
Slips for newborns - with a zipper, warm with closed handles

Slips for newborns appeared not so long ago, but quickly won the love of young parents. They are easy to use, and babies feel free, comfortable and at the same time protected.

Slips for newborns

What are baby slips

Slips for babies are overalls in which children are comfortable, and their mother is sure that they are warm and safe. They are convenient in that they do not need to be worn over the head, which babies do not like very much.

What are newborn baby slips:

  • an excellent replacement for sliders and undershirts, in which the baby's back is now and then exposed;
  • protection from coolness and heat;
  • replacement of pajamas and underwear needed in cold weather;
  • an independent version of clothing, suitable for summer and demi-season walks, the main thing is to choose the right material.

How are they used

Slips for newborns are a convenient and practical replacement for pajamas. After all, small children sleep a lot, comfortable clothes only improve their rest. Later they are used as a bottom layer replacing underwear. Depending on the material, they are designed for different weather.

Note! Plus the jumpsuit - no need to turn the baby to dress him. With a slip, all that remains is to put it on your back, use the sleeves and button it up. You don't have to completely undress your baby to change a diaper.

Slip materials

Depending on the purpose, there are slips made from different materials. They will serve not only as home clothes, but also as a suit for walking.


A bike slip is a warmed wardrobe item. The fleece will keep the newborn from freezing and eliminate the need to cover it with a blanket. In such a jumpsuit, you can go outside on a warm summer evening. It will perfectly replace the envelope on the statement if it is more than 17 degrees outside.


Flannel slips are less dense, they are softer than bike ones, in contrast to them, they have bouffant only inside. This is a good option for casual wear.


Slips made of kulirka, thin cotton fabric, are used in a room with a temperature of 22-24 degrees. If it's cooler at home, you should change your baby into an interlock jumpsuit. At temperatures below 18 degrees, footer clothes are the best option.

Variety of fasteners

When choosing a suit for a newborn, you need to pay attention to the fasteners. They should be safe for the child and comfortable for the parents.


Slips with a zipper for newborns will allow you to instantly dress your baby and, also quickly unbuttoning, get him out of the overalls. The main thing is to act carefully so as not to pinch the delicate skin of the baby. Often in the zipper area the fabric is denser, you need to pay attention to this, whether it will cause inconvenience.

Slip with zipper


The buttons on the overalls are comfortable, fasten quickly, do not interfere with the baby and do not open on their own. Even if the baby is actively moving, the fasteners will not give in.


The ties are inconvenient for parents. They may give clothes a festive look, but they are not suitable for everyday use.


The buttons are also not very comfortable. They easily pop out of the holes, and dressing the baby takes a lot of time and skill.

Variety of cut

Depending on the age and location of the baby, slips are selected that differ in cut. So, the clothes at home are more open, while walking you need to protect the baby from the wind and sun.

With closed handles

Overalls with closed handles are suitable for the little ones and for older children on a walk.

Note! Slips with scratches for newborns will protect babies that have just been born. They cover their fingers so that the child cannot harm himself.

Short sleeves

Slips with short sleeves are indispensable in hot weather. Overheating for a baby is much more dangerous than hypothermia. Therefore, it is worth dressing the child in accordance with the temperature conditions.


There are jumpsuits with closed or open heels. There are models that provide folding pockets. You can bare the baby's legs, and, if desired, hide.

Jumpsuit with open legs

If abilities and imagination allow, it is easy to sew a jumpsuit for a baby using your own or borrowed pattern. Then there is an opportunity to create any style, providing your needs.

Slip selection criteria

After analyzing the existing criteria for the selection of slips, it is easy to purchase a comfortable and safe overalls. The main thing is that the baby is comfortable, warm and cozy.

Safety and hypoallergenic

The fabric of clothing for newborns should be made from natural materials. This will eliminate the occurrence of allergic reactions. It is also better that there are no elements and parts on the clothes that can come off or come off. Ruffles and decorative cuffs are best reserved for festive occasions. Usually they are sewn from synthetics, crumbs that prick and irritate the skin.

Note! Slip-ons for newborns should be soft and pleasant to the body. Natural materials will keep your baby from freezing or sweating. There should be no hard parts and seams inside that can harm delicate skin.


The choice of fasteners is only important for parents. The most comfortable are zippers and buttons. The main thing is that the clothes fit the baby, do not press. Slips with buttons and ties are purchased when the style is attractive. It is better to refuse them if the baby needs to be quickly dressed and undressed.


Sizes are selected depending on the size of the crumbs itself:

  • For the first three months, babies usually wear clothes for their maximum height 56;
  • Some babies are born very small, then size 50 will suit them, others appear large, then 62 will come in handy right away.

Baby gender

All sleepsuits for newborns are the same, there is no difference in styles in clothes for boys and girls. There is an unspoken color division. More often, young parents purchase blue or pink overalls. But manufacturers offer a large number of neutral colors and shades suitable for both young princesses and gentlemen.

Warm or lightweight material

Slips made of light fabrics are purchased at home for the summer and for socks. In the cold season, warm overalls are chosen. They are worn under outerwear in winter, they are used independently in spring and autumn.

Popular clothes are from:

  • Fleece that keeps you warm, soft to the touch. But it cannot be called cheap;
  • Footer, a relatively inexpensive knitted fabric. It is tight and windproof.

Fleece slip

Decorative elements

Decorative elements on overalls slip for newborns do not carry functionality, they can cause inconvenience to the child. These are stripes in the form of animals, pockets and pompons. They are useless for a baby, sometimes they are dangerous. It is worth setting aside such jumpsuits for photo shoots and celebrations.

Quality of sewing seams

The seams can be inside and outside the garment. On quality things, they do not cause inconvenience to the baby. To play it safe, you can purchase a slip with seams located outside.


When buying slips, you should choose not too bright shades. Such things can be painted, which is dangerous for newborns. Even if they do not harm the child, they can shed during the first wash, and there will be no trace of the former beauty.

How to choose the size

Children's clothing has a dimensional step of 6 centimeters. Usually 56 is suitable for newborns. Such clothes are worn by children from 50 to 55 centimeters tall. Then slips of size 62 are put on the kids, followed by size 68.

Children grow quickly in the first months of life, so you should not purchase many of the same overalls. It is better to let the clothes be large for a crumb than small. Tight slips can damage the skin, especially if they are not very good quality and have rough inner seams.

Slips for newborns are comfortable and practical clothes. Overalls are easy to use, a large assortment allows you to choose clothes for any occasion.

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