
Feeding a baby from 0 to 1 year by month

The most active development of the baby's body is observed during the first 12 months. During this period, the newborn significantly increases in growth, body weight differs from the original by almost 20 times. In order for the formation to take place without pathologies, it is important to properly organize the feeding of the child from 0 to 1 year by month.

Organization of proper nutrition

Standards and guidelines

Times change, and with them the conditions for the development of children. If young mothers used to adhere to the advice of grandmothers, now the process of developing babies is paying great attention to health care.

Programs to optimize feeding of children are periodically updated in the country. On their basis, pediatricians give recommendations to mothers, who, in turn, must follow them.

Baby food management program

The initiator of the creation of this regulatory document was the Council of Pediatricians of the country. The program is aimed at improving the development of children under the age of 3 years through the normalization of nutrition. The analysis of criteria influencing the physiological state of the child is taken as a basis.

The program raised the following issues:

  • the effect of macronutrients on the functional characteristics of the body;
  • recommendations on the nutritional value of natural products and specialized baby food for the little ones;
  • organization of the diet with reference to the state of the organism, social conditions, etc .;
  • dietary prevention as a way to correct a number of diseases.

The program offers options for a set of products for daily consumption, with a description of the chemical composition. Based on these recommendations, food norms for the newborn are established by month.

Child nutrition according to WHO recommendations

The World Health Organization also pays great attention to feeding the baby. She suggests a number of strategies for complementary feeding practices, depending on different circumstances.

According to WHO, mother's milk is enough for a baby up to six months to satisfy all the needs of a developing organism (according to the National Russian Program - up to 5 months). Then they begin to use groundbaits in the sequence and rates determined by the developed methods.

Note! By the age of one, the baby already eats at a common table, but it is recommended to keep mixed food for up to 1.5-2 years.

Breastfed baby nutrition

During the first weeks from birth, most mothers practice free feeding (at the request of the child). The frequency of such visits is determined by the needs of the baby and the mother's ability to control the process. The optimal rate is considered to be 10 feedings (taking into account the night food intake). The optimal regimen is gradually developed, which changes with the age of the baby.

Number of breastfeeds up to a year

Age, monthsNumber of feedingsInterval, hours
1,5-27 (or 6)3 (or 3.5)
Further4-5at certain hours

When the baby starts to give complementary foods, he is transferred to a stable diet, which includes 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and 1-2 snacks. In this case, the daily food intake for the newborn must be maintained.

Nutrition in the 1st month of life

If the mother is healthy and has enough milk, the baby is fully provided with all the necessary components. If the baby is not gaining weight well, pediatricians recommend feeding him milk formulas.

The first months of life

In winter, in order to increase immunity, it is allowed to introduce subsidies with juices to provide the body with ascorbic acid. They start with lemon, then move on to apple and carrot. The norm of the drink in the 1st month of life is 5 drops per day. Juice is given to the baby after eating.

Nutrition table for babies from 1 to 3 months

There are no significant changes in the feeding of the newborn at this stage. The baby is exclusively on GW. If subsidies are provided, then only on the recommendation of a pediatrician.

Nutrition scheme in 1-3 months

NutritionQuantity by month, grams
Breast milk, ml / day700-800800-900
Fruit juicesOn the recommendation of a doctor
Fruit purees

Important! For a baby to have enough breast milk, it must be rich and nutritious. Therefore, the normal development and health of the newborn completely depends on the mother's diet.

Nutrition for a 3-6 month old baby

For the prevention of rickets, babies, starting from 3 months of age, are prescribed preparations containing fish oil. If the doctor permits, you can give a little grated apple (1/2 tsp).

The first complementary food is introduced (according to the recommendations of doctors) from 5-6 months, it should be a vegetable product. They usually start with mashed zucchini or cauliflower. The assortment is gradually expanding, giving the baby puréed broccoli, pumpkin, potatoes (in this order).

Vegetable purees

Between zucchini and cabbage, you can wedge carrots, and after the potatoes, give turnips. A little later, tomatoes and green peas are introduced into the diet.

Diet of the child 6 months

The toddler over time gets used to the variety in the diet. Its regime is also gradually changing - the baby is transferred to a stable 5-time feeding with an interval of 3.5-4 hours. The break for night sleep is extended to 10 hours. This regime is maintained in the following months.

From this age, in addition to vegetable purees, cereals flavored with butter and curd are introduced into the menu. Supported foods are best given at lunchtime, before the mother breastfeeds her baby.

Organization of feeding at 6 months

Feeding, no.Meal time, hSample menuProduct amount, ml (g)
16-00Breast milk180-200
210-00Fruit puree30
Breast milk150
314-00Vegetable puree50
Milk porridge150
Breast milk150
522-00Breast milk180-200

The 6th feeding is also allowed if the baby is sick, has not eaten well during the day, or is gaining little weight. In such cases, breastfeeding is given at 2 am.

Baby nutrition from 6-10 months

After six months, mashed potatoes are introduced into the diet. They provide the body with iron and animal protein. When a baby has teeth, he is gradually taught to minced meat, introducing meatballs and steam cutlets into the menu.

First, you need to give the child a little meat broth (10-30 ml) to check the body's susceptibility to the product. If everything is okay, after 1-2 weeks meat can be added to the diet.

At the 7th month, the baby should already receive ¼ of the egg yolk, and from the 8th month - half. After another month, once a week, the meat product is replaced with fish.

By the end of this period, the infant's diet looks like this:

  • in the morning - breast milk;
  • in the afternoon - 3 complementary foods;
  • in the evening - breast milk.

Tasty dinner

During this period, the baby is accustomed to bread, given some cookies, fermented milk products, juices and butter are introduced into the diet.

Meals from 10 months to a year

Closer to 12 months, the daily rate of breast milk decreases, the diet becomes diversified. In order for it to be balanced, you should adhere to the child's nutrition for up to a year by months in accordance with the given norms.

Product norms from 10 months to a year

NameQuantity, ml (g) / day
Breast milk200
Fruit purees, juices90-100
Cottage cheese50
Vegetable purees200
Meat products60-70
Fermented milk400
Bread, croutons, cookies10
Oil (vegetable, butter)6

Egg yolk for up to a year continues to be given in half. You can alternate porridge with milk noodles, and make a casserole from cottage cheese. If the baby does not have allergies, then he is periodically allowed to nibble on a piece of fresh apple, pear or other fruit.

Additional Information. By the time the child is one year old, the muscles of the chewing apparatus should develop well.

Complementary feeding scheme by week

To make it easier for mom to navigate how to organize a balanced diet for her little one for months, you should start by studying the order of introducing new products. Therefore, it is suggested that you familiarize yourself with the detailed algorithm for the first feeding.

Vegetable puree administration scheme

Days of the weekName of products, in grams
1st week
2nd week
3rd week
4th week
5 week

This scheme for the introduction of the first complementary foods is conditional and is given in order to understand the frequency of product change. Mom can modify and edit it, but the daily rate of puree always remains the same - 150 g.

Note! For better digestibility of the vegetable supplement, it is recommended to dilute the first portions of zucchini with a small amount of breast milk.

Artificial feeding

Babies on IV receive formula instead of mother's milk. They are nutritious and almost equal in composition to a natural product. But it is recommended to introduce complementary foods 1 month earlier, adhering to the nutritional standards given below for infants for months on artificial feeding.

Bottle-fed baby

Child's menu on IV

ProductsDaily rate, ml (g), by months
Milk mixture700-900800700400350200
Fruit juices, puree*5-3040-5050-60708090-100
Vegetable puree------100150170200
Cottage cheese---------304050
Meat puree------------5-305060-70
Dairy products------------200300-400
Bakery products---------------510-15
Vegetable oil------1-33
Egg yolk (pcs.)------------0,250,5

* As recommended by a pediatrician

The table shows the maximum norms of products per day. Adhering to the same diet every month as for children on HB, the mother can easily calculate how many grams (milliliters) to give to the baby in one feeding.

For example, consider a child's diet for the period from 9 to 12 months. The mixture is given to the child only in the morning and evening feeding, and, according to the table, it should be 100 ml per dose (200: 2). You can feed your child with cottage cheese or other product.

In the remaining hours, instead of the mixture, porridge is introduced into the feeding. The baby should eat 200 g per day, which can also be divided into 2 doses, supplemented with fermented milk or meat products.

It is recommended to give vegetable puree 3 times a day or 5. Accordingly, in one go the baby will receive 60-70 g (200: 3) or 40 g (200: 5). According to this principle, a one-time dose of other products included in complementary foods is calculated.

It is important to follow the diet

It is important for a bottle-fed baby to adhere to meal times. This is due to the following aspects:

  • infant formula is a richer meal and is absorbed more slowly by the digestive system, therefore, if the baby cries between feedings, it is not because he is hungry;
  • the mode is convenient for mom - she will have time to cook food by a certain time.

Adhering to the hours of feeding the baby on IV for months, it is easier to compose a menu for every day and introduce complementary foods into the diet in a balanced way.

How to introduce new components

Regardless of whether the baby is breastfed or artificial, the rules for complementary foods are always the same:

  • novelty in nutrition is practiced only on healthy children who have normal bowel movements;
  • if the baby's living conditions change (for example, moving), the period of complementary feeding is shifted to a later time;
  • the first vegetable purees are recommended to be given in the 2nd feeding;
  • start with small amounts (1 tsp each), with a gradual increase to 150 ml;
  • give complementary foods before the main feeding and always in a warm form.

When the baby gets used to one type of vegetables, the next product is introduced into the menu (not excluding the already mastered one).

Important! For children who receive food through a tube, the menu and the calculation of products are drawn up by the attending physician.

Having discovered an allergy to some component in an infant, he is removed from the diet, and after 2-3 days the attempt is repeated. If the reaction occurs again, then the new product is completely excluded from the menu.

The monthly nutritional norm for babies should become the main rule for the mother in the physiological development of the child. This will allow you to distribute products, creating a balanced menu. Knowing how much the baby should eat per day, it is easier to determine a single dose of food. Thanks to this, the stomach will not be overloaded, and the little one will begin to gain weight normally.

Watch the video: WHAT MY 1 YEAR OLD EATS IN A DAY. Getting my picky 13 month old to eat solids! (July 2024).