
Child clothing size

Clothes in the development of the baby is not the last place. The more correctly things are selected, the more comfortable the little one is. To dress older children, you need to know several parameters. It is easier with newborns - the size of the child's clothes is commensurate with age.

How not to get confused in size

How to determine the required parameter

In the first year of life, babies develop rapidly, mothers often have to visit stores in search of suitable clothes. Manufacturers produce baby clothes of average sizes for each age, based on the medical indicators of the dynamics of the growth of newborns.

To make it easier for parents to navigate in size, special tables have been developed. Before being guided by them, you need to take into account that the actual growth of the baby does not always coincide with the tabular parameter indicated for the corresponding age.

How to determine size by height

Some babies develop slowly, others grow rapidly. Therefore, when choosing clothes, it is better to look not at the number of months, but at the length of the baby's body. Otherwise, on a small child, things bought for age will dangle, prevent the little one from moving. A large child will also experience discomfort if he is wearing tight clothes.

Before getting acquainted with the size tables, you need to consider the following points:

  • in Russia and Ukraine, an identical gradation of measures;
  • completely different parameters are indicated on clothes from the European Union;
  • England and the United States have their own approach to sizing;
  • for the Chinese, only the baby's height is indicated on things for children from 0 to 3 months.

It is important to know these features if parents buy things through distributor online stores, where their own table with size markings provided by the manufacturer can be displayed.

Clothes table in the online store

The baby's height should be measured immediately before buying clothes - the first months of the baby very quickly add centimeters.

Note! When ordering things through an online service, you need to take into account the time it will take to deliver the package.

If, according to the table, the child's measurements fit 2 sizes, preference is given to the larger parameter. This is a guarantee that the clothes will not be small.

Tables of clothing sizes from 0 to 1 year

Scientists involved in the physical development of children have created special grids that monitor the dynamics of weight gain and height in babies in accordance with age. It is believed that the baby should grow 25 cm in a year.

Manufacturers of children's clothing took anthropometric data of doctors as a basis, creating their own tables of the size and age of the child. The numbers given in them are indicative, but they perfectly help mothers cope with the problems of choosing things.

You should not be content with just one mesh that caught your eye on the Internet. In addition to height and age, it is also recommended to take into account the gender of the baby - boys develop more actively than girls.

Sizes of clothes for boys

Age, monthsHeight, cmChest girth, cmSize, old / new

In the table of clothing sizes for children from 0 to 1 year, one more parameter is indicated - chest girth. Boys grow up to be strong, so when choosing things, you must also take into account their fatness.

Sizes of clothes for girls

Age, monthsHeight, cmChest girth, cmSize, old / new

The size chart for girls is slightly different from the previous one. But these are approximate parameters. The baby can grow more actively than the boy, and by the year she will need not the 24th size, but already 26. At the same time, the girl can be thin and have a smaller bust.

Baby clothes

The main criterion remains in both cases the determination of the parameters of clothing for the growth of the baby, taking into account his age.

Standard sizes of hats

There will be no difficulties with the choice of hats and caps - it is enough to measure the circumference of the child's head. This parameter is usually indicated on headwear models. For convenience, many manufacturers use double numbering (eg 44-46).

Sometimes, next to the size of the headgear, the baby's height (40/62) or his age is indicated. If mothers do not always pay attention to the first option, then the second will allow them to approach the choice of things thoroughly.

Newborn head circumference

Age, monthsDimensions, cm
for boysfor girls

The standard parameters of the circumference, taking into account age, are taken into account when buying a gift for a baby. It is easier for parents to measure the baby's head before going shopping.

Before buying a bonnet

If mom is faced with the lettering of the size of the cap, do not despair. Each character corresponds to digital dimensions:

  • XXS means that the head circumference is 40-43 cm;
  • XS is 44-46;
  • S 47-49;
  • M - 50-52.

Note! When buying a cap for the summer, it is better to focus on a smaller parameter - the hat can stretch. Demi-season and winter hats are taken taking into account the number exceeding the volume of the head, because a light cap will be pushed under the bottom.

Table according to European standards

Abroad, they are also guided by the average tables for determining the size of children's clothing. But their labeling on the labels differs from that adopted in Russia. Therefore, mothers sometimes get confused and buy things that are not suitable for the baby. To make it easier to understand European standards, it is recommended to consider the size ratio grid.

Sizes used in Europe

Age, monthsHeight, cmChest girth, cmDimensionsCompliance with the Russian parameter
European UnionEngland
0-150-5645-4656218 (36)
1-356-6846-4968220 (40)
3-668-7449-5174222 (44)
6-974-8051-5380224 (48)
9-1280-8652-5486226 (52)

As can be seen from this table, in Europe, sizes are selected according to the height of the child, taking into account the maximum parameter for a specific age group. Breast volume is given for guidance only. If the real parameter turns out to be greater than that indicated in the table and corresponds to a different growth, you need to rely on the maximum indicator when buying.

Clothes from Europe

British manufacturers mark all clothes for babies from birth to one year old with one number (2), which is not very convenient. Therefore, it is irrational to order it via the Internet. Moreover, in Foggy Albion they prefer to sew full-size clothes that will hang on the baby.

How much to buy clothes

Standard kits for newborns are purchased at the maternity hospital, especially without thinking about the size of the baby. Even if, during pregnancy, during an ultrasound examination, a specialist determines the dimensions of the child, it is not a fact that they correspond to reality. In this case, an error of several centimeters is allowed.

When the baby is born and begins to actively gain weight, every month up to one year old, measurements will be taken from him (height, chest volume, head circumference, etc.). These indicators will become the basis for what size things to choose, focusing on well-known tables.

Important! It is not worth buying clothes in advance, taking into account the average size coefficient. Each child develops individually, it depends on many factors.

It is better to refresh the baby's wardrobe as needed. Noticing that the baby's clothes have become cramped, mom takes another measurements from him and goes to the store. In order for undershirts, dresses and other things to last for several weeks, 1.5-2 cm are added to the maximum size in the age grid.

Taking measurements

To get the right guidelines for a purchase, a mom needs to know how to measure her baby. You can lean a one-year-old toddler against the doorway and make a "notch" with a pencil. Babies are best measured in a supine position.

The child is undressed and laid on a flat surface. They take a tailor's centimeter and perform the following actions:

  • growth is determined in a straight line, laying the meter from the crown to the toes;

Measurement of baby's growth

  • the volume of the chest can be found by stretching the tape around the body at the level of the armpits, across the shoulder blades;
  • to determine the circumference of the head, the centimeter is placed above the ears, eyebrows, and the most convex part of the back of the head is captured.

During the first months, the newborn is put on booties. Then there is a need to buy shoes. To do this, you will have to determine the size of the foot, following a step-by-step algorithm:

  • a sheet of paper is placed on a hard, flat surface;
  • put the baby's foot and circle it with a pencil, holding it strictly perpendicular to the surface;
  • a ruler is applied to the figure and the distance from the heel to the edge of the thumb is measured.

The measurement is also taken from the 2nd foot. In case of deviation from the size of the first leg, the maximum result is taken as a reference point. If it is expressed in decimal, the number should be rounded up.

The resulting parameter can be used when buying socks for a baby. To determine the size of the sandals, add another 5 mm.

Note! The described algorithm will help determine the size of summer shoes. For demi-season and winter models, measurements are taken from a leg wearing socks or sliders.

Experienced mothers already know how to pick up clothes for the baby by eye. But even for them, it will be superfluous to learn how to correctly determine the size of the child in order to accurately place an order in the online store and not be mistaken with the choice.

It is important to be able to correlate the markings of the Russian manufacturer with the European ones. Fortunately, there are many tables that help you not to be mistaken in determining the size of clothes, based on the age, height, and breast volume of the newborn.

Watch the video: Buying Childrens Clothing: How to Size Clothing for a Child (July 2024).