
Pigeon teethers: models, pros and cons

For rare parents, the period of teething in a baby is painless. Most often at this moment, the baby becomes capricious, restless and pulls everything into his mouth, trying to chew and bite. A very good gum massage, which helps to reduce discomfort and soreness, in this case teethers provide.

Among their huge variety, young mothers and fathers try to choose the best and often opt for Pigeon teethers. In this article, we will look at the main models of this manufacturer, their pros and cons.

What is a teether for?

When a baby's teeth begin to erupt, he becomes capricious, starts crying often, does not sleep well, and may refuse to eat. Often this process is accompanied by fever, pain, and digestive disorders. The baby can begin to bite everything that gets into his mouth, be it toys, nipples, his own hands or mother's chest. Thus, he tries to relieve the arising pain and relieve itching in the gums.

All special teethers help to replace it very well. They massage the baby's gums, causing blood to flow to the painful areas. This helps relieve the resulting swelling and soreness.

Most often, mothers begin to offer various teethers to a baby when he is three months old. This prepares the gums for future problems and strengthens them. It may also take time to find the right type of teether for your child. You may have to try more than one of their types and more than one manufacturing company, because each baby is unique and what suits one may not always suit another.

The lineup

Teethers from the Japanese manufacturer Pigeon are models that stimulate sensitivity in babies to the maximum and help the jaw develop correctly. Their important feature is that much attention is paid to the areas that are most sensitive: the lips and the periodontal membrane located between the gums and teeth. These areas also help the baby to eat.

For babies from the age of three months, lips become one of the main tactile senses. The development of tactile recognition requires training with various objects that end up in the child's mouth. The impact on them of the upper and lower jaws contributes to the development of the sensitivity of the periodontal membrane.

If it is not developed enough, then problems may arise with teaching the crumbs to chew food: the child will not be able to really assess its consistency and elasticity. Therefore, timely assistance is needed for the development of this membrane, as soon as the teeth begin to erupt in the crumbs.

  • For babies who are three months old or older, Pigeon offers an interesting rattle teether option... It is easy to grip with a child's handle and is very light in weight. The material used for the manufacture of this rodent is absolutely safe, environmentally friendly and does not cause allergic reactions. He helps the baby in mastering such an important skill as biting with varying degrees of pressure. Such a teether is suitable for very small crumbs: beads of various colors will perfectly cope with the entertainment of the baby, attract his attention and contribute to the development of hearing, and the easy-to-grip handle will help in the development of fine motor skills.

The colorful shades in which this rattle is made will help in the ability to concentrate on the subject and the development of color perception.

  • Pigeon Dumbbell Teether Training can be offered to a baby starting from 4 months. The handles of this model are located at an angle of 90 °, this helps to ensure maximum comfort of the baby's grip on the rodent. The edges of the teether vary in thickness, which has a positive effect on stimulating chewing movements.

Flower from Pigeon can be interesting for a baby up to a year. This model has rounded petals, differing in rigidity and thickness. They help develop chewing movements and help reduce itching in the gums. The junction of the flower petals in the center is flexible. Approved by leading orthodontists, it cools and soothes gum pain. On one side, the flower is shaped like a cup. This facilitates the development of the first skills of drinking from a circle.

  • From seven months you can offer the baby teether toy with edges of varying degrees of rigidity. The elastic edges will do a great job of massaging the gums, while the thin ones will continue to develop chewing skills. Teaching your child to control bite strength with this teething device will continue.

  • Rodent-ring with four petals with a surface with a different relief, you can also offer a baby from 7 months. Such a teether will gently massage the gums, teach control over the bite force and develop chewing skills, like the previous version. Colorful colors and plastic rings that move freely along the handle will attract the baby's attention and assist in the development of hand motor skills.

  • Toothbrush set from Pigeon is offered for use from 6 months.

The set includes 3 brushes for different levels of use.

  • Brush N ° 1 can be used when the baby has already got out the first tooth or from the moment he is six months old. With its help, the baby gets used to those sensations when there is a toothbrush in the mouth. The rubber bristles of this product are very soft, the handle, which the child can also chew, is comfortable to grip, made of good quality rubber. There is a restraining ring for the safety of the baby. It is designed to prevent the brush from being pushed down the throat.
  • Brush N ° 2 can be used from 8-12 months after the front teeth have appeared. It helps the crumbs to learn the movements corresponding to the process of brushing their teeth, and get used to the feeling of it in the mouth. Also has a restraining ring for the safety of the baby. The handle does not slip in the hand, is comfortable to grip and is made of high quality materials.
  • Brush N ° 3 suitable for use by children over 1 year old after the appearance of molars. With its help, the baby will train in self-cleaning teeth. The bristles of this model gently cleanses the child's teeth without damaging the enamel and gums.

Such brushes can be offered to a baby only under the strict supervision of adults. This is a prerequisite for use if you do not want your baby to get hurt.


When purchasing this or that teether for your child, you must remember that each child is unique. Many children begin to bite with pleasure on teethers of completely different manufacturers. There are kids who only like a certain model. It may also happen that your child will categorically refuse them.

Most of the parents, whose children did not give up their teethers, were satisfied with the manufacturer of the Pigeon baby teethers. Almost all mothers note the high quality of the materials used for them. The models of this brand are convenient to use, and their care is not complicated at all. Almost all of them are safe for crumbs. Bright colors and interesting designs attract the baby's attention.

Some parents say that the rattle teether of this manufacturer was not very convenient for the child, since the plastic parts also got into the mouth. There are children who did not manage to correctly take other models of rodents in the pen on their own and therefore their parents did not like them too much. Still, most of the reviews are positive. The kids enjoyed playing, examining, biting and chewing the teethers from this manufacturer.

Many mums advise chilling any model of Pigeon teether in the refrigerator before use. It helps soothe gum pain and itching.

In the next video, see an overview of the Pigeon teethers.

Watch the video: MANUAL vs. ELECTRIC BREAST PUMP. My experience of these useful devices (July 2024).