
How to calm a child down when they cry

Babies cry when they feel uncomfortable. By shouting, they try to ask their parents for help. In another way, babies cannot yet express their desires, and they do not know how to calm down on their own.

Newborn crying

When crying turns tantrum

If the baby's desire is not fulfilled for a long time, crying can turn into hysteria:

  • the crumb seems to be choking on tears;
  • screams heart-rendingly, not noticing anyone or anything around;
  • sobbing does not stop, even if you give what you want.

It is believed that a child under one year old cannot be spoiled. Therefore, you should not ignore his requests and needs, it is better to come at the first call of the baby. So he will feel protected and needed. He will understand that there is always a mother who will protect him from difficulties.

Why do children cry

Requirements for crumbs up to a year are reduced to meeting primary needs. Within a few days after meeting, the young mother will learn to distinguish what the newborn wants. It is she who can determine whether the child is sick, or he simply does not like something.

To understand how to calm a child down, you need to find the cause of his upset. The kid can scream if he is sick. He will have a fever and other symptoms, such as a cough or a rash on his body. An attentive mother will notice that he is not the same as usual. This is the reason for contacting a pediatrician. If the baby looks healthy, but continues to cry, and the crying power increases, he may be suffering from colic, hungry, or uncomfortable.


Children in the first three months of life, some and longer, are worried about colic. This is the result of increased gas production, which the baby cannot cope with on its own. Air remains in the stomach, the child suffers from unpleasant sensations.

You can suspect colic if:

  • The baby cries at the same time, from about 6 pm to 10 pm;
  • Presses the legs to the stomach;
  • The cry does not stop, while bursts are observed with increasing pain.

Pediatrician Komarovsky says that children are worried about the tummy, if there are no other visible reasons, and the crying does not stop.

Important! If the baby is full, did not fall, did not freeze, is in the mother's arms, but is crying, most likely, the case is in colic. He cannot stand pain and expresses his concern.

Colic in a newborn


A hungry baby will stretch his arms to his mother, open his mouth, repeating the movements that he makes when grabbing a breast or a bottle. Newborns eat often but little. The stomach does not allow you to absorb food in large portions. If the baby is screaming loudly, you should immediately offer him the breast.

Bottle-fed babies are fed hourly, following the directions on the formula. Do not skip meals, babies quickly get used to the regimen. If the time has not yet come, you can offer water, perhaps the baby is thirsty.

The discomfort

The crying of a child can be caused by stuffiness in the house. For babies, the temperature is comfortable in the region of 18-20 degrees. It is important to ventilate the room and get rid of dust regularly. It is not necessary to wrap up the child, but to navigate by yourself, adding one layer of clothing. Additionally, you can cover it with a blanket or diaper, guided by the temperature in the room or outside.

Uncomfortable clothing can be frustrating. It is necessary to examine the crumbs for damage to the skin. It is better to abandon the use of synthetic and too bright materials, probably containing dyes.


When a baby cries before bedtime, going into the night, he could be overworked. The nervous system of babies is just forming, and the baby cannot cope with all the emotions and impressions received during the day. You should not overload the baby's psyche and plan active events and acquaintances in the evening.

Note! There are sleep norms for children under one year old, which can be guided by in order to organize the baby's regimen.

A child's screams can be triggered by boredom and require attention and parental warmth. Perhaps he has spent too much time alone and feels lost. Calming actions, stroking the back, swinging on the hands will help calm the baby.

Newborn in mom's arms

How to calm a newborn

To calm your child down, you need to identify the cause of the cry. It is important to exclude the disease of the crumbs.

Calming techniques

It is usually sufficient to pick up the baby to stop crying. He will feel warmth, hear a familiar native voice and stop screaming. Perhaps he is tired of lying in one position, the change in position will calm the baby.

Latching on to the breast is the main way the newborn communicates with the mother. This is not only nutrition for the crumbs, but also an emotional connection. You can swaddle a baby tightly, for some it is enough to feel safe. If crying occurs in the evening and begins an hour or two after eating, it is worth helping the baby to relieve abdominal pain.

How to calm your child:

  • Massage the abdomen clockwise;
  • Put a warm diaper or heating pad on it, but always on clothes;
  • Carry the baby in an upright position or in a "column" after feeding. It takes 15 minutes for the gases formed during air entrapment to come out;
  • Give drugs designed for babies, consult a pediatrician beforehand.

Note! A simple and effective treatment for colic is skin-to-skin contact. You need to put the baby on the mother's belly so that he calms down.

Child from 3 months to a year

A child older than three months usually no longer bothers with colic, he becomes more independent, turning over in the crib. He can lie on his other side or stomach. The baby sleeps less, requiring more and more attention and communication.

How to calm your baby if he is crying:

  • When the room is stuffy, ventilate, do wet cleaning. When the child is cold, dress warmly. You can determine how the baby is feeling by touching his back, wrists, and legs. If they are cold, the baby gets cold, hot and sweaty - the baby is hot;
  • If he is bored, talking and patting on the back will help;
  • Show the kid something interesting, a bright toy or see what is happening outside the window. Children in one year actively collect towers, pyramids, there are many ways to involve them in the game.

If the activities are not distracting, the child may be hungry or thirsty.

How to stop a child's tantrum

You can calm your baby down in different ways, the main thing is to make sure that he is not in pain and that the temperature is normal.

How to quickly calm a crying baby:

  • Create a noise that resembles the sounds he heard in his mother's belly. For example, turn on the water at the tap, mixer or vacuum cleaner;
  • Go out onto the street or balcony, changing the environment and providing fresh air;
  • Play peek-a-boo;
  • Turn on your favorite music;
  • Wash your face and hands with warm water;
  • Get a massage or ride a fitball.

Massage for a newborn

How to prevent hysteria

You can't make your baby cry by ignoring him. Long-term frustration leads to childish tantrums, which can cause cramping and breathing problems.

Note! You don't need to think that the child is trying to manipulate, and if you resort to his every cry, he will grow up spoiled.

Crying is the only way to communicate wants and needs to parents. The baby cannot yet express thoughts in words. You need to learn to understand him, calm him down, so as not to lose confidence and not lead to the development of fears.

All children are different, you need to look for an individual approach to calming. The main thing is to observe what the baby reacts to with a smile, from which he turns away. There is no need to be afraid to hug and caress the baby once again. The attention and constant presence of the parents will only give the baby confidence.

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