
Lullabies for newborns

Aspiring parents often worry about why their child does not sleep well. It seems to them that this can lead to very bad consequences. In practice, everything is not as bad as it seems at first glance. In most cases, a lullaby and the correct organization of the baby's daily routine can solve the problem of putting a child to sleep.

Dreams and dreams

Why does the child sleep poorly

There is an illusion among novice parents that a small child should only eat and sleep in a crib. If he is suddenly awake, it can be alarming. Babies sleep is somewhat different from adults. The baby in most cases is in a phase of REM sleep, when it is very easy to wake up. In such situations, no remedial action is necessary. A lullaby for babies will help normalize sleep.

Lullaby for a baby

Also, the child can sleep off his watch, including when he is breastfeeding. The fact is that babies can eat in their sleep, parents believe that they are not sleeping at this time. When the baby has got enough sleep, it is absolutely normal for him not to close his eyes.

Parents may be worried that the child used to sleep well, but stopped by the year. The fact is that a baby by the age of 6 months already begins to be interested in the world, crawls a little. Everything that he sees can evoke certain impressions. The nervous system is overexcited, and the child cannot sleep.

If the 6 month old miracle is too tired, then sleep problems may also occur. Therefore, information overload should not be allowed. Rocking your baby in the arms will also help calm them down. Hugs remind the baby of intrauterine life, where he was warm, cramped and comfortable. Inside the mother, the child is constantly rocked by her body. The closer his life in the early stages to the conditions that were in the womb, the easier it is for him to adapt.

The benefits of lullabies for a newborn

Lullabies are also a good method of calming a person down during childhood. The melody of these songs is calm, so the emotions of the baby are stabilized under their influence. In addition, lullabies are a way of communication that forms the parent's emotional attachment to the baby.

Baby sleep

Lullabies can tune your baby to sleep. In the future, they will form a conditioned reflex, and the eyes themselves will stick together as soon as the parent sings a soothing song.

At an older age, the child remembers the song. It is interesting that in the state between sleep and wakefulness, the brain is especially actively assimilating information, so it is very important that at this moment a positive comes to the baby. At the moment of falling asleep, advertisements on TV, radio and other aggressive sounds can damage the fragile psyche of a child.

Newborn lullaby text

The content of a soothing song should be clear. Lullabies for newborns, as an element of folklore, are able to form a picture of the child's world, the core of his morality, teach to distinguish between the concepts of "good" and "evil". Lullabies can introduce a child to the possible dangers, but they do not frighten the child. This is because the source of evil is always external, while a way of avoiding it is indicated.

Lullaby with fabulous motives

The text should program the child's mind for a bright future and indicate that everyone loves him. It is advisable to use diminutive suffixes. They not only express warm feelings towards the child, but also develop speech. After all, a lot of words in Russian are formed using suffixes. Therefore, it would be good for the child to instill this grammatical model from childhood.

Experts also recommend using the baby's name in a lullaby. So it will be easier for him to realize his personality and highlight the name in the stream of mom's words. The text itself should not be too long.

Features of lullabies for babies

Basic rules for choosing a lullaby for a baby:

  1. Harmony. The ideal time signature is four quarters. It is in this rhythm that the heart beats. The pace is small. If the child has reached one year of age, he can be given to listen to faster melodies. There should be no sharp changes in volume, rhythm in music. The flow of the melody should be calm.
  2. The text should contain many words, sounds or phrases that are repeated with a clear rhythm. A song like this is more likely to lull the child.
  3. The optimal music volume level for falling asleep children from 0 days is medium. Moreover, the younger the child, the quieter the music should be. If the volume is too high, then the melody can scare the baby, the quiet sound will not be heard.
  4. It is better to sing than to let you listen. This is how the relative communicates with the child and establishes emotional contact with him, which will help in the future to bring up the child. It does not matter how well the ear for music is developed, and whether the lullaby performer sings well. The very fact of performance is important.

Important! It is better to sing the lullaby yourself than to let it listen. Although sometimes the second option is possible. The main thing is that it should not be a system. The emotional contact between parent and child is much more important.

How to sing lullabies correctly

Aspiring parents are often afraid to sing lullabies on their own because they have no voice or hearing. It is important to remember here that the singer is not at a concert. A lullaby is an act of communication with a child, a way to establish contact with him, as well as a means of calming the baby, the ultimate goal of which is to put him to bed. Therefore, it is important to ensure that all other styling preparations are made. The child must be well-fed, clean and dry.

It is also important for a parent singing a lullaby to calm down. It is better to meditate for at least ten minutes before this. A nervous parent infects the baby with his worries, so the probability that the latter will fall asleep is less. Before singing a lullaby, it is very important to turn off the phone, dim the lights and close the bedroom door.

The child is sleeping

Although musical ability is not so important, the melody still needs to be learned carefully. The fact is that the ear for music is responsible not only for the perception of the melody, but also for the recognition of intonations. Therefore, it is desirable that the child listens to pure chanting. By the way, most of the problems with the purity of the melody intonation in adults arise precisely because the song was not properly learned. Again, emotional contact is more important than vocal ability.

If your vocal abilities are lame, then it is better to sing in a half-whisper or recitative.

It is also necessary to learn the words of the song through which the child gets acquainted with the language and culture of the country in which he was born.

It is easy to fall asleep in a good mood, so it must be ensured.

How to choose lullabies under 1 year old

It is advisable to start with folk lullabies. They most closely match the criteria described above. There are many repetitions of words and phrases, the moral values ​​of the people are revealed, and so on. They are not very fast in pace, so they do a good job of putting the child to bed. In general, it is not so important what to sing. How to do it is much more important.

Soothing music for baby sleep

Soothing music for baby sleep goes far beyond lullabies. The main task of a melody or song is to form a complacent calm positive in the baby. It is very easy to fall asleep in this state.

There are many types of soothing music:

  1. Lullabies. Usually these are folk songs, each nation has its own. Through them, the child can get acquainted with the culture of different countries. Therefore, you can offer your child a repertoire of different lullabies. All this will develop the baby.
  2. Classical soothing music for newborns' sleep, the benefits of which are increasingly being discussed by scientists. The pluses of this type of soothing music include the fact that it can partially replace the parents and free them a little from the need to sing a lullaby if there is a lot to do.

Important to remember! During such a break, there is no emotional contact with the child, so it is better to sing yourself. Classical music trains the ear for music through the complexity of the melody, as well as taste. You need to choose calm rhythms.

  1. Sounds of nature, birdsong. It's not really music, but it also has a calming effect. The soothing sounds of nature for a baby can be called a kind of music.
  2. Meditation music specially developed by scientists to calm a person, regardless of his age. It uses a special frequency range that plunges a person into a half-asleep state, from which it is very easy to fall asleep.
  3. Pop music. Unexpectedly, some children may fall asleep to the tunes of popular artists. Therefore, many mothers, instead of lullabies, include songs that the child likes. Emotional contact with the baby is established at other times.

In terms of content, lullabies for newborns are divided into songs about a child, fairy tales (in which he gets acquainted with the categories of good and evil, the characters of the characters), as well as compositions telling about the mother's love.

A soothing song for a child's sleep should be selected individually, based on the wishes of the baby. If one song doesn't work, you can try another. Sometimes unexpected melodies for falling asleep of a baby can come up, it is important to be creative.

TOP lullabies for babies

It is difficult to choose the best music for babies for sleeping, because every child perceives the same melody differently. Nevertheless, the song should have calm motives, a pleasant melody, due to which the child calms down and positively attunes.

The repetitive lullaby melody for newborns and babies introduces the baby into a trance state that easily puts the baby to sleep.

7 options for sleeping music for babies up to 1 year old and older:

  1. "Bayu-bayushki-bayu, do not lie on the edge." A well-known song capable of lulling a child due to a repetitive motive and sounds "A", "U".
  2. Lullaby of Arina Rodionovna. A pleasant and calm melody, without information overload.
  3. "Sleep, my joy, sleep."
  4. "Lullaby of the bear".
  5. "Sleep, baby, my lovely." Has many repetitive words that have a hypnotizing effect.
  6. "A cricket sings behind the stove."
  7. "Oh, sleep walk" is a Ukrainian lullaby capable of acquainting one with the culture of this country.

Now it is easy to listen to these and other songs online and quickly learn the lyrics and melody and so relax, lull the baby to sleep before bed.

You can sing lullabies for babies up to 20 weeks before birth, when the baby can already hear what is happening outside the womb. Moreover, mom has more free time, which she can devote to studying the melody and words. Lulling a child is a pleasant and simple process if you get used to it.


Watch the video: 8 HOURS Lullabies for Babies to go to Sleep Disney music Baby lullaby songs go to sleep (July 2024).