty training

There are 3 main opinions on when to start:

  1. It is necessary to accustom from the very birth. Adherents of natural upbringing refuse diapers and believe that from the very birth it is necessary to help children to relieve the need for capacity. This is how a habit is formed;
  2. Need to potty practice at 8-9 months old when babies can sit. This point of view is shared by the older generation. It is believed that by the age of one and a half the baby will already get used to going to the potty;
  3. You need to start studying at 1.5-2 years. At this age, children consciously feel the processes inside the body, including excretory. Pediatricians believe that it makes no sense to teach children under the age of 1 year. In this case, parents spoil not only their nerves, but also risk causing rejection in the baby.

How to understand that a child is ready to go to the potty

No matter how many opinions, no doctor will tell you the exact age to start teaching a child. Someone manages to do without a diaper at 1 year old, some are reinsured during sleep for up to 2-3 years.

A one and a half year old baby already feels and controls the urge. To be fully prepared for a meeting with a pot, skills must be developed:

  • Ability to sit, rise independently, bend over. It is important to pay attention to the child while playing. If he can deliberately collect small toys and put them in their places, you can try to teach him to properly relieve himself;
  • The child feels discomfort in wet or dirty clothes. You should leave the child in soiled underwear for a short time so that he feels dissatisfaction and wants to get rid of him himself;
  • Reaction to parental speech. Simple sound signals should be formed, with which the child signals the desire to empty;
  • Your baby may not urinate for several hours while awake.

Note! Pediatricians advise to start introducing children to the pot during the warm season, preferably in summer. When it's hot outside, the baby urinates less and it is easier for parents to recognize the urge.

Is it possible to potty train up to a year

Many families ask themselves the question: how to potty train a child in the first year of his life? Up to 1 year, the bladder works reflexively, even if you put the baby on the pot in time, emptying occurs unconsciously. He cannot control and hold the process. The conscious desire to empty itself appears only at 17-18 months. There are situations when a one-year-old child refuses diapers himself, and parents have to teach him earlier.

Important! The desire of the parents should not prevail over the desire of the baby. Sometimes mothers try to teach their child to sit on the potty as early as possible in order to tell their friends about his early development. You cannot teach new things through force, otherwise there is a risk of disrupting the nervous system and causing a negative reaction.

Differences in the habits of a girl and a boy

Boy and girl sit on pots

Girls are open-minded by nature, so it is easier to dispose them to new actions. Boys will need more time to wean themselves from diapers and "tame" the pot, they later take control of the emptying process.

The boy is taught to relieve himself while sitting, not standing. At an early age, coordination of movements is not sufficiently developed, the baby may not be able to stand on his feet. At first, the boy will not distinguish the desire to go "small" from the desire to go "big". Explain to him that it is better to write while standing when he learns to distinguish the urge. For clarity, the son can go to the toilet with his dad.

Which pot to buy

On store shelves, there are different types of pots, which differ in material, shape and color. There are products with lights and music, but all these additions distract parents from the main criterion - usability. If the container is beautiful, but not comfortable, it will turn into another toy.

When choosing a pot, you need to pay attention to its shape. Females and males have different body anatomy, so they won't do the same thing. For girls, a round shape is more convenient, an oval one with an elevation in front is more suitable for boys. The pot should be stable, not have sharp corners, and easy to clean. It is better to refuse ceramic and metal containers, preferring plastic ones.

Optimal learning time

The learning process can be long: 3-4 days will be enough for one baby, 1-3 weeks for another. Before teaching a child to sit on the potty on his own, you will have to be patient and prepare:

  • The surface of the pot should not be cold or wet or cause discomfort. If the container is made of ceramic or metal, it is best to warm it up to room temperature. You can rinse the container with hot water, then wipe it dry;
  • The child can choose a "toilet" in the store himself. On a subconscious level, he will be disposed to a new thing if he likes it;
  • During the acquaintance with a new object, the baby should feel good, there should be no problems with constipation;
  • When relieving his needs, a child can read a fairy tale, watch a cartoon or give a favorite toy in his hands. A satisfied baby will get used to it easier and get used to the new "toilet". If it doesn't work the first time, don't hold it for more than 10 minutes.

Important! Before you start learning, you need to pay attention to the well-being of the baby. If a boy or girl complains of pain, training should be postponed. Children may think that the potty is the cause of discomfort, in which case it will be difficult to get used to it.

Crying sitting on the pot

Training program in 7 days

If the baby is physically and psychologically ready to learn, he has no health problems and a good mood, within a week he will get used to the new rules. The program is designed for 7 days and includes stages:

  • First day. From the very morning, the baby should walk around the house in shorts and a T-shirt. He needs to be told that if he wants to go to the toilet, he needs to sit on the pot or ask his mother to put him. On this day, you need to remind him of this action every 15-20 minutes. Even if he has no desire to pee, let him sit for 5-10 minutes and get used to it;
  • Second day. The pot should be in the baby's field of vision so that he remembers it on his own. It is better to spend this day at home with the whole family, not to plan a lot of things and not go anywhere;
  • Third day. After observations, you need to determine how often the baby relieves. You can put on diapers at night, it is better to refuse them during the day;
  • In the remaining days, the child begins to understand how to use a new thing on his own. Every day, the pot should be placed a little closer to the bathroom, after 1-2 weeks, it should be there constantly.

Mom helps the baby in the bathroom

Training program in 3 days

The Accelerated Program is suitable for busy parents who don't have a week off. Approximately two days before the start of the program, it is advisable to explain to the baby in simple words that he will soon have to give up the diaper. It will be clear from the reaction whether it is possible to immediately abandon it or it is better to wean it gradually.

If you decide to do without diapers, you can turn it into a game: count how many of them are left and agree that there will be no more of them. The choice of panties can also be made fun by allowing the child to make their own choice. The learning process should be fun and interesting.

On the first day of the sutra, the child should walk without panties and a diaper, so it will be easier for him to feel the urge to empty. It is advisable to consume a lot of liquids (water, tea, juice) so that you want to write more often. After drinking plenty of water, you need to monitor the baby, put him on the pot in time. To develop a habit, sit him down every 20-30 minutes.

The second and third days pass in much the same way as the first. These days, you can already go outside for a while without a diaper, but you need to be prepared for a little trouble. It is better to take removable underwear, shorts or panties with you. To consolidate the result, it is important to praise the child and say that he is doing everything right. Children react more to emotions than to serious speech. Each small victory of the kid must be accompanied by praise, to say aloud that he is doing everything right.

Possible problems with potty habituation

Not every child is ready to immediately accept a new habit, sometimes he has a fear. Rejection and fear occur in the following situations:

  • If the child was seated on an uncomfortable or cold pot, especially after sleeping;
  • The first impression of the new thing was negative. Perhaps the baby was uncomfortable; it is better to hide the pot for a while. You can try again in a week;
  • After soiled panties and pants, swearing is often heard, which scares away;
  • New fashion items with lights and music can scare children away.

Empty pot

You should not train your baby if his teeth are teething. At this moment, he will not be able to focus his attention due to the pain. The whole family must participate in the training process, otherwise the baby will not be able to use the pot without mother's help. If another child was born, family members are busy with repairs or moving, it is better to postpone training. It is important to find a few days during which you can devote all your attention to the baby.

There are situations when a child who has been using a potty for a long time completely refuses it. The reasons for this can be family disagreements, illness, a change in the usual rhythm of life, a crisis during the period of growing up. In such a situation, you should devote more time to the baby, not scold him and explain how to do the right thing. At an older age, children perceive information more consciously, so you can try to negotiate with them.

Errors during training

The use of the pot forms the habit of sitting on it after the urge. Under the influence of advice, they begin to potty train the child as soon as he is one year old. Yes, he will get used to a new thing faster, but he will develop the habit of first sitting down, then feeling the urge. It will be difficult to retrain at an older age.

You can not scold children if they did not manage to reach the pot. When a child is passionate about play, he cannot always recognize the urge and respond in time. You can involve him in cleaning behind you, saying that you no longer need to do this.

You should not reward your baby with sweets for a successful trip to the toilet. It is difficult to get rid of such a habit, he will regularly be capricious and demand candy. Choose from stickers or brightly colored knick-knacks as a small reward.

Mom praises the baby

Sooner or later, any mother has a question: how to potty train a child? You cannot use one technique for all children or impose on the child your desire to put him on a new "toilet". Parents should watch their children to see when they are ready. Any child can be taught to use a potty, you just need to wait for the right moment and carry him into the process, always show concern and praise for his successes.


Watch the video: How I Potty trained a toddler. Step By Step (July 2024).