
Psychosomatic causes of sinusitis in children and adults

Sinusitis is a disease that is diagnosed not only in children, but also in adults. It occupies a leading position among ENT diseases. The prevalence of the disease is growing rapidly. According to the latest data, it is 140 cases for every 1000 people. WHO emphasizes that every year the number of cases of sinusitis grows, and it is not yet possible to name the reasons for such a negative trend.

There are psychosomatic causes of sinusitis that help get rid of it.

General information

Sinusitis is a type of sinusitis - an inflammatory disease. The mucous membrane of one or several sinuses at once is inflamed. In the case of sinusitis, the maxillary sinus becomes inflamed, with frontal sinusitis, inflammation of the frontal sinus is observed.

Often, sinusitis occurs as a result of complications after an acute respiratory viral infection. Both bacteria and pathogenic fungi can cause disease. The disease can develop after an injury to the face.

Sinusitis accompanies a feeling of pressing heaviness in the sinuses, which flows into pain when trying to sharply turn the head, raise it, lower it. Nasal breathing is extremely difficult, transparent or purulent mucous discharge comes out of the nose.

Most often, sinusitis occurs in children aged 3 to 15 years. In such patients, sinusitis additionally causes sleep disturbance, memory impairment. Children often suffer from chronic sinusitis, which worsens several times a year.

In adults, the chronic form of the disease also predominates, cases of acute sinusitis in adulthood are rather rare.

Psychosomatic causes

The nose, both from the point of view of psychosomatics and traditional medicine, is an organ that is responsible for breathing and allows a person to catch odors. In psychosomatic medicine, not only the physiology of an organ is considered, but also its connection with the psychological state of a person. The psychosomatic interpretation is that this is an organ that allows a person to receive important information from the outside world. The nose makes it possible to "breathe" life, and the sense of smell allows you to get pleasure from this life - to enjoy smells.

As soon as an adult or child stops breathing through the nose, this actually interferes with the perception of life and the joy of this process. People often create such a hindrance for themselves.. As soon as a person ceases to enjoy life, does not notice its "shades", he starts a runny nose.

But sinusitis is not only a stuffy nose, but also an inflammatory process. In psychosomatics, inflammation is always closely related to irritation, feelings of anger, suppressed negative emotions. A person with sinusitis "carries" a lot of negative emotions that prevent him from pleasing life and "breathing" it freely, without obstacles.

It is often believed that sinusitis occurs in those who are used to suppressing their own crying. From a medical point of view, this is not absurd - tears enter the nasal passages through the nasolacrimal canal, they disinfect and cleanse it.

Crying children sniffle - this is a manifestation of the action of tear fluid on the nasal passages.

If a person forbids himself to cry, then the likelihood of sinusitis increases rapidly.

In psychology, there is the concept of "inner crying". It can occur in everyone, regardless of age, character, upbringing. But for some, “inner crying” bursts out and cleans not only the nose, but also the emotional background (people cry, pour out their souls, it becomes easier for them), while others suppress their “inner cry”, forbid themselves to throw out emotions.

It is this a category of children and adults who believe that crying is indecent, ugly, unacceptable, more often than others suffer from sinusitis... Psychologists describe a person with chronic long-term sinusitis as stingy with emotions, very restrained outwardly, but very sensitive and even suspicious inwardly.

And these experiences, which he prefers to leave inside, gradually begin to destroy him. Such people have low self-esteem and are prone to anger, which also does not manifest externally. The person simply clenches his fists and walks away, adding another “destructive” experience to his “inner piggy bank”.

In children

At first glance, it may seem that children should not have sinusitis and sinusitis in general, because they cry so easily. But this is only at first glance. Parents or other adults who raise the child are always to blame for the mechanism of the development of the disease in childhood... For example, a strict mother says to a toddler who raged on the playground on the street: “Stop crying! You are already big! " A loving mother regrets and soothes the child, pats him on the head and tenderly says: "Well, that's it, don't cry!" In this way, the child receives an experience that tells him that it is impossible to cry, that this is a manifestation of weakness, and as he grows up, the child stops crying completely.

Some parents in their educational measures go even further, and from a very early age literally "squeeze" the child's ability to cry. Usually mums and dads of boys "sin" with this, who authoritatively and strictly forbid a one-year-old tobol to roar, referring to the fact that he is a boy, and "men do not cry."

Attitudes endured from childhood are firmly "settled" in the subconscious... Is this not the reason for the statistics that among adults, men, and not women, suffer from chronic forms of sinusitis in the majority? Girls, girls, women are more vulnerable creatures, more easily "giving away" emotions (resentment, irritation, anger) through tears.

If the main cause of childhood sinusitis is suppressed crying, then the main predisposing factor for the development of the disease should be considered a lack of love and attention. If parents are always busy, pay almost no attention to their child, then he begins to feel unnecessary, and strict parental attitudes "no longer" forbid him to cry about this. It is in this situation that the most severe sinusitis develop: with a high temperature and a prolonged course.

Another wrong parenting model that allows you to raise a child with ENT pathologies is excessive care. A child who can take care of himself (eat, dress) does not need help... If the parents start to do this, then they "choke" the child with care, and in this case, not only a violation of nasal breathing, sinusitis, but also problems with the lungs and bronchi may appear.

Researchers' opinion

Due to the widespread occurrence of sinusitis, the psychology of the disease was studied by specialists, many of whom compiled tables of diseases, which included sinusitis. So, psychologist and teacher Louise Hay saw the main cause of sinusitis in children and adults as a grudge against loved ones..

She believed that innuendo, uncertainty in relationships, restraint of their emotions, indecision do not allow a person to enjoy life "to the fullest," and therefore the pathology of the nose develops. The acute form of sinusitis, according to Hay, is the reaction of the psyche to the experience of a dead end situation, from which a person does not see a way out. AND chronic sinusitis, according to Dr. Louise, is a manifestation of the fact that a person has been in a state of uncertainty for a long time.

Canadian researcher doctor Liz Burbo claims that sinusitis is a disease of introverted people... A person does not want to "breathe the world", closes his own nose, which is what happens in the case of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.

Therapist and psychotherapist Valery Sinelnikov believes that sinusitis develops in those who are not confident in their own abilities, do not feel able to accept everything new. from the outside world, in people suffering from an inferiority complex.

How to recover?

Psychosomatics in no way calls to abandon traditional treatment and stop visiting a doctor, limiting itself only to the methods of psychoanalysis and psychocorrection. A child and an adult with a diagnosed sinusitis must definitely be treated: fight the causative agent of inflammation and free the sinuses from the accumulation of mucus.

The same will have to be done at the psychological level, only not with antibiotics and antiseptics, but by understanding the essence of one's problem and gradually eliminating incorrect attitudes, the main one of which is “you mustn't cry”.

Crying can and should be at any age for both sexes. But at the same time, you cannot manipulate others (this is sometimes done by children or women). You can cry when there is a need for it. Squeezing emotions that cause tears is dangerous.

The results that psychological work on your own mistakes will give will not be long in coming. Recovery will go faster, and in the future, the likelihood of relapse of the disease will be minimal. Without such work, you can "crush" the symptoms with drugs, but completely eliminate the cause will not work - that is why sinusitis very often becomes chronic and comes back again and again.

An adult suffering from such a disease should honestly ask himself what prevents him from breathing freely, enjoying life. Answers can be different: debts, fear of losing your job, family troubles. It is with fear or anger that you need to work. The challenge is to stop being afraid... A psychotherapist or psychologist can help with this.

If a child is sick, parents need to give him more freedom.... They should stop pulling him down, not forcing him to suppress emotions. Let him cry if he wants, or rejoice violently when such a need arises. Then the sinusitis will quickly recede, and the diseases of the nose will no longer bother the baby.

General recommendations for people of different ages: be sincere, do not keep emotions in yourself. Accept whatever life gives ("breathe" it in). Experiencing resentment, bitterness, pain, thank the “teachers” internally and immediately release them. This will be the best prevention of sinusitis and other diseases of the nose.

Watch the video: YAMIK procedure - a new method for topical treatment of sinusitis. (July 2024).