
Swaddling a newborn

For some parents, swaddling a baby can be a real salvation: their baby will lie quietly in the crib until it's time to feed or change a diaper. Others may not be able to teach the baby to fall asleep in a diaper: he will demand freedom and all the time trying to get out of "confinement". All children are different, which is suitable for a particular baby, you can only find out empirically. It's definitely worth trying, as, according to numerous studies, swaddling has a very positive effect on babies.

Newborn in the crib

What is swaddling for?

Despite the fact that now you can buy disposable diapers in stores, you should not consider classic diapers a relic of the past, as they may be needed in a variety of situations.

Diapers can come in handy in this case:

  1. When you first swim. On the advice of pediatricians, the baby should be bathed in a diaper so that he feels more protected and does not get scared of the bath.
  2. If the child does not sleep well or needs to be reassured. In a newborn, the movements of the arms and legs are poorly coordinated and abrupt, which often scares him. Using the tight swaddling method, you can provide the baby with a restful sleep, since an unexpected and awkward throwing of arms and legs will not be able to disturb his sleep.
  3. For skin problems. The skin of newborns is very delicate and sensitive. Diaper rash and rashes may appear when using diapers. When swaddling in thin fabric, the skin will breathe well, which will have a positive effect on the health of the child.
  4. During daily hygiene procedures. Young children need to clean their ears, nose, rinse or bury their eyes. It is almost impossible to do this when the child is spinning, yelling and waving his arms. In this case, the diaper will help pacify him for a while. The baby will obediently lie down while the mother does all the necessary procedures.
  5. When carrying out various manipulations in a clinic or hospital. So he will not be able to resist the unusual (often not very pleasant) actions of the doctor. Even a simple heating pad to put on the baby's tummy will be easier and more effective if wrapped in a diaper.

Swaddling has a positive effect on the development of touch in newborn babies. The touch of soft tissue will promote the speedy development of this feeling. If the baby is born prematurely, the diapers will remind him of his mother's womb, which will have a positive effect on development.

The crumb lies on the crib

The pros and cons of swaddling babies

It is up to the parents to decide whether to swaddle or not. Before making such an important decision, it is worthwhile to thoroughly study all the pros and cons of swaddling, only then draw conclusions.

If we talk about the benefits of swaddling, you should pay attention to the following main points:

  • A swaddled child will not "throw up" his arms or legs, because these uncontrolled movements frighten him very much at first;
  • A baby wrapped in a diaper, in contact with a soft fabric, receives tactile sensations, thanks to which he feels comfortable;
  • After the baby is swaddled, he begins to sleep much more calmly;
  • The fabric will help keep your mom's body warm;
  • In addition, you can save a lot by using diapers. Despite the fact that a baby will need a lot of diapers, buying them will be much cheaper than purchasing a huge number of diapers.

Important! The diaper itself does not warm. The first 2-3 months after birth, the process of thermoregulation of a small organism is very weak, it constantly needs a new portion of mother's heat.

Speaking about the dangers of swaddling newborns, the following can be noted:

  • You cannot swaddle children with weak muscle tone; it is better to use loose clothing or an envelope.
  • A baby wrapped in a diaper may suffer from overheating;
  • Swaddling (especially tight) can significantly slow down sensory development;
  • It is impossible to put a swaddled newborn to sleep on the tummy, as it will be dangerous and very uncomfortable;
  • It will take a lot longer to swaddle your baby than just putting clothes on him.

The baby is wrapped in a diaper

The benefits of swaddling for crumbs and parents

When a baby is 9 months in the mother's womb, he gets used to the tight space, so immediately after birth he will feel very uncomfortable with the sudden freedom of movement. Swaddling can help your baby gradually get used to the new environment. In addition, swaddled babies fall asleep very quickly and sleep much more peacefully than diaper-clad babies.

If you get used to it well, then changing a wet diaper to a dry one will be much faster than putting a blouse and sliders on your baby. Also, the use of diapers for babies will help parents to significantly save on the purchase of diapers, which is quite a weighty argument in our time.

Baby with loose arms

Swaddling types

There are many ways to swaddle a baby, each of them is relevant for a specific occasion. The choice is often related to the direction of the pediatrician or the preference of the parents. It is not so important how the child is swaddled, the main thing is that he feels comfortable and warm.


Swaddling a baby in this way is quite difficult, only a few can cope with a similar task. However, it is with the help of tight swaddling that you can quickly calm your baby and help him fall asleep. A girl is taught this technique when she gets to the hospital. They also offer to watch a special lesson on swaddling.

How to swaddle your baby correctly:

  1. Place the baby on the diaper so that its upper edge goes slightly above the neck
  2. They take the left end of the canvas and wrap the crumbs around the body, wrapping it under the right side and stretching it under the arm.
  3. The same is done with the right tip of the diaper, putting it under the left barrel and fixing it behind the back of the baby
  4. The lower part of the canvas must be straightened, one corner must be wrapped under the back, then the second one must be fixed.

Additional Information. At the moment, many pediatricians say that the diaper squeezes the internal organs of the child, delays the development of the respiratory system, interferes with proper thermoregulation and suppresses the instinct of freedom.


The execution is very similar to the previous technique. The only difference is that with a free swaddling method, the diaper is not wrapped too tightly, and the arms and legs are not straightened. Since swaddling a newborn in this way is very convenient, his body will always touch the tissue during movements, and there will be no fear of free space.

Baby looks cute


This method is most often used for children who have been diagnosed with dysplasia of the hip joints. The decision on the need for wide swaddling is made only by the attending physician. The technique of this method consists in free swaddling of the legs, which take the pose of a frog. The rest of the body is not swaddled, the child can move his arms freely. This method is used for babies up to six months old.

Swaddling process step by step:

  1. The diaper is folded in the shape of a triangle so that the acute angle points downward.
  2. The child is placed on the diaper so that the sharp edge, the one that will be below, is between the legs. The top of the canvas should be at waist level.
  3. The sharp end of the diaper, located between the legs of the child, is lifted up.
  4. Further, the side parts of the canvas are wrapped in turn and fixed behind the back.
  5. Take the second diaper (rectangular), lay out, put the child in the middle. The top edge of the diaper should be at the level of the navel.
  6. The edges of the diaper are wrapped and fixed.
  7. The bottom of the canvas is lifted up and fixed behind the back.

Wide swaddling does not interfere with movement, the child can freely move the arms and legs.

With head

Children under one month old are recommended to swaddle with the head to protect the fontanel, which has not yet closed, from damage. Also, the head of the baby will be warm all the time.

Newborn in a diaper with a head, the swaddling process in stages:

  1. The child is laid on a diaper so that his head is five centimeters below the top of the canvas.
  2. The head of the newborn baby is wrapped with that edge of the diaper, which is at the top.
  3. The right edge is wrapped around the baby's torso and led by the left hand
  4. The bottom edge must be folded up and secured.
  5. The left edge is wrapped around the baby's body to the right side and fixed.

If you swaddle your baby in this way, you should always make sure that the fabric does not cover the baby's eyes, but looks like a cap.

Swaddling feet

There is not always a need to completely swaddle a baby. Sometimes you can use the technique of changing the legs. How to swaddle a newborn, the algorithm of actions:

  1. Lay out the diaper on a flat surface. Place the baby on it so that the upper edge of the canvas is at the level of the forearms.
  2. Next, you need to wrap one, then the other end of the diaper.
  3. The bottom edge is wrapped in the usual way.

If you swaddle your baby in this way, he will move his arms freely, and the diaper will not squeeze the stomach.

Australian swaddling

This method is similar to free swaddling, while the baby's hands are left free, but wrapped in a diaper and laid near the head, a kind of cocoon is obtained. With this swaddling, the baby can roll over, sleep on its back, on its side and suck its thumb. The baby should be wrapped in a diaper, but not very tightly. The handles must be bent at the elbows and placed next to the head.

Swaddling by the Australian method


When it is winter, the newborn is swaddled with a warm blanket. Using this method, you can swaddle the baby, forming a kind of envelope. When changing, two types of blankets are used: a thin cotton blanket and a warm woolen blanket.

How to swaddle a baby in an envelope blanket, step by step:

  1. A warm and thin blanket is spread in the shape of a diamond, while a thin blanket is placed on top, and a warm one is placed on the bottom.
  2. The child is laid in the middle.
  3. Take both blankets on the left side and throw them to the right side, leaving the child behind the back.
  4. The lower part is folded up.
  5. The right edge of the blankets is wrapped in the same way as the left.
  6. The resulting envelope can be tied with a ribbon, tying all loose ends well. From above you will get a kind of hood.

To go out with your baby when it's winter, you won't need to put too many clothes on him. It is enough to put on a warm blouse and sliders, then wrap the baby in a blanket. It will be much warmer than any jumpsuit. In addition, the mother will be able to save a sufficient amount of time by collecting the baby for a walk or bringing it back to the house.

Swaddling envelope

How to prepare your baby for swaddling

Swaddling of a newborn is started only after all hygiene procedures have been performed:

  • The baby should be washed off with warm water and dried well.
  • Put on a diaper or gauze.
  • The skin that is under the diaper is lubricated with a baby product under the diaper or talcum powder. This will prevent diaper rash, especially if the baby is a boy.
  • Next, the baby is put on a blouse and a diaper.

How to swaddle a baby in a diaper

How to swaddle a newborn baby correctly, a step-by-step algorithm (you can see the picture):

  1. The child is placed in the center of the diaper so that the upper part is at the level of his shoulders.
  2. The head should be above this edge.
  3. Pressing the baby's left hand to the body, they take the left corner of the diaper, wrap it obliquely and hide it under the back.
  4. Do the same with the other arm and the other corner of the diaper.
  5. Then, having wrapped the lower part of the canvas, lift both ends up, placing them at the level of the elbows. Both edges are wrapped around the baby's torso and secured by wrapping one of them inward.

If the child doesn't like being swaddled

It happens that swaddling causes anxiety in the baby. He can cry and be capricious, even try to get rid of the diaper. There may be several reasons:

  • Perhaps the swaddling technique was violated, and the formed fold in the diaper interferes with the child. It is necessary to check if everything is done correctly, and to swaddle the child;
  • Also, if the rules of hygiene are not followed, diaper rash may occur on the baby's body, which bother him;
  • Maybe it's just hot for the baby, and he is sweating all over;
  • Also, very restless, hyperactive children who have broken contact with their mother do not want to be swaddled.

Note! This does not apply to the problems of swaddling, just all mothers must take care of the baby correctly and very carefully.

Until when to swaddle a baby

Everything here is very individual. One baby no longer needs to be swaddled at the age of 1-2 weeks, the other feels uncomfortable without a diaper until 5-6 months. As a rule, at the age of 2-3 months, it is enough to swaddle only the baby's legs, so that the handles remain free. Parents are obliged to constantly observe how the child behaves without a diaper: how quickly he falls asleep and how often he wakes up. If anxiety is present during sleep, it is better to continue swaddling.

Only a mother who knows all his needs can decide whether to swaddle a baby. It should be borne in mind that swaddling helps the baby to develop harmoniously, the love and care of the parents will support him for life.

Watch the video: Swaddling Your Newborn (June 2024).