
What to do with a one-year-old child at home

When the child turns one year old, parents can breathe a sigh of relief - the most difficult thing is left behind. Ahead is the most interesting: the time of rapid development, knowledge of the world around and the acquisition of new skills.

One year old baby playing on the rug

Classes for a one-year-old child with mom

One-year-old babies are always on the move: with curiosity they explore the far corners of the apartment, open the cabinet doors, check the contents of boxes, pots and pots of flowers.

At one year old, babies need someone who will help make new discoveries and make it safe. Children listen carefully to everything that their parents say, and even answer in their own language, they understand a lot. They are happy to support any game proposed by an adult. It will not be difficult for mom to figure out what to do with the child at 1 year. He is fascinated by everything: cotton swabs, napkins, boxes with lids, rags, kitchen utensils.

At this age, babies enjoy soap bubbles and musical instruments. They easily remember and repeat the actions with objects that adults do: they depict how mom blows bubbles, follows dad, fingering guitar strings, confidently wielding drum sticks and even making music sounds from a pipe.

Children love to watch their own actions and the consequences of those actions. They tear up cotton wool, scatter clothes that they pulled out of the closet, pour water from a cup. It is worth providing a surface that can be painted with finger paints and you can forget about the problem, what to do with a one-year-old child at home.

Joint classes with mom contribute to the development of the child in different directions:

  • Development of speech;
  • Development of sensing and fine motor skills;
  • Creative development;
  • General development;
  • Development of self-service skills;
  • Physical development.

All classes are held in a playful way and bring only joy.

Why does a one-year-old child need a regimen

The daily routine creates a sense of stability. It is easier for a mother if she knows what time the child wakes up when she goes to sleep during the day and at night. This helps you to intelligently allocate and plan time for housework, preparing meals for the baby, walking, playing and activities with the child.

The daily routine is based on the knowledge of the child's rhythms: when he usually wakes up, when he is awake and ready to play, and when he is hungry or ready to sleep. This knowledge allows us to predict the desires of the baby and respond correctly to his behavior. One-year-old children still do not know how to communicate their desires, so capricious behavior speaks of the need for rest or that it is time for food.

The mode helps to create comfortable conditions for the little one: to put to bed and feed so as to avoid unwanted behavior. During naps, the mother has the opportunity to decide what to do with the one-year-old baby when he wakes up, and to prepare for this.

Child examines a toy

Daily routine has a positive effect on children. Periods of rest and rest are followed by periods of activity, after outdoor games, walking in the fresh air and eating, children want to sleep. Order and stability form a sense of security, without which it is more difficult for a child to develop correctly.

Educational games for one year old kids

Any game that parents can entertain children at this age becomes educational. Kids, like sponges, absorb everything new that adults show them. The most effective development is the one that brings pleasure. This is achieved in a playful way. In order to achieve the best result, you need to know how to develop a child at 1 year old, and which games are more suitable for this:

  1. For the development of speech:
  • games for the development of gross motor skills (finger and gesture);
  • games for the development of articulation - helping to learn how to blow;
  • reading rhymes and nursery rhymes that help pronounce sounds;
  • mom reading books for children from one year old;
  • listening to songs.
  1. To develop sensorimotor skills:
  • folding small items into cells, transferring them from one container to another;
  • games with kinetic sand: collect sand into a spatula, fill into a mold, knock on an inverted mold with a spatula;
  • removing objects of medium size from containers using a spoon or ladle;
  • playing with water, better in the bathroom while bathing with toys;
  • building a tower of cubes and a pyramid of rings;
  • pushing objects through the hole;
  • rolling a ball or car from a slide or an inclined surface;
  • wheelchair riding, toys on a string;
  • unfolding toys hidden in foil;
  • opening and closing jars and boxes.
  1. For creative development:
  • Painting;
  • modeling;
  • work with the test.
  1. For general development:
  • study of sizes, colors, geometric shapes;
  • study of fruits and vegetables, clothing and household items;
  • activities with toy animals or their images in pictures: each animal is named, then the sounds that it makes are depicted;
  • the study of cars, airplanes, trains and the sounds they reproduce;
  • plot games in the doctor, cook, builder.
  1. To develop self-service skills:
  • encouraging the baby to drink from a cup,
  • try to eat with a spoon,
  • brush your teeth,
  • get acquainted with the pot.

Additional Information. No matter how much you want to develop a child, you should not put pressure on him and force him to do what he does not like. You should turn your attention to another game or to what you can teach a child a year.

Child playing with cubes

Educational toys

Toys for 1 year olds don't have to be flashy. They are subject to safety and benefit requirements. In accordance with the directions of development, objects, books and toys are selected:

  1. For the development of speech:
  • bubble;
  • pipe.
  1. For the development of sensing and fine motor skills:
  • kinetic sand;
  • the simplest inset frames and the largest puzzles;
  • multi-colored cups of various sizes;
  • cubes, pyramids;
  • sorters;
  • lacing;
  • business board.
  1. For creative development:
  • Finger paint;
  • plasticine;
  • dough;
  • constructor;
  1. For general development:
  • nesting dolls;
  • balls of different colors;
  • dolls and soft toys in the form of animals;
  • books or pictures made of dense material with realistic images of fruits, vegetables, berries, clothing and household items, modes of transport;
  • play set doctor and a set of construction tools.
  1. To develop self-service skills:
  • play sets of cut vegetables, cutlery and dishes;
  • a cup with a spout;
  • a spoon with a curved handle;
  • children's toothbrush with soft bristles;
  • beautiful pot.

Interesting ideas for doing at home

There is no need to shield your child from household chores. This will help the baby to develop faster and bring up an assistant to the delight of the parents. It is worth letting your child:

  • Wipe the table with a cloth. You can moisten a cloth with water, which is usually used to wipe the dining table or children's table, show with what movements they wipe the surface, and give it to the baby. He will happily repeat the actions. Let not everything work out perfectly the first time. The more often parents give the child the opportunity to prove themselves by doing simple assignments and praise him, the faster the child will learn to do everything correctly, see the value of his own work, learn to appreciate other people's work and understand that parents trust him.

Kid helps mom

  • Sweep the floor with a brush. This work is best done in pairs. To do this, you should purchase a children's set of a brush and a scoop. The kid will watch the parents and try to repeat. The feeling of importance and need will play a role, the child will be happy with his participation.
  • Load the laundry into the washing machine. Children love to imitate adults: they help carry the laundry from the basket into the washing machine, or take out the clean laundry from the machine, helping their mother hang it up.

Active pastime for toddlers per year

The mental and physical development of children is related to each other, therefore, at the age of one, it is necessary to encourage the baby to move more. Many are already walking and need daily practice and exercise to improve their skill. You can start doing simple gymnastics, exercises in the morning. After a couple of months - jump.

It becomes possible to play outdoor games. This can be catch-up and hide-and-seek behind a closet door or curtains, a ball game or with a car, which involves rolling on the floor or a built road. You can throw and catch the ball with your mother, roll it.

Climbing and descending the steps of a ladder under the supervision of an adult is a good activity. Piles of books, folded in steps, will do. If there is a Swedish wall, you can work out on it. Sofas, chairs and armchairs can be used to climb up and down.

Note! During active games, adults should always be near the baby.

Independent games

In addition to playing with the baby, mom needs free time allocated for doing household chores. It is convenient to do some part of the work while the child is sleeping, but in this case, noisy types of work should be excluded. They will have to be postponed for the duration of the wakefulness of the toddler. In order for the baby to give mom the opportunity to do business, he should be taught to play on his own.

You can alternate between independent games and joint ones. As soon as the attention of the baby is occupied by the toy, the mother should get busy, while being nearby so that the child feels her presence.

Of course, it will not work to distract a one-year-old child for 3 hours without the participation of another adult, but it is quite possible to organize this for 15-20 minutes.

Child playing constructor

Kids are very curious a year, they are interested in everything. Things and objects common for adults are perceived by children in a completely different way. It is worth showing new objects that may interest the child:

  1. Supermarket bags. They are large, rustle, they can be thrown, you can walk with them, you can put toys in them. If you show how to use the bags, your little one will play with them.

Important! It is necessary to ensure that the child does not put the bag on his head - possible choking.

  1. Bulk items: cereals, pasta. The lesson is useful in that it contributes to the development of fine motor skills. Pouring these items into containers, such as pots provided by your mom, will distract your baby. Everything may end up scattering these loose objects all over the room or even the apartment, but this minor harm caused to the cleanliness of the house cannot be compared with the benefits of a child playing independently and the development of his fine motor skills, on which the speed of development of thinking, coordination and speech depends.
  2. Roll of toilet paper. Kids love to rip soft toilet paper to shreds. It gives them great joy to watch how it unwinds when they pull it. When the roll is completely unrolled, the child can sit for a long time, wrapped in paper, touching it with his fingers and picking up what is still intact.
  3. Busyboard. A structure made of a board with hooks, handles, locks, latches, opening doors, wheels, switches, stoppers and other attributes that are usually prohibited, keep kids busy.
  4. A box with old toys. Parents are advised not to buy many toys, but to divide the already purchased ones into two parts and give them to the child in turn. The child plays with one part of the toys, the other is folded into a box and taken out if necessary to keep the little one busy. Getting all the toys out of the box and looking at them is so exciting.

The kid is busy with a business board

Indicators of correct development

Useful and interesting activities for the little one, provided they are regular, will bear fruit. Any kid can:

  • find a familiar object that mom asks to bring;
  • distinguish a large toy from a small one and show which one is;
  • build a tower from cubes or cups;
  • disassemble and assemble a pyramid of rings;
  • hide small toys under inverted cups;
  • hide, covering your eyes with your hands;
  • put constructor parts on top of each other;
  • show how the car drives, how the doll goes to bed;
  • hold your hand to your ear, imitating your mother on the phone;
  • repeat simple words and exclamations that he hears from adults;
  • try to make familiar sounds, such as a vacuum cleaner or washing machine running.

Child development, according to Dr. Komarovsky, always worries parents. There is absolutely no need to worry about those who devote enough time to their child. Telling, explaining, showing and acquainting with everything that surrounds us is the best way to develop a child.


Watch the video: How To Make YOUR Child Smart-Genius Kids2-7 Year Olds Proof-Phonics Reading To Raise A Smarter Kid (July 2024).