
When the child starts to speak

With the birth of a newborn, every mom looks forward to the first words. As they grow up and develop, the child speaks more and more difficultly. Simple sounds add up to short phrases. When should you expect meaningful phrases from a small person? What time do the boys start talking, and is there a difference in speech development with the girl? Why do kids have trouble talking?

The child says

The main stages of speech development

At the age of about two months, newborns begin to gurgle, after another 8 weeks babble appears. Parents need to understand that indicators of speech development are individual and differ significantly even between children in the same family. The hereditary factor does not take the last place: if one of the parents began to speak late, then the heir's first words will be later than that of his peers.

Parents' first lessons

Studies of specialists in the development of the speech apparatus highlight the main stages. In a baby, perception is primary with understanding, over time, words are formed into a conscious speech phrase.

First sounds and emotions

Stages of speech development

Child's ageBasic communication characteristics
1 to 2 monthsThe ability to differentiate sounds around, to distinguish the speech of people around. The toddler is able to shout discomfort to adults. By the end of 8 weeks from birth, the baby learns to smile, can laugh
3 monthsPerfectly recognizes mother's native voice, understands mood by intonation. With the help of lingering vowels, he begins to walk, the first combinations of vowels and consonants appear (A-GU, A-A, U-A)
5 to 6 monthsThe child perceives words and phrases addressed to him. Can babble, repeating syllables several times one after another (BA-BA-BA, VA-VA-VA and others)
7 monthsThe baby begins to speak in long chains of syllables and sounds, slightly similar to words. Deliberately repeats various sounds
1 yearThe baby is able to repeat or speak independently the first words: MOM, DAD, GIVE. Difficult words are difficult to pronounce, so it reduces the number of syllables
18 monthsReacts in response to an appeal to him, easily communicates in the simplest words. The child is able to form a sentence from incomplete words
2 yearsThe period when there is active communication between the baby and others. Sentences consist of 3 or 4 words, endings and prefixes are used for conversation. Listens to adults with understanding, listens when explaining
3 yearsThe child's speech is developed, the conversation consists of phrases. Different parts of speech are involved (pronouns, prepositions, adjectives, and others). If the baby speaks certain sounds incorrectly, this is the norm for the age category.

Features of development by 3 years

Important! The age of three is the period when a child should begin to speak in sentences and engage in dialogue with others. Experts believe that the formation of speech in three years is a completed process. Basic concepts are learned, further improvement depends on individual skills and abilities.

When the first words are spoken

Most often, by the 1st year of life, children, regardless of gender, are able to say from two to three to 15 words. In this number, experts take into account simplified children's abbreviations:

  • instead of the word dog "ava";
  • the word cat is replaced with a simple “me” or “meow”;
  • if the child wants to sleep, more often the child pronounces a drawn-out "tyayayaya".

Meet your pet

Not all children can talk in the same way, they are silent more often or do not speak at all or utter a minimum of words. Parents need to consider passive vocabulary. Even if the baby does not say a word out loud, he must clearly understand the meaning of the mother's phrases. Different children have different vocabulary. One learns the name of the toy, the other understands the word bicycle, the third begins to pull off his clothes at the phrase of his mother "and now let's go swimming."

When the boys start talking

Usually, future men pronounce their first words and mindful phrases later than girls. Pediatricians believe that coherent speech by 2.5 years or a little later will be the norm. If, at the age of three and older, the son can pronounce up to 15 words or cannot combine the words into a complete phrase, this is regarded as a developmental delay. Consultation of a pediatrician is required.

What time do the girls talk

According to statistics, the conversation skill is mastered on average by one and a half years of life. Not all children are able to clearly and clearly express their emotions and desires in words. It is known that girls develop faster in general, therefore they begin to speak clearly earlier.

Important! A child, regardless of gender, can learn to pronounce words only with the active participation of adults.

When the child says the phrase

The toddler can speak if there are four components:

  • organs of hearing without pathology;
  • working speech apparatus;
  • communication and speech affect the child;
  • the baby's desire to enter into a dialogue.

At what age does the child speak the first words? Dr. Komarovsky advises developing exercises in which mom consistently shows and voices body parts: face, nose. Normal physiological development and two other psychological factors stimulate the start of a conversation. Baby will absorb all sounds and words from the external environment. After a year, a rapid increase in vocabulary is possible.

Attention! It's not enough just to love your child, you need to constantly study and communicate with the baby. No one can give more than close and dear people.

By the age of one and a half, the little man is able to independently construct the phrase "Mom give me". A two-year-old babe talks a lot. He is able to designate his actions and voice events around him.

In the interval from one to two years, there are more nouns and verbs in speech. The child comprehends simple stories by ear. The words start to combine into the first simple phrases. Mom can hear "This is mine", "Let's go home." After two years, the lexicon is rapidly increasing due to pronouns and adjectives:

  • "It hurts";
  • "I am going";
  • "want to eat";
  • "Red ball".

Formed passive vocabulary of words, syllables and sounds allows you to perceive cartoons and conversations of fairy tale characters.

At what age are phrases pronounced

The age at which a child speaks the first words depends on the educational environment and individual characteristics. At about two years old and older, the baby can express competent sentences consisting of two or three words. At his disposal - from 250 to 300 units of speech. The appearance of prepositions, adjectives in a conversation helps to pronounce phrases.

By 2.5 and older, speech functions are sufficiently developed. Complex sounds are still difficult for a child to obey ("R", "Z", "L" and others), but it is interesting to communicate with him, he easily builds a sentence from phrases. By the age of three, parents often send their grown-up children to children's groups. Surrounding children, vocabulary increases, speech becomes confident and more perfect.

Features of development and speech up to 3 years

Further development normally leads to the appearance of a huge number of questions in a 4-year-old child. Parents should answer as competently and fully as possible. It is not necessary to simplify the names of objects and concepts in a conversation with a baby. The child needs to hear the correct terms. This stimulates the development of vocabulary and in the future will help to avoid problems when communicating with peers and elders.

Why speech delay occurs

When a child begins to speak, not everything goes smoothly and without problems. The relatives of the baby, especially the mother, are obliged to carefully observe the process of speech. Sometimes there may be irregularities when trying to pronounce words. It is important to recognize them in order to assess the situation in time and take appropriate measures. The problems are real if the baby has:

  • partly or completely absent from humming and babbling;
  • there is no response to a direct appeal to him;
  • by 18 months did not utter a single word;
  • at 2 years old there are no phrasal combinations;
  • there is no response to the touches of relatives, does not turn his head and eyes when talking or making sounds.

Speech problems

With pathologies of a neuralgic nature, problems with speech reproduction may form. If the baby has diseases of ENT organs or their congenital underdevelopment, symptoms occur:

  • sounds and words cannot be understood due to inarticulate pronunciation;
  • the child cannot chew solid food;
  • when the baby is awake, he has an open mouth, tongue outside, abundant salivary fluid.

The listed problems cannot go away without appropriate treatment. We need consultations of a neurologist, ENT doctor, psychotherapist, speech therapist and other specialists to make the correct diagnosis. If at three years old the baby is not able to say the phrase on his own, there is a risk of underdevelopment of the speech apparatus.

Lesson with a speech therapist

Reasons for a child's unwillingness to speak

It is noticed that the more time and communication parents devote to their baby, the faster he learns new words, puts them into sentences. Parents make the mistake of considering their child to be foolish and not understanding anything. You need to start reading as early as possible. Dr. Komarovsky indicates many factors on which speech development depends:

  1. If the baby is left to himself for a long time or sits in front of a TV or tablet screen, this can slow down the development of speech.
  2. Children with a short bridle may lag in talkativeness. In a situation where the problem becomes pronounced, it is better to trim the bridle under the tongue.
  3. Emotional toddlers often start talking later than their peers. They just do not have time to name in words what they feel or want.
  4. Imperturbable and calm little ones can be silent for a long time. They have no reason to call or ask, they are always happy with everything.
  5. With very attentive parents, children are silent because adults predict all desires.

There are many factors that inhibit age, at what age a child begins to speak. The most important thing is that you need to actively talk with the baby, develop him in many ways. Reading books, showing and repeating new subjects, classes on fine motor skills will give an obligatory result. The child will begin to talk and surprise his family.

Lesson for the development of speech

Watch the video: Signs Of Toddler Speech Delay (June 2024).