
Dairy-free cereals for the first feeding - manufacturers rating

Dairy-free cereals for the first feeding must be included in the baby's menu up to a year. They differ in their vitamin composition, content of minerals and nutrients. The most important condition for starting feeding is to choose cereals with no milk proteins.

Dairy-free porridge is the best complementary food for a baby

The benefits of dairy-free cereals for child nutrition

The pluses of nutrition include the lack of sugar, which often provokes allergies. In addition, the preparation of porridge does not require the use of milk. They are suitable for children with allergic reactions. Low-fat but nutritious meals are ideal complementary foods for an overweight child.

Varieties of dairy-free cereals

Before cooking, it is important to decide on a dairy-free porridge for children from 4 months. A detailed analysis of possible options for common cereals will not hurt.


Buckwheat porridge cooked in water is beneficial, contains a large amount of iron.

Attention! The introduction of milk into buckwheat destroys the valuable properties of the cereal.

The beneficial effect is provided by the included amino acids and plant proteins. Contraindicated in children who suffer from CNS disorders.


The usefulness of the dish depends on the processing technology of rice and the variety. Refined white polished rice is useless for the body. Brown rice is a rich primary source of dietary fiber, micro- and macronutrients, protein.

Brown rice

Interesting. The cereal contains 8 amino acids, carbohydrates, the consumption of which leads to muscle building.

The bonding properties of rice determine the gradual introduction of complementary foods, in small portions.

Corn grits

Benefits for baby food provides a balanced content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates that normalize the functioning of the digestive system.

The glutamic acid in the chemical composition of corn increases the brain activity of the baby. Dietary fiber in maize prevents fermentation in the intestines and reduces flatulence.


The saturation of cereals with fiber, protein, valuable components (iodine, chromium, iron, magnesium) is responsible for improving the functioning of the digestive tract, accelerating hematopoiesis. Millet is introduced into the diet of an anemic child, it removes traces of antibiotics from the body. For antibacterial treatment, millet porridge is the best breakfast.


Contains protein and fat, magnesium, iodine, iron, potassium, stimulates the intestines, thanks to insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber has a beneficial effect on the immune system, regulates glucose. Natural antioxidants in the composition protect the body from the harmful effects of the environment. Used with buckwheat for liver diseases. Disadvantages include gluten content.

Pearl barley

Healthy baby porridge that is undeservedly forgotten. Barley is rich in iron and protein. Barley, like oatmeal, contains valuable fiber.

Barley grits

The cereal is characterized by the content of 18 amino acids, vitamins A, B, K, choline, E, among the minerals:

  • potassium selenium;
  • phosphorus and copper;
  • magnesium and manganese;
  • calcium and zinc;
  • iron sodium.

The barley product improves the digestive process, protects against constipation, improves immunity, and has nutritional value.


When they talk about semolina, they remember childhood. For many years, there has been a myth about semolina as the healthiest porridge. It contains large amounts of carbohydrates and helps in times of hunger and food shortages. It relieves hunger for a long time, is inexpensive, suitable for feeding both babies and old people.

How to make dairy-free porridge at home

Most moms don't trust factory production and prepare meals at home. Cereals prepared for the first feeding on their own are not always safe.

Sometimes a baby has an upset and an allergic reaction when breastfeeding. To prepare porridge for the first feeding, the following nuances are observed:

  1. Grinding into flour is required before cooking. It is more convenient to do this with a coffee grinder. Grinding is carried out immediately before cooking.
  2. Prepare porridge only on water. The first feeding is dairy-free. Late breeding of ready-made breakfast is carried out with milk mixture, for crumbs - with mother's breast milk.
  3. Cooked cereal is similar in viscosity to fatty kefir. The approximate dose is 5-7 g per 100 ml of water.
  4. The cooking time of cereals takes 5 minutes, then the porridge needs to be cooled to + 35 ... + 37 °.
  5. Prepare rice porridge for about 7 minutes. Be sure to grind the cereal in a blender to flour.
  6. A week after the introduction of complementary foods, a little butter is added to the breakfast recipe.

When to introduce dairy-free porridge into complementary foods

6 months is a suitable period to introduce porridge during breastfeeding and normal weight gain. Artists are recommended to receive porridge at 4 months.

Insufficient weight and inconsistency with age standards is a reason for the first feeding. It is advisable to include porridge in the menu for frequent rotavirus infections, which are accompanied by diarrhea. Babies need high-calorie cereals.

Important! If the baby is gaining weight normally, they first introduce vegetable puree as complementary food, and after a month - porridge.

The readiness of the baby to receive porridge is indicated by such signs as:

  • teething;
  • confident sitting in a highchair;
  • lack of milk when feeding;
  • showing interest in adult food;
  • the ability to lick liquid food from a spoon and swallow.

It is advisable to establish which cereals are best for the baby.

What can be combined with

The combination of cereals for feeding is carried out with vegetables, berries, and fruits. Berries and fruits are added without heat treatment. Raspberries, strawberries, blueberries are great for rice porridge. An extremely useful meal is obtained by adding an apple or pear to buckwheat.

Fruit and berry flavors will help you understand if you need to sweeten the dish. When mixing the product with blackberries and other sour berries, you need to add a little sugar or its substitutes: honey, stevia, fructose in the absence of allergies.

Fruit supplement for oatmeal

Norms of dairy-free cereals in complementary foods by months

What can you give

Porridge is introduced into the menu in stages:

  1. First, the baby tries one-component buckwheat and rice (gluten-free cereals are digested with ease). If there is a predisposition to constipation, then buckwheat is better. It is undesirable to salt or sweeten the first feeding. It is advisable for the child to get used to the natural taste.
  2. Then the baby is offered a third option - gluten-free corn porridge. Its digestibility is worse, the composition is poorer in phosphorus and calcium. The inclusion of porridge from corn grits in the children's diet is carried out from 9-10 months.
  3. Familiarization with cereals that contain gluten is performed no earlier than 8 months. If the child is prone to allergies, feeding is postponed up to 1 year.
  4. Barley is offered from 1.5-2 years old, barley is introduced into the children's menu at 3 years old due to the severity of the digestion of cereals.

Council. The introduction of a new porridge into the diet begins after a certain time after familiarization with the previous one - after 7-10 days. During this period, a negative reaction will have time to manifest. If you get used to 2 different foods, you can try a mixture - corn-rice porridge.


The first feeding is preferable in the morning: throughout the day, you can control the baby's reaction to the new food. In the absence of allergies and an eating disorder, dairy-free complementary foods are given at night. Hearty food is responsible for restful and long sleep. The crumb is offered 1-2 tsp. porridge for the first time. Gradually increase the volume of porridge.

Porridge feeding volume

Age / monthsServing weight / g.

Butter is added to food after 3 weeks, starting at 1 g and increasing to 5 g by 8 months.

Rating of manufacturers of ready-made cereals

The stores offer a wide range of products from domestic and foreign manufacturers. The task of the parents is to choose the cereal and the brand in accordance with the child's preferences. AT the rating of cereals for the first feeding is distinguished:

  1. Baby. Has won the love of parents, it is produced on a dairy-free and dairy basis, with one or more cereals, with additives, and also without them.
  2. Calf. The domestic company presents products with different tastes. Due to the inclusion of sugar in cereals, the product is not recommended for children with allergies.
  3. Baby. They are characterized by a reduced content of sucrose. Medicinal cereals are produced that improve bowel function. Infants from one year are offered products with the addition of dried fruits and nuts.

Bebi porridge for children

  1. Hipp. The in-demand products come with herbal ingredients that are soothing and designed to relieve stress. For one-year-old children, cocoa, cookies, fruits are added to cereals.
  2. Agusha. There are dairy and non-dairy products, ready-made and dry products to choose from. A distinctive feature is a short storage period.
  3. Gerber. Good dairy-free cereals do not include salt or other harmful additives.

Herber products

  1. Nestlé. Makes adapted mixes, fruit and vegetable purees. You can pick up dairy-free, dairy, gluten-free options. Hypoallergenic, high quality product takes into account the characteristic features of the baby's development. A small drawback is the presence of lecithin, which provokes the appearance of a rash in a child with hypersensitivity.
  2. Fruto Nanny. Affordable cost and quality. The product is easy to dilute, contains mineral and vitamin complexes. Choose liquid, ready-made, dry mixtures. For grown-up babies, multi-component formulations are made.
  3. Fleur Alpine. Produces multi-component cereals containing gluten-free cereals.
  4. Heinz. Products are considered with the age and health of children. The range includes dairy-free and dairy formulations, with additives for a variety of diets. The food is characterized by low allergenicity, ease of dilution, and reasonable price. The series has a pleasant aroma and taste.

Buckwheat porridge Heinz

If you choose ready-made cereals for babies, they do not follow the recommendations of friends and acquaintances, but personal experience. Taking into account the taste preferences and health of the baby, the food will bring enjoyment with benefit.