
Chamomile tea for babies from 0 months

Chamomile tea for babies is practically the only herbal drink that is allowed in infancy. This healing remedy will help improve the condition of the baby's skin and will have a beneficial effect on all systems of the child's body. Chamomile flowers are used not only for making tea, they can also be used to make decoctions and infusions, which are good to add to the bath when the baby is bathing.

Baby drinks from a bottle

Chamomile tea properties

Chamomile tea for babies has the following properties:

  • Has antispasmodic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • Relieves increased nervous tension;
  • Reduces spasms in the intestines, improves digestion;
  • Fights infections effectively;
  • Removes itching and rashes;
  • Heals and restores mucous membranes;
  • Increases the efficiency of the immune system, activates the body's defenses;
  • Removes toxins;
  • Treats colds and viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Reduces the amount of inflammatory redness and rashes, dulls itching of the skin;
  • Increases appetite;
  • Normalizes the work of all organs of the digestive tract, kidneys, bladder;
  • Normalizes the state of the central nervous system (normalizes sleep, removes increased excitability, fights fatigue).

Cup of chamomile tea


Chamomile contains essential oils and flavonoids, vitamins and trace elements, coumarins, polysaccharides and organic acids. Due to such a rich composition, this medicinal plant has a high biological value. Chamomile for babies is very useful, as it has a beneficial effect on the circulatory, immune, nervous and digestive systems.

Chamomile tea for babies will help:

  • With painful teething;
  • With gastrointestinal disorders (poisoning, diarrhea, dysbiosis, increased gas production);
  • During colds and viral diseases;
  • Reduce hyperactivity and overcome difficulty falling asleep;
  • Remove itching and redness on the skin.

In what form can you find chamomile

When choosing chamomile flowers, it is better to give preference to those sold at the pharmacy. All medicinal herbs entering the pharmacy network are thoroughly examined for the presence of harmful impurities, the quality of raw materials, the presence of pesticides, chemicals, and the level of radiation are also checked.

Pharmacy chamomile

In pharmacies, chamomile tea can be found in different forms of release. Most often these are disposable filter bags with a crushed mixture of dried flowers and boxes of whole dried chamomile heads. It is better to add the herb in loose form to tea for adults, since it must be brewed, adhering to certain proportions exactly, then filtered so that the flower petals do not float in the tea.

Disposable chamomile sachets are very convenient to use. There is no need to worry that the amount of grass will be exceeded. One bag of this tea is designed for 1 tbsp. drink. To make tea, it is enough to pour one portion of 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes, remove the bag and cool the drink to 36-37 degrees.

Herbal tea bags

Shop tea

You can buy granulated chamomile tea for babies in stores. When choosing such a tea, you need to pay attention to the composition of the product - there should be no colorants, flavors or other herbs. Granular form is most suitable for babies up to one year old. This tea contains chamomile extract, the optimal amount of vitamins and minerals. The granules are sweet (thanks to the addition of the sweetener maltodextrin) and dissolve quickly in warm water. Babies really like this drink. Each package of baby chamomile tea granules has instructions on how to make it. Information about the quality of the goods and the expiration date can be found on the packaging.

Baby tea packaging

At what age to give a baby

Chamomile for newborns is useful and recommended for use from the 1st month of life. The only condition that parents must observe is to adhere to the recommended proportions and follow the brewing technology exactly. To begin with, you should make sure that the baby is not allergic to this plant, and prepare tea in accordance with the instructions written on the package.

Important! Any negative manifestation after drinking chamomile tea is a reason to stop taking it and seek medical advice.

When breastfeeding

A baby who feeds only on breast milk does not need to drink chamomile tea until at least four months. Further, the baby can only be offered a drink in small quantities, since chamomile will interfere with the absorption of iron. There is not very much of this component in breast milk. If the mother wants to actively water the child with chamomile infusion, then certain vitamins should be included in the diet, which contain iron, especially when the crumbs are found to be deficient.

With artificial feeding

Overeating often occurs in formula-fed babies, because of this, gas formation in the intestines increases. In addition, artificial babies, when they are very hungry, greedily suck the mixture from a bottle and swallow a large amount of air, this leads to colic. Treat tummy problems with baby chamomile tea.

Note! Up to three months, the daily norm of the broth should not be more than ¼ glass, then the monthly portion can be slightly increased, but the daily volume of the drink should not exceed ½ glass.

Can I give a newborn

Immediately after birth, the baby's digestive system adapts to new living conditions. The final formation of the intestinal microflora and mucous membrane takes place. Chamomile tea should not be offered to a newborn baby until two months. During this period, the risk of an allergic reaction to any new foods is very high. It is forbidden not only to take the medicinal herb internally, but also to add a decoction to the water while bathing.

After two months, the baby can be offered chamomile tea in small quantities; if an allergy to this remedy occurs, the intake should be stopped.

What is chamomile tea used for

A decoction of chamomile for babies is useful in that it helps to get rid of colic in the abdomen, which prevent babies from sleeping peacefully. Chamomile flowers can be used in the preparation of a decoction, in which it is very good to bathe a child. Chamomile will have a beneficial effect on the skin, relieve irritation that often appears in the areas under the diaper. Chamomile helps with prickly heat, allergic rashes. A bath with the addition of this drug will help the baby fall asleep faster and sleep for a long time, as it has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Additional Information. You can make tea, infusion or decoction from the flowers of chamomile. The first two options can be taken orally, and the broth, since it is more concentrated, is preferable to use for lotions and adding to water when bathing in a bath.

Healing drink cup

Calming effect

Soothing chamomile tea for babies can be given before bedtime. It is better to brew it half an hour before taking it. When the drink cools down to body temperature, it can be given to a crumb from a spoon or poured into a bottle.

With overexcitation, hyperactivity and / or diseases of the central nervous system, which often do not allow the baby to sleep normally, both during daytime and nighttime sleep, chamomile will help. It will reduce anxiety, improve overall health. The baby will stop crying often, he will fall asleep faster, his sleep will be of better quality.

With colic

If the baby has problems with digestion, is worried about frequent swelling, colic, constipation, then he needs to be offered tea from chamomile flowers every day - 1 teaspoon for 20 minutes. before feeding, 2-3 times a day. For digestive disorders, chamomile is allowed to be given in a course of one week. If the baby's condition has improved, you can stop taking it, if not, then repeat it after 2 weeks.

With a cold

If the baby has a cold, then chamomile tea will help increase sweating, remove the inflammatory process in the body, alleviate the symptom of intoxication and reduce fever.

You need to prepare tea according to this recipe:

  • Take 1 tbsp for a glass of boiling water. a spoonful of dry herb;
  • Give a child to drink 3 times a day, a single serving - 2 tablespoons.

Chamomile broth for colds

Red throat

Throat chamomile for babies should be used like this:

  • Give 1 teaspoon of broth after feeding, 3-4 times a day;
  • in case of redness in the throat, chamomile should be given just after a meal, as a disinfectant treatment for the throat instead of rinsing.

How to brew chamomile correctly

The tea packs bought at the pharmacy or store have instructions. To prepare a drink, decoction or infusion from chamomile, a variety of recipes are used. Parents need to observe the dosage that will be indicated in the recipes so that the baby does not have a negative reaction to the product.


How to brew chamomile for a baby to drink:

  • Pour 1 teaspoon of dry chamomile into a glass;
  • Brew with hot water (90 degrees);
  • Insist for 10-15 minutes;
  • Add honey or sugar.

This drink is given to the baby warm.


A decoction of the medicinal plant can be added to the bath while the baby is bathing.

For cooking take:

  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile.

First, pour the grass over with water, put the pot with the mixture on the fire and boil for 20 minutes. Leave the liquid to infuse for 30 minutes. After that, pour the infusion into the bathtub.

Decoction of chamomile flowers

The harm from chamomile tea

For an infant under one year old, a chamomile drink can be dangerous and cause such unpleasant consequences as:

  1. Very severe allergies, Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock, especially if the baby is monthly.
  2. Diarrhea - can happen due to the fact that chamomile strongly tones the smooth muscles of the intestines. Because of this ability, children should not drink tea with diarrhea or a tendency to frequent diarrhea.
  3. Vomiting - often triggered by a high concentration of the drink due to the bitter taste of chamomile.

Manifestation of allergies in a child

Allergy and its symptoms

Chamomile tea is allergic. Therefore, as a sample, 2-3 drops of a chamomile drink should be given to the crumbs in the morning, and throughout the day, observe the behavior and make sure that there is no reaction to the plant.

Allergy symptoms:

  1. Against the background of an overdose of ingested tea, diarrhea, bloating, moods and gas formation may appear;
  2. More often than not, chamomile can cause nausea and vomiting;
  3. After bathing, a red rash, spots, swelling appeared, the skin itches and itches;
  4. A rash on the cheeks is typical of food allergies.

Chamomile can cause allergies in a child, both when applied topically, and when he uses chamomile tea or a decoction inside. In most of these cases, reactions are limited to skin rashes. In particular, a newborn child or baby can be sprinkled if bathed in water with the addition of chamomile broth.

If an allergy manifests itself on instilling a chamomile drug into the nose, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis may develop. Chamomile drugs rarely cause hives or such severe reactions that the child has to be hospitalized. However, such a development of events is possible, it must be taken into account.

Chamomile is an effective natural remedy. With its help, you can solve many problems in children under one year old. Chamomile for babies helps to overcome coughs, runny nose, make it easier to fall asleep and strengthen the immune system. It is also effective for digestive problems, skin inflammation. The main thing that parents need to remember is to take into account the child's age and observe the dosage, carefully monitor how much medicinal herb to take for tea.

Watch the video: TEA OF THE MONTH COLLAB. CHAMOMILE TEA (July 2024).