
Newborn day regimen for 1 month

There are different scenarios for raising a child. It is initially important for someone to organize the daily routine of the newborn, to make an approximate schedule, which includes eating, bathing, walking and sleeping. For some, it is considered unnecessary to work out a certain routine, which is why, from birth, the crumbs parents live, starting from the needs of an infant. How to choose a lifestyle is an individual question. If you build an ideal schedule for all family members from the very beginning, it is likely that you will not have to spend time and energy later on to establish a daily routine.

Sound sleep is the basis of a proper regimen

The importance of the regime

In the daily routine of a newborn baby in the first month, the most important components should be established: breastfeeding or artificial feeding, full sleep and wakefulness for the necessary time, a feeling of safety. They should be given due attention if it is necessary to normalize all issues with lactation and gv, set hours of rest, build your day based on the planned plan. Of course, the regime will change: in six months, a year it will be completely different than that of a month-old baby. However, changing it, adjusting to changes will be much easier if the baby is accustomed to a certain routine.

Important! If the setting of the regime takes one week for a newborn baby, then for a one-year-old it can take a month or more. Therefore, this issue should be treated responsibly.

Regime and full care are important even for a newborn baby.

Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky (Russian pediatrician) emphasizes that, from the point of view of physiology and psychology, the baby does not need a regimen as such. However, a well-established schedule will make life easier for adults, making it possible to remain strong and capable. If the baby eats and sleeps when he wants, then the parents will not get enough sleep, they will become lethargic, nervously exhausted.

Note! It is proved that those children who are accustomed from birth to a certain daily routine are less likely to have colds and stresses. It is easier for them to adapt to the new environment.

Pros of a developed daily routine

Why should you pay attention to the daily routine of a newborn:

  • Family life will become more orderly. Also, the baby is quicker to prepare for visiting kindergarten and school, since there is a clear daily routine. During the first year, the regime will change several times, but its basic scheme will remain.
  • When a sleep regime is developed, the baby is always vigorous, active, and develops well. In this matter, parents should be flexible, understanding the individual characteristics of their child. Some children, after two years of age, do not want to sleep during the day, but at night they "get enough sleep" at 12-13 hours.
  • The diet, according to Komarovsky, is more convenient for parents than for a child. The crumbs' gastric juice begins to be produced at the moment when it is time for lunch and dinner. However, in kindergarten, school, the meal schedule will be different, which is why the child will have to adapt to this. The schedule should be aligned in advance so that the baby is comfortable in the kindergarten and does not have to endure the lack of food at a convenient time for him.
  • Walking is an important component of health, both for a baby and a schoolchild. You should not refuse to go out into the fresh air even during illness, unless it is accompanied by a high temperature. Cough and runny nose are not a reason to restrict the baby from walking, since fresh air contributes to the early recovery of the child from a respiratory illness.

1 month regimen

A strict regimen of a newborn in the first month is a road to nowhere. Each child is unique and individual from birth. Each baby has common needs, but there are also significant differences.

What is individuality:

  • In general condition. Someone is born naturally, someone - with the help of a cesarean section, someone has gone through a difficult birth. Therefore, one baby can be quiet, the other - a noisy and capricious child.
  • Adaptation to a new, big world. You need to get acquainted with noise, light, color, movements, smells.
  • After birth, you need to "get" food yourself - to attach to the breast, to suck. The intestines begin to work, so the baby also needs to learn how to relieve themselves.
  • Mom is not always there, as it was in the womb, the baby needs her, her care and love.

All these moments for each crumbs pass in their own way, which affects the daily routine. The daily routine of the baby by month has its own structure and important events that are the same for everyone. Monthly baby, basically, needs good sleep, nutrition and communication with mom.

Approximate daily routine from 1 to 10 months

If during this period you begin to establish a daily routine, the baby will quickly get used to a certain sequence of events.

Every kid needs:

  • Sleep. In the first two weeks, the baby can sleep constantly, as soon as he has eaten, he is already resting. At the end of the first month, he is already awake for some time, looks at what is happening around, listens to extraneous sounds and the voice of his mother.
  • Nutrition. Most babies need at least 6-8 feeds per day. In the first month, they drink about 50-90 ml per meal. Those who are bottle-fed may get satiated with less formula.
  • Bathing. This is an important procedure that is performed before bedtime and feeding. The water in the bathroom should be between 36-37 degrees.

Baby bathing

  • Walking. It is good for a baby to breathe fresh air. If the sun is shining on the street, then it will help the production of vitamin D, which means it will prevent the occurrence of rickets.

Walking with a newborn baby

  • Massage, gymnastics. Conducted at will, 30 minutes before feedings.

Recommendations for parents

Infant mode has its own characteristics that every parent should know:

  • If the crumb slept until lunchtime, and decided to stay awake at night, you should think over the regime. Walks on which newborns like to sleep will help to adjust it. Therefore, you should get out into the street during sleep hours.
  • In order for the baby to understand that morning has come, you should teach him to wash. First, it will be a cotton pad moistened with water, then you can wash your face with your hand.
  • At night, you should not turn on a bright light, communicate only in a whisper.
  • If the child does not want to fall asleep, you should put him in the crib, start singing a lullaby or turn on melodic music (sounds of nature). If you do this every day, the baby will quickly understand that with the inclusion of music it is worth going to bed.

How to teach a child to the regime

In order for the crumbs to form the concept of a regime, one should not resort to harsh procedures and punishments. You should study your child and find an approach to him.

Some tricks:

  • If the child cries, although he has just sucked the breast, he probably needs attention and love. Shake him, chat with him, and the issue can be resolved without additional feeding.
  • During the day, the baby should get tired, look at nature, swim, walk on the street, then the sleep will be sound.
  • In the first week after childbirth, you should not force the baby to the regime. It is necessary to record the time of feeding and sleep, subsequently form the daily routine.

How to feed

The mode of feeding a newborn in the first months is just being established, lactation is getting better, the baby is adapting to new conditions.

According to many pediatricians, the feeding schedule for a newborn should not include hourly meals. During the first two months, the baby can eat every 20 minutes, and after 3 hours. This is due to the fact that the mother's body adapts to the needs of the child. After 2 months, as a rule, the baby himself will adjust the feeding mode he needs.

Regime violations

Even with great efforts of parents to establish a certain regime of the day, violations occur when the baby requires a breast every half hour, sleeps more during the day, and is awake at night, is naughty and screams during walks. You should not panic here - first you need to find out why the baby is restless.

First of all, for a child to be active and alert, he must be full. Perhaps the feeding technique was violated: this is an incorrect grip of the nipple, an uncomfortable position at the time of the guards. In such situations, the child is malnourished, does not receive “back” nutritious milk, worries, and often asks for breast.

Additional Information. The issue of correct attachment is given special attention even in the hospital. However, you can always seek the help of a breastfeeding consultant or pediatrician.

Sometimes, when the baby has just begun to suckle at the breast, he immediately throws it, starting to cry. One of the reasons for this behavior is that the baby swallowed a large amount of air during the feeding process. The tummy begins to ache, the feeling of fullness and heaviness causes anxiety, so the baby becomes very moody and irritable. To help him, you need to hold him in an upright position for 5-7 minutes - this way the excess air will escape from the stomach. The baby will then be able to suckle safely again.

There are also problems with sleep:

  • difficult to fall asleep;
  • frequent awakenings;
  • sleep is short and restless.

Usually such symptoms are a consequence of a violation of the temperature regime (too hot or cold), the manifestation of intestinal colic. In some cases, you should contact a neurologist to identify a neurological disease: high intracranial pressure, perinatal encephalopathy.

The kid does not want to sleep, the schedule of the day is out of order

An actual problem is when the baby is awake at night and sleeps sweetly during the day. Since the pineal gland (the part of the brain responsible for the correct establishment of biorhythms) is not sufficiently developed in infants, such phenomena are frequent. It is recommended to gradually teach the baby to distinguish between day and night: during the day to be more active, play, do gymnastics and massage, and before going to bed for a night's sleep, introduce a more relaxing pastime.

It is very difficult for a newborn baby to get used to a new routine. Therefore, it should be gradually and consistently accustomed to a certain schedule.

Watch the video: DAY IN THE LIFE WITH A NEWBORN. PUMPING TIPS (July 2024).