
Drainage massage for children with cough

Cough is a very common symptom of childhood illnesses. If he torments the baby, the parents try to help the baby with all their might. One of the ways to eliminate cough is called drainage massage.


Massage, which is called drainage, is performed when phlegm accumulates in the respiratory tract, especially if there are difficulties with its discharge.

This situation happens when:

  • Cold.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Emphysema of the lungs.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Pneumosclerosis.


The drainage massage helps to quickly get rid of the cough, so that the child can not be given medications. This treatment is suitable for children of any age, even babies. At the same time, parents are able to learn how to do it on their own, without the involvement of specialists.

Operating principle

The main effect of the drainage massage is to stimulate the secretion of mucus from the airways. During the procedure, the bronchi are warmed up, the mucus is liquefied and better excreted, as a result of which breathing is stabilized. It also stimulates blood flow, improves rib mobility and strengthens the respiratory muscles.

When is massage not allowed?

Such a procedure is prohibited when:

  • Skin rashes.
  • Deteriorated general condition of the child.
  • Deficiency in body weight.
  • Elevated temperature.

Also, you should not perform drainage massage for dry cough, especially if it is caused by whooping cough. You should not massage the child immediately after eating and in the first days of the disease, as well as in situations where the child is uncomfortable on his stomach.


A feature of the cough drainage massage is the position of the child. The baby should be laid so that the baby's body is located above his head. For this, a roller can be placed under the back or under the stomach.

When massaging the child's back, first of all, they warm up the bronchi by stroking and rubbing in the direction from the shoulders to the lower back and back until the skin turns red. Do not touch the spine and kidneys. Then they move on to pinching, tapping and tapping with fingers and ribs of the palms. As a result of such actions, the baby begins to cough, coughs up phlegm and spits it out.

This massage is performed twice a day from the fourth to sixth day of the disease. The room must be ventilated before the session, but the air temperature should not be lower than + 22 ° C. In total, 10 massages are performed in 5 days, even if the child's condition has already improved.

Detailed instructions

  1. Lay the baby on its stomach with a bolster or pillow under the breast (the head should drop below the body).
  2. Start stroking the baby's back to warm up the skin.
  3. Place your fingers symmetrically on both sides of the spine (step back a little) and perform 20 pinching movements from the lower back to the shoulders.
  4. Repeat pinching with a slight offset to the sides.
  5. Step back a little and pinch the skin until you reach the sides (in the last movements, you should not reach the armpits).
  6. Place your palms with the ribs down and perform 20 beatings. Move diagonally from the lumbar region to your baby's shoulders.
  7. Clench your hands into fists and repeat the tapping along the same path.
  8. Next, the baby should clear his throat and lie on his back.
  9. Rub the chest, moving from its central part to the collarbone in a circular clockwise motion.
  10. Wrap the baby in a blanket and let it sit quietly for a while.

Video from a professional masseur

In this short video you will see a specialist performing a drainage massage - which movements are used in this procedure.

Features of massage for babies

It is not advised to do this massage for children under 3 months old. Since the skin of infants is more delicate, it is important to act gently and lightly.

Small children should warm up and wash their hands before performing a drainage massage. They should not have bracelets and rings, as well as long nails. To make your hands glide better, you can use a non-greasy cream or special baby oil.

It is equally important that such a massage be approved by a pediatrician watching the baby. For the first time, massage is advised on the 4th day of the disease. It is carried out twice a day - 30 minutes after the morning feeding and at night. This massage should last up to 10 minutes. The crumb should be massaged within 5 days.

During the procedure, the baby should be completely undressed and laid on the table, on which there is a blanket, oilcloth and a diaper. Putting a small roller under the tummy or the back of the baby, start the massage with slight pressure until a slight redness appears. First, the baby should lie on his stomach - you need to stroke his back, then rub the sides and tap on the back with the back of the hand.

Next, pay attention to the area between the ribs and chest. They must first be stroked and rubbed, and then they are tapped. To help your baby cough up better, you can take a clean teaspoon and press it on the root of the tongue. After the drainage massage, the baby will be warmed up, so he should be wrapped in a blanket and put in a crib for 1-1.5 hours, changing the barrel every fifteen minutes (this will prevent mucus stagnation).

If the baby begins to cry during the massage, the procedure should be stopped immediately. In the event that the condition has worsened, the massage is also stopped and the pediatrician is consulted.

In the video, Dr. Komarovsky will show you how to massage in the treatment of bronchitis.

Watch the video: How to Stop Coughing in 5 Minutes (September 2024).