
How much should a baby sleep at 2 months

High-quality healthy baby sleep is a prerequisite for the correct development of the baby from birth. How much should a child sleep at 2 months, not every mother will answer, since in the life of any parent, sleep disorders can occur in a baby. It is impossible to take time to resolve this issue, especially with a newborn baby. The problem cannot disappear by itself. In order not to think about what to do with yourself and how to get the baby to sleep for at least one hour without constantly waking up, you need to watch the child, build a regime and create comfortable conditions in the nursery.

Deep sleep of a baby

Sleep of a two month old baby

How much a 2 month old baby sleeps a day is an individual question, as well as the period when a newborn can stay awake. Most of the time during the day and night, the baby rests at two months. Falling asleep during feedings is normal and natural for a nursing baby.

Important! The famous pediatrician and candidate of medical sciences, Yevgeny Aleksandrovich Komarovsky, reports how many babies should sleep in the second month of life. 18-20 hours a day is the norm for a child of this age, which varies depending on the infant's temperament. During the day, 4-5 dreams are allowed. At night, the rest is interrupted for feeding: on artificial - 1-2 times, the baby's breast may ask more often - 3-5 times. The number of feedings per day is on average 6-8 times.

Sleep rates of a child and an adult

The baby during this period sleeps lightly, feeling his mother next to him. If she is in the same room with him, then he will sleep more soundly, if she is absent, he can wake up in 30-40 minutes and call her.

Daytime sleep

What you need to know about how much and how a child sleeps during the day at 2 months:

  • At this time, the baby can have two types of sleep: long and short. The first lasts from 1.5 to 2 hours about twice a day, the second 3-4 times for 30-40 minutes.
  • Occasionally there are situations when a child sleeps for a very long time during the day - over 4-5 hours. Pediatricians disagree on what to do in such cases. Some argue that the baby should eat every two hours, so he should be woken up and offered a breast or a bottle. Others are categorically against such actions and say that you should listen to your baby, perhaps at this time he should sleep more than eat according to the schedule. The answer to what to do, of course, must be given to herself by the mother.
  • As a general rule, every falling asleep, even for a short period of time, should be accompanied by breastfeeding. This is some kind of ritual for the baby: satisfying hunger, as well as the strongest psychological factor (stay in close contact with mom, calm down). Without a breast, the baby practically will not fall asleep, therefore, falling asleep on his own during this period is not always appropriate.
  • You should track your waking time - no more than two hours. Otherwise, the child will be overexcited, subsequently it will be very difficult to lay him down, and the sleep will be restless, difficult for both the baby and the mother.

Note! Time intervals should be observed. Of course, it will not be possible to achieve exact figures, and there is no need for this. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the child's body, responsively to various needs and changes in behavior, the family will always be calm, and sleep problems will be bypassed.

Joint rest during the day

Night sleep

An especially pressing question is how much a two-month-old child should sleep at night. How calmly the baby rests, so will be a cheerful, active mother the next day. A good night's sleep also helps babies develop and grow successfully.

Baby sleeping in the crib

Some mothers proudly note that they get enough sleep, and the baby does not disturb them all night almost from the moment of birth. However, such situations are very rare in our time. Even healthy children can wake up at night for one reason or another.

Features of night crumbs rest:

  • If the baby quickly fell asleep and woke up after 40-60 minutes, there is no need to be afraid. He probably wanted to eat, maybe he needed to make sure that mom was nearby.
  • If mom is near, then the baby will fall asleep quickly enough, but now for a longer period - 4-5 hours. In the event that the child has not found the mother, he will begin to scream, worry, in rare cases he may not sleep all night. Therefore, sleeping together at this time contributes to the best and quality rest of all family members.

Disagreements about where the baby should sleep are still strong enough. Some are extremely negative in favor of joint rest, believing that a tired mother can crush her child. Others believe that only if the baby lies next to her mother does he feel her closeness, so he has no reason to worry.

Additional Information. Evgeny Komarovsky proposes to teach the child to sleep separately, then the mother will have a lot of energy during the day to take care of the child, everyday life and cooking.

The main causes of sleep disturbance

There are a lot of reasons why the baby sleeps or began to sleep poorly at night, during the day. They are conventionally divided into two categories:

  • health problems appeared;
  • baby care is carried out incorrectly, unsuitable conditions have been created in the crib, children's room.

A well-chosen mattress and no pillow are the key to a sound sleep

If the baby is unwell, then a specialist can alleviate this situation. By consulting a pediatrician, it will be possible to identify the diagnosis and get further recommendations for action. Some causes can be resolved not with a doctor. Mom will easily eliminate them, noticing violations and a downed regime in time.

What you can eliminate yourself:

  • Hunger. The baby played for a long time, was awake, after eating, but he could not sleep, is capricious, worried. He probably just didn't get enough. You should try to give him a second breast, and he, having eaten, will sleep sweetly.
  • The discomfort. The child is cold or hot, it may be uncomfortable to lie, the diaper is unpleasant to the body, an uncomfortable position, maybe the sheet has become wet - all these reasons easily interrupt sleep, but are quickly eliminated. It is worth making sure that the diaper is dry and the room temperature is 20-22 degrees.
  • Overexcitement. When a toddler is overly addicted to play, it can cause problems, especially in the evening. To calm the baby, the nervous system, you should buy it before going to bed (at a water temperature of 37 degrees), shake it in your arms, sing a lullaby or a familiar nursery rhyme.
  • Colic. Many people know about them, even those mothers who have healthy children. The digestive system of a newborn is not developed so much that digestion processes go smoothly. Therefore, in the first three months, periodic pain in the gastrointestinal tract is natural. You should massage the tummy of the crumbs, put a warm diaper or heating pad on it, drink it with dill water or other means.

How to get sleep

All children are born different, living conditions in an apartment for individual parents are also different. It happens that the baby initially slept well without waking up, and suddenly something changed, the rest became problematic, the regime went out of hand.

Eliminating all individual factors, you should turn to universal remedies that can help almost everyone. These rules are simple, "overdose" in this case cannot occur. Therefore, you should not ignore them, but provide them with a crumb.

Sleep and wake time

Rules for restoring quality sleep:

  • Walks in the open air. There cannot be many of them. The more walks, the deeper the sleep. Evgeny Komarovsky recommends sleeping on the balcony for the baby. In winter, there is no need to be afraid of the street - the frosty air promotes good ventilation of the lungs, children sleep very well outside in winter. It is, of course, important to dress the child well, to wrap it up so that he is comfortable and warm.
  • Daily regime. It is not necessary to approach this issue strictly, because in the first three months the baby has his own individual biological clock, his personal schedule is built. Difficulty buying at the same time, going to bed at night, usually does not happen. Children learn quickly, so it will be easy for them to get used to such rituals.
  • Relax before bed. For a nap, it is better to draw the curtains so that the bright light becomes softer, turn off all TVs, players (eliminate extraneous sounds). Take the baby in your arms, shake it, talk to him, sing a melodic song, the baby should feel her mother's love, care, safety, that she is nearby. Bathing in the evening takes place in warm water, then, if desired, the baby swaddles (as a rule, this helps most children sleep soundly afterwards). You should not rush to remove the nipple after feeding, it is better to wait until the baby is fast asleep.

Important! The baby first of all needs her mother's care, a feeling of closeness with her. Therefore, you should not sacrifice this for the sake of household chores. Cleaning, cooking will wait, but the baby will calmly and fully develop.

Features of the sleep of a breastfed baby

On the guards, children eat, as a rule, on demand. For this reason, many mothers are worried that they will not get enough sleep, and you can forget about good quality sleep for a long time. However, concerns on this issue are absolutely groundless.

Sleeping for a baby is the same as breathing. In a dream, it continues to develop, without dividing the day into night and day during the first three months.

Why a baby can often wake up on gv:

  • Breast milk is quickly absorbed, so the baby will wake up every 3-4 hours.
  • He is thirsty. If the room is hot and dry, the baby will ask for a breast to quench his thirst.
  • If parents decide not to use diapers, then wet diapers are a signal to wake up.
  • Separate sleep - the baby feels anxiety that mom is not around.

At two months, there will be no problems with sleep, if you bathe the baby at the same time, prevent overexcitation and accumulated fatigue, and feed on demand. Having calmed down and feeling protected, the baby will sleep soundly.

Falling asleep on the chest is natural and normal for a child, it relaxes him well. The hormones cholecystokinin and oxytocin, produced in the process of HW, help to calm down, get enough of the baby and tune in to a quality rest.

Gw helps your baby to calm down before bed

Features of sleep with artificial feeding

The adapted mixture is more nutritious than mom's milk, so after feeding it at night, the baby sleeps for a long period without waking up. One or two feeds per night is normal with bottle feeding.

At two months, there are no significant differences in the daily regimen and sleep of breastfed or artificially fed babies. The difference consists only in the number of feedings: there may be more of them per gw, while the mixture should be given, taking into account the prescribed portion and keeping the required time between meals.

Number of feedings with milk formula per day in 2 months

The key moments in a baby's life at 2 months are:

  • compulsory hygiene procedures;
  • full, high-quality sleep;
  • walks in the open air;
  • communication with him, conversations, love and care;
  • feeding on demand or with the correct milk formula.

Pediatricians recommend setting the required time for baby sleep by two months:

  • Track the signals that the toddler gives. If he wants to sleep, he begins to yawn, rub his eyes, be capricious, succumbing to body fatigue.
  • It is worth walking and feeding on time, make sure that the baby is not over-excited, then the sleep will be sound.
  • You cannot forcefully swing a baby, just like leaving one to fall asleep in your crib - a negative perception of sleep and an unwillingness to remain in solitude for a minute can form.
  • Within one week, track and record the time of feeding, going to bed, at the end of it - to analyze the information. As a rule, it will be reduced to some specific schedule of the day, which can subsequently be observed.

At two months, the baby becomes curious, which makes the regime go astray, and the sleep becomes shorter. However, you should not panic and worry in this case. During this period, forming habits and developing your own special rituals will not be difficult for either mom or baby.

Important to remember! Healthy and full sleep is a guarantee of quality rest not only for the child, but also for the whole family.

Watch the video: Baby. Sleep Problems In Young Babies. (July 2024).