
Rengalin tablets for children: instructions for use

Rengalin can be classified as a popular homeopathic remedy for coughing. One form of such a drug is tablets that must be sucked in the mouth. They are in demand in adults for the treatment of tracheitis, bronchitis or laryngitis. But before giving them to a child, it is worth learning more about the action of such a remedy, the doses recommended in childhood and possible negative effects.

Release form and composition

The main ingredients of the drug are special antibodies that have undergone affinity purification. These antibodies act on three types of substances: morphine, histamine, and bradykinin. The dosage of antibodies to each of these compounds is 0.006 g per tablet. Among the inactive components of "Rengalin" in solid form are isomalt and two sweeteners (cyclamate and sodium saccharin), as well as magnesium stearate and citric acid.

The tablets themselves are white, flat, cylindrical, sweet in taste. On the one hand, the drug has a risk and the name of the manufacturer (MATERIA MEDICA), on the other hand, there is no risk, but you can see the name of the drug (RENGALIN). The tablets are packaged in 10 pieces in a cell shell and are sold from 10 to 50 tablets in one pack.

Operating principle

The antibodies included in the tablets have the ability to affect the receptors of those substances in relation to which they are active. So, antibodies to histamine interact with receptors for this substance, antibodies to morphine affect opiate receptors, and antibodies to bradykinin, respectively, have an effect on bradykinin receptors. Thanks to such active ingredients, Rengalin acts on the respiratory tract in a complex way:

  • the tablets have antitussive activity, which is used for different types of cough, in particular, due to the presence of antibodies to bradykinin and histamine "Rengalin" affects the medulla oblongata, reducing the excitability of the cough center;
  • the agent has a decongestant and antiallergic effect, due to which it is effective in a situation where a cough is a symptom of an allergic reaction;
  • the reception of "Rengalin" reduces the activity of the inflammatory process, which is used by ENT doctors and pulmonologists in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • thanks to antibodies to morphine, the drug also has some analgesic effect, since it is capable of inhibiting both the centers of sensitivity to pain and pain impulses that are transmitted to the cortex from peripheral receptors;
  • the drug also has an antispasmodic effect, thereby helping to eliminate bronchospasm.

At the same time, treatment with Rengalin does not depress breathing and does not provoke dependence, which is often noted in other drugs with antitussive action.


"Rengalin" can be prescribed for any diseases that are accompanied by both wet and dry coughs. The drug is prescribed for patients with pharyngitis, acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, laryngitis, influenza and other diseases of the respiratory system caused by infectious agents and allergens.

At what age is it prescribed?

Reception of the solid form "Rengalin" in childhood is allowed from 3 years old.

If a younger patient has a cough, it is not recommended to give him pills. For such babies, together with a specialist, you need to choose other cough suppressants that can be used in children under three years old.


In addition to early age, the use of "Rengalin" in tablets is also prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug. There are no other contraindications to this drug.

Side effects

Some children react to pills with a skin rash, swelling, itching, or other manifestations of intolerance. In such a situation, further use of the drug must be abandoned. Reception of "Rengalin" does not cause drowsiness.

Instructions for use

The remedy is given one tablet at a time. The child should place the drug in the mouth and keep there until it is completely dissolved. Diet does not affect the time of taking Rengalin.

It is recommended to check the application regimen with a doctor, since in the first days of the disease, the frequency of admission is usually higher (up to six times), and as the condition improves, it decreases up to three times.

Overdose and drug interactions

If the dose of tablets is accidentally exceeded, symptoms of dyspepsia may appear, which disappear on their own soon after cancellation.

As for compatibility with other drugs, the manufacturer notes that Rengalin can be used together with any other drugs without any problems.

Terms of sale and storage

Since Rengalin is a non-prescription drug, there are no difficulties in purchasing it at a pharmacy. The average price of 20 tablets is 180-200 rubles.

At home, the drug should be stored at temperatures below 25 degrees Celsius in a place hidden from children. The shelf life of the tablets is 3 years. After its expiration, children should not be given medicine.


There are many positive reviews about the use of Rengalin in children. Among the advantages of the drug are called its effective effect on coughing, safety for children and good tolerance.

However, there are also reviews in which they complain about the lack of a therapeutic effect. In them, the parents say that the remedy did not fit their children and did not relieve the cough, which is why they had to resort to other drugs.


If it is difficult for a child to dissolve a solid preparation, or if it was not in the pharmacy, you can use another dosage form of Rengalin, represented by a solution. Such a transparent liquid agent has the same active components, therefore, the effect on the body will be the same. Liquid "Rengalin" is also used from 3 years old, but due to other excipients, such a remedy has more contraindications.

Medicines with a similar therapeutic effect are also capable of replacing the remedy for coughing in children. Among them, herbal preparations are in special demand, for example, the elixir "Bronchicum TP", which is based on two extracts: from thyme and from primrose. The medication is allowed for children over a year old and is in demand for respiratory diseases due to its expectorant, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator and antimicrobial effects.

With a wet cough, other expectorants are no less popular, for example, "Prospan", "Bronchipret", "Mukaltin", "Eucabal", "Linkas", "Gerbion" and so on.

If you need to choose a suitable replacement for "Rengalin" among them, it is better to consult a doctor, because such drugs have different dosage forms, active substances and age restrictions.

If a child suffers from a dry cough, instead of Rengalin, drugs with an antitussive effect may be prescribed, for example, the drug Codelac Neo. The active substance of such a medication, butamirate, is capable of affecting the cough center, as a result of which the cough reflex is suppressed.

In the form of drops, the remedy can even be used in infants (such "Codelac Neo" is allowed from the age of two months), and in syrup it is prescribed for children over three years old.

Its analogues include the drugs Paxeladin, Omnitus, Sinekod and others. They also have the ability to block the cough reflex, so that the patient's condition with a dry cough is relieved. However, it is categorically impossible to use such funds without a doctor's appointment in childhood.

For information on how to treat a cough in children, see the next video.

Watch the video: How to childproof your tablet. Very Tech Tips (July 2024).