
7 reasons why you can't yell at children - it will turn out to be a ruin for parents

In the modern rules of raising children, the principle has long been rooted: no physical punishment. What about verbal aggression? To the question of whether it is possible to speak with a child in a raised voice or not, most parents do not have such a radical negative attitude. Even in the most exemplary and prosperous families, parents often allow themselves to raise their voice in conversation with their child. Why is it not permissible for parents to yell at a child?

A cry is a catalyst for the development of trauma of a fragile psyche

According to clinical studies of psychologists, frequent parental screams at a baby in childhood are a direct path to the development of depressive conditions in him already in adolescence. Due to the formed trauma, such adolescents often suffer from low self-esteem, do not trust their parents and do not share even the most difficult experiences.

Raising your voice is an indicator of parental helplessness

A person with a stable psychological state and a high level of internal introspection will never yell at his own child. A reasonable parent will give himself time to calm down, stabilize emotionally and only after that will enter into an explanatory dialogue with the baby. And a cry is an admission of one's own powerlessness in front of a situation and a criterion for a complete lack of self-control.

Screaming is an unhealthy communication tool

When talking to the child in a raised voice, the parent evokes in the child only emotions of helplessness and resentment. If the educator has chosen an aggressive strategy of behavior when clarifying the relationship with the child, you should definitely not expect a sincere apology and rethinking of your behavior from the child.

Aggression breeds aggression

The behavior of children is a direct reflection of the attitude of adults towards them. But, naturally, the child cannot afford to respond to the parent - his position in the family is lower. Therefore, the kid begins to take out aggression in a different way: he is the instigator of fights in kindergarten, humiliates educators and teachers.

Screaming traumatizes no less physical punishment

Naturally, a 14-year-old teenager can already fight back an adult parent: shout, be rude and leave home for the duration of the conflict. But younger children have no choice but to accept and be in a state of stress. Consequently, by allowing himself verbal aggression towards a defenseless baby, the parent automatically acts as a sadist.

Screaming is also harmful to physical health

The constant stress in which a child grows up due to the incontinence of parents cannot be tolerated without a trace. The kid will start looking for a way to calm down, for example, by uncontrolled absorption of high-calorie foods. Which will lead to obesity and problems with the body as a whole.

The cry destroys the sacred connection between the child and the parent

Young children take any parental breakdown at their own expense. The child thinks that mom is angry because he is bad and wrong. Even if mom later apologizes for what she said, the conflict will be imprinted in the child's memory.

Watch the video: 10 Things You Should Never Say to Teens (July 2024).