After childbirth

Top 10 wishes of a young mother for the New Year

What do young mothers dream of for the New Year? Almost mythical desires that all mothers would be delighted with on the main night of the year.

New Year's wishes for young mothers are rather strange. Sometimes it seems that it is easier to ask Santa Claus for a unicorn as a gift, at least the chances of fulfilling such a wish will be much higher. But moms, unfortunately, don't need a unicorn, they dream of other mythical things. About what?

1. Eight hours of uninterrupted sleep

Perhaps it is sleep that is the main desire of every mother. Among the daily feedings, washes, and diaper changes, maternal sleep is like an oasis in the desert - we know that it must be somewhere near, but we cannot find it. Eight hours of sleep, the best remedy for everything - wrinkles, stress, excess weight and irritability. So why not ask Santa Claus as a present? And even better - just a couple.

2. Clean apartment

I mean, really clean. No food crumbs under the table and in the corners, no mirrors splashed with fingers, no sand and muddy puddles in the hallway. In order for the toys to magically fall into place, clothes did not stack on chairs, and the floor shone with such cleanliness that one could easily walk on it in white socks. And so that this magical purity lasts not for five minutes, but for at least a couple of hours.

3. Former slimness

Just like in an advertisement for magic teas - without dieting and physical activity. I want a flat stomach, smooth skin and a toned chest back. Or at least weight, as before pregnancy. And the ability to wear beautiful clothes, instead of these ridiculous robes that hide figure flaws. Well, or as a last resort - an aversion to sweets and a lack of desire to gorge itself at night.

4. Place in kindergarten

But only so that you can walk to the kindergarten, and not get to it through traffic jams on public transport 5 stops. And so that there are not 30 kids in the group, and that the educators are kind, and the menu without sausages. Can't you? Then just a place in the garden until the moment the child gets ready for school.

5. Empathetic grandparents

We love them anyway, and we are grateful, and we do not demand, and we knew what we were doing, and gave birth for ourselves. But sometimes you want to hear something like: “We miss our grandchildren so much that we decided to pick them up for the whole weekend. You just leave a detailed list of what you can and what is not. We know that you are wonderful parents and that is why you are doing everything right! ”.

6. Dress and shoes

Of course, it is convenient to walk in winter in a ski suit and fur boots. Better than this can only be rubber boots in spring and autumn and unchanged sneakers in summer. Oh yes, even oversized hoodies and jeans are the most elegant set, suitable for any occasion. But sometimes you really want to throw it all away and put on something light and airy. And flutter like a butterfly.

7. A day dedicated to yourself

We have already forgotten that such days actually exist. The day when you can go to the toilet without heart-rending screams under the door or take a bubble bath instead of a quick two-minute shower. The day when you can safely drink tea with a bun - with a whole one, and not bitten. Or chat with a friend on the phone without the interruption of every minute for changing diapers, switching cartoons and looking for another tasty treat for the child.

8. Chef, waiter and dishwasher

For a month or even two. And even better - a self-assembled tablecloth. So that you come to the kitchen in the morning, and on the table are fragrant pastries, a bowl with natural honey, freshly baked cheesecakes and a leaf with a lunch menu. And most importantly, the daily diet is balanced, does not contain genetically modified foods, cauliflower (dad does not like), mushrooms (son does not like) and high-calorie sweets (mom loves, but tries not to eat). And so that after eating, the dishes themselves go to wash in the sink.

9. Law on public GV

Not that all young mothers dream of exposing their breasts in a public place. Just, you know, children sometimes want to eat - and suddenly and strongly, and they are not at all stopped by an inappropriate environment for this. Therefore, it would be nice to officially allow every nursing mother to do her duty anywhere. And so that no one looked sideways at her, did not point a finger and, as if by accident, did not look into her neckline, passing by. Let them think about art rather than someone else's bust.

10. Spell of silence

Remember how easy it was for Harry Potter? So I want it too! A wave of a wand, a spell - and the tongues of all advisers firmly stick to the palate. And all because the flow of these tips is simply inexhaustible. How can we, young and inexperienced, know how best to swaddle our children, how to dress properly for the weather, how many times a day to feed, and other and other little things that everyone is trying to teach us. Honestly, tired. And therefore - Silentio!

Watch the video: Lovely Happy New Year Wishes for Mother MOM 2017 Quotes (July 2024).