
How to develop a baby at 7 months

Before developing a child at 7 months, you should make sure that he is in a good mood and willing to play. If the baby is capricious and not inclined to concentrate, it is better to engage in development with him later. Any exercise should be a way to entertain the child. Do not overload him with long studies. The best exercise is one that lasts for 5-7 minutes, no longer.

7 months child

How to play with your 7 month old baby

How to play with a boy

Based on the information that boys are more interested in moving toys, you should choose spinning objects for them. One of the best options would be a toy based on an axle and one wheel. It will be very interesting for any boy to hold a toy with one hand by the stick, and spin the wheel with the other.

Attention! If there is no special version of such a toy at hand, and you have to use the most ordinary metal axle with a wheel, it is important to ensure the safety of the child by covering the sharp end of the axle with something soft. For example, it can be fabric folded in several layers, fixed on a tip.

The boy will love playing with a moving car. It can be rolled in front of a child sitting on the rug, making a distinctive sound. It is important to describe the car: what color it is, large or small, loud or quiet, fast or slow.

How to play with a girl

Girls like to look at details. In order to play with the baby, you can take the doll and show her eyes, nose, eyelashes, ears, hair, arms, legs. It is better if the mother demonstrates the details first on the doll, then on herself, then on her daughter. For example: "the doll has a nose (indicate with a gesture), the mother's nose (indicate with a gesture), Masha's nose (indicate with a gesture)." Slowly, consistently, not lazy, repeat several times.

Girl and doll

An interesting game will be for a girl to admire herself through a safe baby mirror. They are often made from cardboard and foil. Such a mirror cannot be broken and injured; it can be thrown, gnawed and crushed. The seven-month-old fashionista will look into it with pleasure, grimacing, making sounds, and even taste her reflection.

The best games for a 7 month old baby

The most important thing is that toys for a 7 month old baby should be safe, they should not have small detachable parts that risk getting into the mouth, from there into the respiratory tract or stomach.

How to play at home

At home, it is easy to find activities for seven-month-old children, for this you do not need to buy expensive devices or educational tools. At this age, excellent conditions for learning about the world can be created from safe household items: this is a small saucepan with a light lid, plastic containers for bulk products that fit one into the other, like nesting dolls, multi-colored clothespins, balls of bright threads.

An interesting activity would be folding a bright object into a box or container that closes with a lid. After the object is hidden, the parents ask the question: “Where? - No". The lid rises, the object is taken out, and the adult says: "Here!" After demonstrating the sequence of actions, the child will certainly try to repeat the task. Probably the question "Where?" the baby will depict with gesture and facial expressions. This is very important for forming emotional contact and understanding the mood by facial expression.

Child and container

What physical exercises are good for your baby

The best physical play with a 7 month old baby is crawling and shifting from lying to sitting. To do this, the child is offered to take a toy, placing it at a distance of half a meter from him, motivating him to move independently. The baby can first be laid out on his stomach before playing so that he can get on all fours, crawl to the toy and sit down to play with it. If it is still difficult for the child to sit on his own, the toy should be placed near a pillow or other support that will help the child to take a sitting position after reaching the goal.

Classification of educational games for children at 7 months

Teaching children anything is best in a playful way. Hearing, attention, and speech - all acquired skills are mastered and developed in games.

Speech development

In order to help your child master speech, you need to communicate with him correctly. Games with a 7 month old baby should contain short sayings, songs, quatrains. If every day a child hears the same set of words that will be served to him with a melody or a game, rhythmically, he will remember it faster. Let the baby not speak at 7 months, but he will definitely already know all the songs. Even after he turns one year old, the parents will undoubtedly be delighted with the child's ability to repeat the endings of each line in the songs. These will be first hums, later - syllables of the last phrases.

Parents should remember that children, starting from six months, tend to repeat the same action several times. This guarantees them a sense of confidence. When a child knows that after he opens a page of a book, an image of a wolf will appear in front of him, and dad will utter a wolf cry, the baby will receive great indescribable pleasure and will repeat this many times, satisfied with the confidence in the sequence.

Attention! In communicating with a child, one most important rule should be adhered to: the addressed speech should contain a minimum of words and a maximum of meaning. The child must understand the essence of what was said by two or three parental words.

It is wrong to offer food like this: "Vanya, let's eat some soup, I cooked a beetroot today." It is correct to say this: "Vanya, will you have some soup?" or "Vanechka, eat soup." Such phrases may seem soulless, like commands for dogs. But, if parents want their child to speak in a year and three months, this option of communication is necessary. It is difficult for a kid to catch a sequence of sounds in a long sentence. He is able to understand only the gentle intonation of his mother, who called his name and something else affectionate. Thanks to laconic phrases, he will be able to utter "su!" Very soon, which will mean the demand for soup.

Woman with child

In everyday communication, phrases filled with epithets, metaphors, diminutive-affectionate references are not prohibited. The child needs this, but when the parents describe the action in words, it is better to adhere to the rule of "few words, more meaning." Soviet pediatrician, E.O. Komarovsky, receives a large number of letters to the mail with a question about medications that can develop the child's speech. All parents receive one answer: “In order for a child to start talking, you need to communicate with him. There are no pills for the development of speech. "

Games for developing sensorimotor skills

You can develop children's motor skills at 7 months with the help of croup. In order to draw the child's attention to small, ugly cereals, you can use a trick: dye the rice with food coloring in different colors. A little later, the child will be able to sort the grains by color. In order to color rice, you will need:

  • rice, 1 kg;
  • food coloring, similar to those used for Easter eggs;
  • water, 1.5 liters.

Dissolve the dye in water, immerse rice in it for 15 minutes. Drain the water, dry the rice. Pour the colored grains into a cup and let the child play with the colored cereals.

Colored rice

Coordination games

Playing with a 7 month old can help develop coordination. For this:

  • They put toys on one side, then on the other of the baby, forcing him to turn on one side, then on the other;
  • A bright rustling object is hung over the child so that he can reach it, leaning on the side of the bed. The child should not stand on the foot. Suffice it to be such a height at which he can reach the object, kneeling and erect.
  • While bathing, take a full bath of water so that the child submerges as much of the body as possible under water, this will give him the opportunity to try to sit on his own without overloading the spine;
  • When bathing a child, use rubber bright toys, which he will try to grab, keeping his body in an upright position. Toys will elude him, so the baby will have to make an effort to coordinate movements in the water.

Development of hearing and vision

Musical toys can be used to develop hearing. Playing hide and seek with them will allow you to learn to listen to sounds and determine their location. In order to engage in the development of hearing, you need to start sound signals on the toy, hide it somewhere near the baby under a cloth and ask the little one to determine where the sound is from.

It is important to let your child make noise on their own. Improvised box drums or a purchased toy drum will help with this. The adult first shows the child how to make a sound: he knocks on the object with his hand or a pencil, and then invites the child to repeat.

Rolling the ball will help develop visual acuity. The child will follow the approaching and receding object, trying to keep his gaze on it.

Almost any game for a kid of this age will be developing. Everyday communication with adults is an important element of social development.

Watch the video: 7 Months Old Baby Milestones (July 2024).