
"Gerbion" during pregnancy: instructions for use

A woman who is expecting a baby should take care of her health in order to exclude colds and viral infections, but it is not always possible to avoid diseases, especially if the pregnancy fell on the winter cold or changeable spring time. Among the symptoms of ARVI, coughing is considered one of the most dangerous during childbearing. It not only strains the abdominal muscles, which can lead to increased uterine tone, but also impairs the oxygen supply to the fetus, which can lead to developmental disorders.

If a cough poses a threat to a pregnant woman, a specialist may prescribe medication to eliminate it. The pharmacy sells several drugs called "Gerbion", but during pregnancy, their use is limited, which is confirmed by the review of reviews. In the instructions for using the syrup, it is noted that such a remedy is contraindicated in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters, so the question "can pregnant women drink it from dry or wet cough?" is in the competence of the doctor who observes the expectant mother.

Features of the drug

There are several medicines produced by the pharmaceutical company KRKA under the name "Gerbion" in the pharmacy. They are represented by three syrups, which have a different composition, but a similar therapeutic effect. The drugs can be purchased without a prescription in glass bottles. One bottle contains a viscous brown liquid in a volume of 150 ml. Each of the syrups has its own specific aroma, which is given to it by the main component - primrose, ivy or plantain. Along with the bottle, the box contains a plastic spoon for easy dispensing with graduations to help you measure out 1.25, 2.5 and 5 ml.

The basis of ivy syrup is a dry extract of ivy leaves at a dose of 7 mg per ml.

Two other versions of "Herbion" contain two liquid extracts: in plantain syrup there is additionally extract from mallow flowers (this medicine also contains ascorbic acid at a dosage of 65 mg per 5 ml), and primrose syrup also contains thyme extract... Among the auxiliary components of such drugs can be seen sucrose, levomenthol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, sorbitol and other substances... One of the additional ingredients in ivy syrup is ethanol at a dose of 0.01 mg per ml.

Operating principle

The active substances of the plants from which "Herbion" is made have expectorant properties, so they help to cough up phlegm, reducing its viscosity. As a result of the influence of plant extracts, the bronchial secretion becomes more liquid, which facilitates its separation from the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. In addition, ivy syrup additionally relaxes the muscles of the bronchi, if they are spasmodic, and preparations with primrose and plantain have antimicrobial properties.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

As already noted above, the annotation to all Herbion syrups contains information that such medicines, despite their plant basis, are prohibited to be used while carrying a child. This is primarily due to the lack of serious research on the effect of drugs on the fetus, which is why there is no complete confidence in the safety of such funds for expectant mothers.

If one of the syrups is prescribed to a woman, then the attending physician assumes responsibility for this, taking into account the condition of the pregnant woman and the expediency of such treatment.

Moreover, in the 1st trimester, the most important period of gestation, Herbion syrups are not used. The use of any of these drugs is permissible only in 2-3 trimesters, under the supervision of a specialist and for a short period.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

The main reason for using any Herbion syrup is a cough, which manifests itself in various diseases of the respiratory system.... The drugs are in demand when the viscosity of the sputum is too high, which makes it difficult to cough up it. They are prescribed for patients with tracheitis, bronchitis, acute respiratory viral infections and other diseases.


Refuse treatment with "Herbion" will have to be in case of hypersensitivity to any active or inactive ingredient of the syrup. Since each of the drugs contains sucrose, their use is also prohibited in diabetes mellitus and hereditary diseases that affect the metabolism of carbohydrates.

Side effects

Since the basis of "Herbion" are plant extracts, then any of these syrups can cause rashes, itching, or other allergic symptoms... Sometimes taking the drug can lead to vomiting or nausea, and "Ivy Syrup" due to the presence of sorbitol in the composition can thin the stool.

Instructions for use

If the doctor prescribed Gerbion to the expectant mother, then it is important to follow his recommendations, observing the prescribed dosage and frequency of administration. It is recommended to shake the bottle with syrup before use, as the plant material will settle to the bottom during storage. The medication is drunk undiluted after meals, dispensing with a measuring spoon. After swallowing the medicine, it is advisable to drink it with a large volume of water in order to enhance the expectorant effect.

How much to take "Gerbiona" at one time is determined individually, since some mothers will have enough baby dosage (5 ml), and someone will need to take two measuring spoons (10 ml) at once.

How often to take the remedy is also decided by the attending physician, but most often ivy syrup is taken twice a day, and other syrups - three times.

The duration of treatment depends on the symptoms and the response of the female body to the drug. In most cases, "Herbion" is taken no longer than one week, but sometimes it can be discharged for a longer period, if the specialist recommended it to the expectant mother. It is unacceptable to continue taking the drug on your own or to increase its dosage during pregnancy.


There are different reviews about the use of "Herbion" while waiting for a child. Those women who decide to take such syrups as prescribed by a doctor note that the drugs are effective, taste good, and quickly cope with dry coughs. They did not notice any negative consequences for the fetus after treatment with Herbion. However, some pregnant women did not want to risk it and refused to use the syrup, asking the doctor to find a safer analogue. At the same time, side effects in those patients who drank "Herbion", judging by the reviews, occurred in very rare cases.


If a woman in position needs medicine for a cough, her doctor may recommend one of the following medicines.

  • "Mukaltin"... These small tablets contain marshmallow extract, which, due to polysaccharides, salts, pectins and other active substances, affects the respiratory tract, reducing the viscosity of mucus and softening the mucous membrane. The drug can be used at any stage of pregnancy. They drink it 1-2 tablets up to three times a day, dissolving the medication in the mouth or swallowing the drug with plain water. Instead of pills, the doctor may recommend Althea Syrup, which is a complete replacement for Mukaltin.

  • Stodal. This homeopathic syrup works through a variety of active ingredients, including Bryony, Lobaria pulmonary, Ipecacuana, and Sea Sponge. The drug helps to thin the phlegm, relieve dry cough and eliminate stagnation of bronchial secretions. During pregnancy, it can be used as directed by a doctor, with the exception of early periods, since the product contains ethyl alcohol. Usually, the syrup is taken 15 ml up to 5 times a day.

  • "Lazolvan"... This medicine works by ambroxol and is often used for bronchial inflammation or pneumonia. The doctor may prescribe this medication in the 2nd or 3rd trimester, if there are grounds for such treatment. The mode of application depends on the chosen form - "Lazolvan" is produced in the form of a solution, tablets and syrup. In some cases, the doctor prescribes the expectant mother to do inhalations (a solution is used for them). Among the analogues of "Lazolvan" in terms of the active substance, one can name "Flavamed", "Bronhorus", "Ambrobene", "Ambrohexal" and other means. They can also be prescribed to pregnant women with a cough at a later date.