
Strollers for twins: an overview of the best models and tips for choosing

When a child appears in a family, it is not only a great joy for young parents, but also a lot of new troubles. If two children are born at once, then much more effort will have to be made. In this case, any tricks that help one of the parents manage both babies at once will be very useful, because someone alone must work to ensure the financial well-being of the enlarged family. A stroller for twins is exactly the purchase that you cannot do without in such a situation.

Features, pros and cons

A stroller for twins is a rather extensible concept, but in any case it provides the main thing that is necessary for the parents of two kids. There are two places for children at once with one common chassis, which allows them to be placed with the proper comfort during a walk, and in some cases even at home, using a stroller instead of a crib.

At the same time, hundreds of companies from all over the world have dealt with the issue of two-seat children's transport, having spent decades on this, because differences are observed not only between individual models, but also between varieties, which will be discussed in more detail a little later.

Regardless of the specific type of design, both advantages and disadvantages can be distinguished in strollers for twins. Such products should be compared with two single strollers, which are perhaps the only ones that compete in this situation. If we talk about the advantages of a joint stroller for newborn twins compared to two single models, then the following points should be highlighted:

  • a double stroller, like a single stroller, must be driven by one person, so mom can easily walk two children at once, leaving no one unattended while dad makes money;
  • the production of a double stroller requires less materials and efforts, and therefore it costs much less than two separate ones - often the prices of a stroller for twins are approximately comparable to the prices for a single transport;

  • due to the fact that the two places seem to “grow together”, a two-seater stroller for twins takes up much less space when stored in an apartment, and if it is possible to fold it, it is also much easier to transport it in a car than two models for each individual child;
  • if, while walking the children, the mother wants to go to the supermarket, she will not have to worry about how to carry a bag with purchased groceries - a special place is usually left in the large frame of the double stroller for the necessary things;
  • some parents turn two single strollers into a single whole using special metal or plastic fasteners, however, because of this, the resulting design loses its maneuverability and adds weight, and therefore is much inferior to the usual model for two.

At the same time, some parents who choose two single strollers instead of one large one, in some cases, are guided by quite natural logic. A large stroller for twins weighs accordingly - as a rule, the weight of the structure itself is no less than 8 kg, but twins can easily double this figure. Throw in the little things or purchases that are needed, and the walk is a daunting task for one person, and the climb up the stairs is overwhelming.

A man could cope with such a task, but women usually have to walk with children, and if there is a faithful assistant in the form of a grandmother, then it will be much easier to walk with two separate strollers.

Small single-seater vehicles are a priori much more maneuverable and have a higher cross-country ability. A stroller for one child can be carried along a narrow path or through a cramped door, or it can be shoved even into a cramped elevator of a Soviet-era high-rise building, but all this cannot be done with a large double stroller.

Two single strollers will almost always cost more for the family budget than one double, but this statement is true only if we are talking about a new product. At the same time, one single model may already be available to the family - it could remain from the previous child, it could be received as a gift or bought for a symbolic amount.

It will most likely be somewhat easier to buy another single room than to buy a double one - especially in small and remote settlements, where the choice of industrial products is not impressive.

A single stroller can replace a double stroller even without a second stroller, if you use a sling. In our area, such a solution is still used quite rarely, and even in winter it may turn out to be extremely impractical, but mothers are slowly starting to use it, because it helps free their hands.

Variants of the location of the kids relative to each other

Choosing twin transport for kids, you also need to focus on how they will be located in the stroller relative to each other. There are actually much more options than an ignorant person might have thought:

  • Side by side. One of the most obvious solutions, it is characterized by increased stability, since the wide structure is quite difficult to overturn, while the kids usually do not really interfere with each other.
  • One after another. A good solution in a situation where the main criterion for selection is passability through narrow doors, however, because of this, the stability of the stroller is lost, and one of the children can touch the head of the other through the wall. In the two cases described above, both children face the same direction.

If they are turned towards their mother, this allows the latter to better control their condition, and the children themselves may experience additional comfort from the fact that they see the most important person in their life. If the children are facing in the direction of movement, then they can better see what will be ahead - this is a good option for grown up curious kids.

  • Face to face children are put in strollers so that, looking at each other, they quickly develop an understanding of their kinship, community with each other. In addition, in this position, they cannot hurt each other much.
  • Back to back - a rather rare location option, which is designed to minimize the influence of children on each other.

Separately, it should be noted that if the seats are not located side by side, then the location at the same height is not guaranteed - one of the seats may well be slightly higher than the other. However, the creators do this more often in the case of prams for the weather.

It is impossible not to mention transformers - strollers of this type usually allow parents to change the location of their children, depending on what the current situation requires at a particular moment.


In addition to placing babies in relation to each other, twin strollers are classified according to numerous other characteristics. If we classify children's transport for comparison, then it is worth starting with what has already been mentioned - with the location of the kids.

Strollers where children sit side by side are commonly referred to as "walking sticks" for convenience. Such a stroller is very good for its high maneuverability and stability, the seats in it are usually quite spacious, however, the significant width of the structure greatly interferes in the event of a narrowing of the path. In this case, the "cane" is literally folded in one movement, thanks to which it is convenient to store and transport it in a private car, and if children can get up and stand for a while, then in the elevator.

Strollers, where children are located one after the other, regardless of which side they are facing, is called a "train". This type of children's transport in our country is much less popular - it is very problematic to place it in an elevator, and it is simply inconvenient to walk up stairs with such a structure.

The small width of the wheelbase can also be dangerous if children decide to swing the structure from side to side, but on the other hand, such a stroller will pass through almost any door, because it is no wider than an ordinary one-seater.

A transformer, as its name suggests, must combine the qualities of several different designs, and in this case, it must be both a "cane" and a "train". Such universal models are in demand due to the fact that they combine all the advantages of the two types of strollers described above, but, unfortunately, they were not without drawbacks.

As a rule, transformers are characterized by increased heaviness, in addition, various rotary mechanisms, in contrast to fixed ones, tend to wear out quickly.

Another criterion by which any stroller is classified, and not just two-seater, is their main purpose.

The cradle is a small cot for a baby, therefore it can be used literally from birth. Some parents even decide to use a two-seat bassinet instead of a stationary cradle, but the expediency of this decision is not so obvious - there is usually not so much space in the stroller, and as the children grow, it becomes cramped there.

A cradle for two looks like an uncontested option for the first months of life, but in the future they quickly abandon it - it is bulky, heavy, but still cramped. Moreover, such a structure can be divided into two separate parts for each baby or, in the case of some "walking sticks", it offers one common bed.

The stroller, as the name suggests, is designed exclusively for walking. Children for whom such a model is purchased must be at least six months old in order to be able to sit on their own, because the seats in such vehicles are exclusively sedentary. Even when unfolded, such a stroller takes up much less space than a cradle, but the strength requirements for it increase - the children have grown up.

A good stroller should provide maximum comfort in the process of removing the child from the saddle, because it is used even when the child can already walk and even run, but is still too weak and can easily get tired during the walk.

Universal 2-in-1 models are usually designed so that parents can eventually convert the original carrycot into a stroller. For this, manufacturers release separate seats, sold both with and without a chassis. Some companies leave the opportunity to install a car seat instead of a standard bassinet or seat, chosen by parents at their own discretion - this can be convenient if the family already has one.

For the weather

Double strollers are traditionally regarded as transport for twins, but parents sometimes want one common stroller for children of different ages. This is very important, for example, in the case when the difference between two children is about a year - it turns out that the older one is not yet ready to leave the stroller, and the younger one already needs it.

Some manufacturers considered it unreasonable to leave potential customers alone with such a misfortune, and therefore offer special strollers with one cradle for the youngest child and one seat for the older one. A place for an older baby can have different, sometimes even quite unexpected configurations - for example, it may not even be seated, but standing, although then the age difference should be not a year, but at least three.

Most often, models for two children of different ages are made in the form of a "train", where both children are located with their backs to the carrying parent, while the older is located below and behind in relation to the younger's cradle. In some cases, the places are located opposite each other - in this case, one of them must be placed higher.

The last statement is especially relevant if the manufacturer decided to equip a stroller for children of different ages with two cradles at once, at least one of which is removable - in this case, it will be convenient to replace it with a sitting place over time.

Seasonal selection

Many manufacturers understand that a winter-dressed child is not the same as the same undressed child, because a place that was even too spacious in summer can suddenly become overly cramped and uncomfortable in winter. As a result, many models of baby carriages assume rather reliable walls made of thick fabric, which will protect not only from rain or bright sunlight, but also from weather disasters. Children's transport, respectively, is also classified according to seasonal orientation.

The winter stroller assumes radical wall insulation, its woven frame practically does not provide for cracks. This does not mean that children riding in such a stroller should not be dressed at all, but their size will not double due to winter clothes alone, because once a chosen place that fits in size will remain suitable for a long time.

There are completely different requirements for a summer stroller. In summer, when the heat is sweltering, the child will be able to sleep comfortably only if there is normal air circulation, and it would be foolish to go out with him for a walk if the stroller is still stuffy.

For this reason, the fabric of baby strollers should be thin enough to allow light breezes to pass through while blocking the sun's rays and stopping strong gusts of wind.

However, both of the above types of children's transport are quite rare, while the predicted winner in this nomination is the demi-season stroller - this is the type of most models produced today.

The manufacturer completes such a product with numerous bonuses in the form of a special blanket for the legs, insulated hoods, thick walls, but all this can be either fixed or easily removed. This solution is easily predictable in popularity for another reason - removable fabric parts can be washed and cleaned without problems, maintaining the hygiene of children's places.

Mom's stroller bike

A somewhat unusual and not yet very common solution is a unique transformer, which can turn an ordinary stroller into a symbiosis of a bicycle and, in fact, a stroller. When folded, this solution looks like an ordinary cradle and can roll with an ordinary handle, however, in the process of unfolding from under the child seats, the seat for the mother is removed, and the cradle suddenly turns into typical stroller seats. This design solves several common problems at once:

  • human legs are much stronger than hands, therefore it will become much easier to cope with a stroller;
  • mothers who were very fond of cycling before giving birth, and now temporarily do not have time for their favorite pastime, may not wait until the children grow up, but go on a bike ride with them right now;

  • improved ease of movement allows you to move long distances, thanks to which such a wheelchair at distances of several kilometers can be considered a full-fledged vehicle that replaces a car - the latter is no longer needed for a trip to visit grandma;
  • thanks to the same ease of moving and shifting the main weight from hands to feet, the mother will no longer have to choose whether to walk her babies or go to the store to shop - she can combine these two activities;
  • if necessary, such an unusual bike folds to the point where it can be shoved into the trunk of a car - in this case, the walk will be even more interesting;
  • older toddlers may like the fact that "in bicycle mode" such a stroller moves much faster than an ordinary one.

Of course, this model should not be idealized either. Firstly, it is not yet so easy to buy it - even single options are not yet so common, and even a model for twins is still the greatest rarity. Secondly, the creators did not add anything to the design except a bicycle seat, however, it also adds weight, which a priori cannot be very small for a two-seater stroller. Thirdly, like any other transformer, a wheelchair bicycle is subject to increased wear of springs and other folding mechanisms.

Standard sizes

There are no unambiguous standard sizes for two-seater baby carriages, as well as for doors or elevators, - each manufacturer starts from his own considerations, dictated by thoughts about the comfort of each of the children or, which is also possible, about savings. For this reason, each stroller is a certain compromise between the convenience of a child lying in a cradle and the convenience of parents who need to drive with such transport to any openings, as well as store the stroller somewhere and somehow transport it folded.

As a rule, parents are more interested in narrow and compact models, so we'll start with them. The width of the wheelbase, and at the same time of the entire stroller, can even be quite modest 55 cm, but only on condition that we are talking about a "train", while placing children side by side assumes a width of at least 75-80 cm.

The length, of course, is inversely proportional - from a modest 60-65 cm for some walking “walking sticks” to an impressive 170 cm for “trains” with two cradles. The height, as a rule, is not directly dependent on the type of stroller and is about 90-110 cm.

Many mothers are also worried about the weight of the structure, because it will have to be dragged up and down the stairs. It should be noted that there are also very light models that do not even reach 10 kg, but the question of the strength and reliability of such a stroller remains open. At the opposite pole are heavy two-seater strollers, the weight of which, in the worst case, can reach almost 20 kg even without babies.

Naturally, transport with such dimensions should have some special advantages, otherwise buying such a colossus is not worth it - my mother will not pull it up alone.

Popular models and reviews about them

The rating of the best strollers is an extremely controversial thing, because the constantly emerging new models make changes in the preferences of consumers, and each buyer will probably have their own selection criteria, negating all the advantages of the most popular models. Nevertheless, many consumers today prefer not to study in every detail the full range of products available, but simply trust what has been tested and rightfully appreciated by other parents.

For this reason, it is worth considering some of the most popular and sought-after twins strollers as of Spring / Summer 2018. For those who wanted to explore the entire range, such a description can be an excellent start and guide.

“Cybex Twinyx” is not a cheap product (about 30 thousand rubles), but it is popular. This model is a walking stick, the key feature of which is the completely isolated regulation of conditions for each place. Twins do not have to be identical in character, their opinions may differ, so the bumper, hood and backrest can be adjusted for each separately.

The manufacturer himself claims that his product can be used until the age of five, and although it is not very clear why this may be necessary, the case can withstand a total load of up to 35 kg. At the same time, the stroller itself is very light and compact, therefore it is in stable demand among those parents who simply cannot sit still for a long time.

Babycare Tandem is considered one of the best solutions for those parents who are lucky enough to have the same weather. The seats here are arranged "like a train" one after the other, and the rear one, although more spacious, is better suited to a younger child - it can be adjusted to an almost horizontal position of the back. Consumers really like this model for its high maneuverability - this is indicated by almost all reviewers. A large roomy basket for various small things or purchases is also considered very appropriate.

However, there are also enough critics - for example, many do not like the material and the way the stroller is designed (to protect from the sun, you have to buy protective visors, the upper attachment points of the belts are too low), and consumers are also dissatisfied with a significant weight. Nevertheless, all this does not prevent the stroller from remaining in demand, although it has become increasingly difficult to find it in stores lately.

"Bumbleride Indie Twin" is one of the best models of 2-in-1 strollers. In almost all photos it looks like an ordinary walking stick, but the set includes two independent insulated cradles that can be used separately, for which they are equipped with special handles by bag type. The versatility of the model is further expanded by the fact that instead of the standard walking modules or bassinets, you can install car seats from renowned third-party manufacturers, including Graco, Chicco and Peg Perego.

The final touch in addition to the idealistic picture is the ability to combine modules of different types on one chassis, complementing the carrycot with a walking module or a car seat if the age difference between two children is a year or more. The only, but serious disadvantage of such a product is its transcendental cost, which can reach 100 thousand rubles.

ABC Design Zoom is the German concept of comfort for toddlers and their parents, produced as a walking train. This stroller can hardly be called a transformer, because the solution looks somewhat unusual, allowing you to turn the walking blocks at will - the kids can sit both facing each other and behind each other, even if facing their mother, even with their backs.

This stroller does not offer any extraordinary conveniences, in addition to a spacious basket for things, however, consumer reviews are ambiguous: the model is appreciated precisely for its practicality, as well as for the ideal combination of price and quality.

The comments claim that the model confidently withstands one and a half to two years of operation and after that it can be easily sold, since it does not look worn out. The structure can be easily disassembled to a compact size and just as easy to assemble, and washing the fabric parts is not difficult, since they are removable. The only significant drawback is called perhaps the weight, which exceeds 18 kg.

"Phil and Teds Sport" can be considered a kind of revolution in the world of strollers, because the seats for toddlers here are arranged one after the other rather conditionally, but it is very similar to the fact that the manufacturer tried to place them in two tiers, one below the other.

Thanks to such an unusual solution, two goals are achieved at once - firstly, the length and width of the model remain quite compact, which is completely atypical for a "train", and secondly, due to the weight concentrated at one point, it is much easier to roll the structure than many analogues. The hood here is also noticeably higher than that of other strollers, therefore it will be very comfortable for tall kids to walk.

The manufacturer understands the atypical nature of his idea, which someone may not like, therefore, it allows transformation with the installation of standard walking blocks from third-party manufacturers. The company estimates its offspring at about 50-52 thousand rubles.

"McCan M-11" can be called a kind of analogue of the previous model, only here everything is greatly simplified, and the price, accordingly, is reduced. I must admit that the front seat here looks rather strange - it protrudes too far forward, and therefore, in the absence of a second baby, it can outweigh the entire structure, overturning it.

Otherwise, there is no significant criticism - users write that this is a comfortable and lightweight stroller for walking, which is quite consistent with its price of 15 thousand rubles.

Tips for choosing

After reading the impressive size recommendations on how to choose the right strollers, parents often get lost and forget all the useful information or concentrate only on global characteristics, forgetting about important details. The latter should be singled out separately so that a seemingly good model does not turn out to be a waste of money.

Even if children are sitting side-by-side in the stroller, each seat must be adjusted separately - this applies to the visors and backrests. This will help create the ideal environment for each baby, as even twins' tastes may differ.

An individual front bumper for everyone is a strict safety requirement - such a structure is much more difficult to break.

A light frame is an absolute plus for a stroller, but you need to understand why this lightness is achieved. Two children provide a significant load on the chassis, therefore it is unacceptable to choose models with a frame made of, albeit lightweight, but not very durable material.

Depreciation is mandatory not only for adult vehicles, but also for children's vehicles - in some regions of our country the roads are such that you cannot do without shaking softening, and after all, holes can prevent children from sleeping peacefully. Full-fledged reliable springs are not always installed on strollers, but large-sized inflatable rubber wheels, as opposed to plastic ones, will be an excellent choice not only for roads, but also for staircase steps.

If shock absorbers are present, they should be given special attention in terms of reliability and strength.

Parents living in an ordinary Soviet-built apartment building should take care of choosing a compact design. It is desirable that the stroller can be folded at any time with the release of a significant amount of free space, after all, in cramped apartments, it can occupy a quarter of the room, which may be the only one.

In recent years, the popularity of models that can be folded with one hand has greatly increased, and this is not at all an advertising slogan - such a design is really made compact in one movement, which is very convenient when traveling by elevator.


In "trains", in which children are located strictly one after another, children often do not sleep at the same time, but in turn. The rear, who sees only the front's hood in front of him, quickly becomes bored, therefore he quickly falls asleep while the front one admires the surrounding views. By the time the front one is already tired and wants to sleep, the back one just has time to sleep.

"Little trains" with two separate cradles are usually not very comfortable for babies - they really lack length.

In pursuit of compactness of strollers, manufacturers are shortening the cradles, so you should not purchase models with fixed cradles for long-term use.

Many inexperienced parents perceive the "viewing windows" in hoods as a bonus for babies, but in fact it is a bonus for parents who have the opportunity to better monitor the condition of their children. If the babies in the cradles are located with their backs to their parents, then such windows are very desirable, if they are not fundamental with their faces.

Double strollers with two separate cradles are good if at least one of the kids is quite active, and the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness in children do not coincide. The presence of its own “territory” allows each individual baby to engage in any interesting activity there, without particularly disturbing his companion - he will wake up unless the first child literally bursts into tears.

The closer the cradles are, the higher the likelihood of children's interaction, if the double bed is completely common, the kids will have to get used to the joint daily routine, and the parents will have to get used to the constant crying of one of the kids.

Twins are a relatively rare phenomenon, and special strollers for two children take up a lot of space and can stand in the window for too long before buying, so many stores do not initially have such models at all. They can be ordered at any time, but then you will have to wait for the delivery of the order, so it is better to do this in advance.

For a comparative review of strollers for twins, see the following video.

Watch the video: Top 10 Best Double Stroller Reviews 2017. Best Baby Cares. Best Review u0026 Guide (September 2024).