
Educational games for one year old toddlers

All children need constant attention from their parents. Mom and Dad should always deal with the child, develop and educate him. It is very good to pick up creative games for a one-year-old baby, classes for the development of attention and thinking.

One year old baby playing with a pyramid

Features of the development of the child after a year

At the age of one, the child actively studies the objects around him, learns to manipulate them. The baby copies the actions of the parents, perceives the skill of handling objects. In one year, the child already realizes that each thing is endowed with meaning and performs some specific function.

Note! It is very important to perform some kind of manipulation with the baby, for example, play together, read books.

It is not necessary to include too many objects in an educational game for a one-year-old child, as this will distract his attention. It is necessary to constantly alternate exercises aimed at physical, cognitive, sensory, motor, speech and mental development. Parents will have to help the baby all the time, since he will have to perform many actions for the first time. It is necessary to deal with the baby only in a warm and ventilated room. It is also important to make sure that the child is doing great, not hungry or thirsty, and slept well. If the baby is capricious, then it is better to postpone classes for a while.

How to play with your child at home

Developing activities with a 1 year old child at home must be carried out at the right time. The crumb should be well-fed and slept. Outdoor games should not be played before bedtime. For developmental activities, it is better to choose the same time every day so that the baby gets used to the regime. Games with a one-year-old child at home should be short (no more than 10 minutes) and interesting for the baby. The development of a one-year-old child occurs through imitation, so parents should show what to do with objects and encourage the baby to repeat their actions. So that the child does not lose interest in the game, Evgeny Komarovsky advises to attract him with colorful toys or sound.

Important! Do not leave a child alone with small and loose things, toys that break or have sharp parts.

Baby playing

Development of sensorimotor skills

Games with a one-year-old child can be organized as follows:

  • Place small items in cells;
  • To knock on various objects with a hammer;
  • Play with inlay frames;
  • Roll a car with a load;
  • Tear paper or cotton wool;
  • Sculpt from plasticine;
  • Draw with finger paints;
  • At a year and a half, children love to play with cereals, sand, water;
  • Teach the kid to push objects (into a hole in a box, a plastic bottle, a sorter);
  • Games with educational toys and lacing;
  • Carry a gurney;
  • Learn to unfasten Velcro, zippers;
  • String and remove small rings from the pyramid;
  • Insert and unload small items from the box;
  • Place cubes on top of each other.

Such development tools for children from 1 year old perfectly train fine motor skills of the hands.

Note! Care must be taken to ensure that small objects do not enter the baby's respiratory tract.

Sorter for games

Development of communication skills

The best way to communicate is through play. It is in the form of play that children learn to communicate, empathize, their speech and fantasy develop. You can use the following game options:

  1. Dramatization games. Parents should have theatrical performances and mini-performances at home. Such activities contribute to emancipation. At first, the baby will be a silent spectator, then it will become an active actor.
  2. Role-playing games. The child will learn to evaluate his actions and the behavior of others, to behave in accordance with the chosen role. With a crumb, you can play "Mothers and Daughters", "doctors", "visiting the supermarket."
  3. Games by the rules. They will teach the kid to interact with other people and observe various conditions: the order of the move, the result, the rules of the game.

Finger games

All finger games are reaction or movement oriented. They are based on touching, patting, and other hand movements. Classes with a baby from one year old - you can play "catch a finger", "okay", "magpie-crow".

Finger Play Toys

Where else can you play

It's very easy to come up with educational games for one year old toddlers - there are many simple and effective options.

In the bathroom

For a quick and fun shopping experience, you can add bath foam to the water. Children love to play with her, as she is beautiful, soft and smells very tasty.

Children love to play with rubber toys while swimming. Animals that make sounds, fish, balls will do. You can also offer the baby sea pebbles (good development of fine motor skills), shells and a plastic bucket.

Bath games


Developing games for girls from 1 year old - if we talk about seasonal games on the street, then in the autumn season, the baby can be offered to collect a small bunch of fallen yellow leaves together. In winter, all the kids love tobogganing. In the spring, when the snow melts and streams run, you can launch paper boats with your baby. In summer - a small ball, colored crayons to paint on the asphalt. Also kids really like to play in the sandbox. Mom needs to show the baby how to pour wet sand with a spatula into a bucket or molds, then - what happens if you turn them upside down. In addition, all kids love to ride slides, swings and carousels.

Sandbox games with mom

On the road

To prevent the baby from being capricious and bored during a long trip, you can take some of his favorite toys with you, and when the baby starts crying, give him these toys and play with him. Books will also help to entertain the kid on the road. Examination of color illustrations will attract the child's attention, calm him down, and help him remember the names of the objects drawn. Fun cartoon music will help to cheer up the child.

What toys to choose for a baby

Toys that a one-year-old child must have:

  • Plastic and foam cubes;
  • Sorters with openings of simple shapes;
  • Pyramid with colored rings;
  • Sandbox toys: a spatula, a variety of molds, a bucket;
  • Toys that can be pulled or pushed;
  • Stuffed toys that can be put to bed and fed;
  • Plastic dishes;
  • Musical drum, guitar and piano;
  • Books made of thick cardboard or fabric.

It is necessary to teach the baby something new all the time, especially after a year. Parents should give the baby useful knowledge and come up with new games and activities for him.

Watch the video: Speech Practice Video for Toddlers and Babies - Speech Delay Toddler - Learn To Talk Videos (July 2024).