
Raising a child in Tibetan traditions

A surprisingly simple instruction for parents was found by me on the Internet. It is a pity that not every family has such an upbringing system for children of any age.

Raising a child in Tibetan traditions excludes even the slightest use of force. It is easy to physically punish a child, because the baby is much weaker than adults and is not able to fight back. Therefore, many parents take advantage of their power advantage. Most of these parents at first glance seem to be cute, wonderful dads and moms, but this is just an illusion.

Periods of childhood development and parental behavior appropriate to them

  • 0-5 years old

The kid should feel like a full-fledged master in the house, or, simply speaking, "king." It is at this age that the child experiences the greatest peak of curiosity, begins to take an active interest in the world around him. To prohibit something to take or do is the wrong way out. Parents need to try to switch the baby's attention to another object, to interest him in something useful.

If the baby has already managed to break her mother's favorite vase, then you should not swear. If he does something dangerous, then it is enough to pretend to be frightened, make a frightened face and utter a frightened exclamation. Children understand this sign language well, but they do not know how to reason logically at all, and forceful punishment will simply suppress the desire to study the world. In the wrong way of education, the child will eventually obey only the one who is physically stronger than him. Few people will be satisfied with such a result of education, right?

  • 5 to 10 years old

This is the opposite period of upbringing compared to the first. Here, the child must be treated like "To the slave": constantly set tasks and demand fulfillment, force to learn. Each task will have to be monitored and if it is not fully completed, you can punish, but not physically. At this age, children are actively developing intelligence, the child must learn to predict the reaction of people to his actions. The upbringing method will help the child gain respect for himself and permanently avoid any negativity.

  • 10 to 15 years old

This period raises many questions from parents, but the answer to them is the simplest: treat your child as an equal. You still cannot match him, you have too much experience for this, but it is simply necessary to give the right to an independent choice. Talk and talk, make decisions together, try to become a friend for your daughter or son. Let your teen make the choice. Consult with your child on all important issues, provide and encourage independence. If you notice that the decision is reckless - do not prohibit or insist, just predict and voice possible negative consequences, give a little push to the right decision.

You need to present your point of view only with velvet gloves, with undeniable benefits. At this age, a stable own position should be formed, your own view of everything that happens. This is exactly the moment when the child begins to become independent, and you will become a real helper in this.

  • After 15 years

The personality formation process is complete. Re-educating children no longer makes sense, because it will not work, all that remains is to learn to respect the choice of your child, that is, "reap the benefits."

What can be the result of non-observance of such rules?

  1. A child under 5 years old, accustomed to suppression by forceful methods, will not strive for active actions, will not become inquisitive. He will learn to obey the stronger. As a result, it will turn into a “rag” for stronger people.
  2. If after 5 years the parents will indulge the child in everything, then a real lazy person will grow out of him, incapable of work and achieving goals.
  3. Excessive custody of a child over 10 years old will make him insecure. He will be dependent on stronger and more independent friends, but they will not always be able to have a positive effect on him.
  4. If a child after 15 years old does not feel respect for himself, then he will soon leave the family, he simply cannot forgive it.

How do you bring up your children?

  • There are no ideal mothers, or the secrets of French parenting;
  • 10 Things to Learn from Children
  • 25 tips on how to raise a child in love and peace;
  • 10 tips to stop yelling at your kids
  • Top 10 Parenting Mistakes in Parenting;
  • Raising a child up to a year: advice for parents, games and toys.

Watch the video: Tibetan Childrens Village, Leh-Ladakh (July 2024).