
Is palm oil harmful in formula and baby food?

The harmful effects of palm oil are often discussed in the media, so attentive parents are alarmed that this ingredient is found in most infant formula. Is it harmful to children and why is it added to baby food?

What is it?

Palm is the name for such vegetable oil, the source of which is the fruits of the oil palm. It is allowed to be used in food in all countries of the world.

Palm olein and how it differs from palm oil

Palm olein is one of the fatty fractions found in palm oil. It has a lower melting point (19 to 24 ° C). At 20 ° C, this fraction contains no more than 9% solid fats.

Palm olein has health benefits similar to olive oil. When consumed in moderation (in baby food, its amount is balanced), it lowers blood cholesterol levels, preventing the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. It is this fraction that is mainly used in the production of baby food.


  • Contains more vitamins E and A than other oils.
  • Well absorbed (better than milk fat).
  • Rich in carotenoids.


  • Studies have confirmed that infants absorb less calcium from mixtures with it (15-20%), than children who were fed formula without this ingredient. That is why more calcium is often added to modern formulas than is found in breast milk. Otherwise, a decrease in bone density and various complications associated with this are possible.
  • Since it contains a large amount of saturated fatty acids, excessive use of such a product, as well as sources of animal fats, threatens problems with the cardiovascular system. Nevertheless, in comparison with butter, it is less dangerous, since its degree of unsaturation is 2 times higher (1 versus 0.5).
  • Also, excess in the diet leads to weight gain.
  • Stool density increases which is fraught with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. This fact has been confirmed by numerous clinical studies. We are talking only about ordinary palm oil, structured and close to breast milk does not have such effects.

See Dr. Komarovsky's opinion on palm oil in the next program.

Palmitic acid in breast milk and baby food - differences

Differences in properties are primarily associated with the location of palmitic acid on the fat molecule:

  • In palm oil, it is in a lateral position and is therefore easily accessible for digestion. As a result of digestion, it binds the calcium present in the composition of baby food and forms insoluble salt formations that the intestines do not absorb, as a result of which the density of the stool increases.
  • In breast milk, it is located mainly in the center and is not available during digestion, lipase does not act on it, it is absorbed in the intestine in its original form.

There is an exit! Structured acid or beta-palmitate in mixtures

The position of palmitic acid in high-quality specialized mixtures changes and brings the palm olein molecule closer to that of breast milk. This modified palm oil is called structured or β-palmitate. Clinical studies have confirmed that the frequency and density of stools with the use of mixtures with him was similar to those observed with breastfeeding.

At the same time, the first patent for modern beta-palmitate was received by the Betapol brand in Europe in 1987, and in the USA in 1997.


There are different fractions of palm oil.

Among them, there are two main factions:

  • liquid (olein);
  • solid (stearin).


Palm oil has a reddish orange hue and a semi-solid consistency. It is a mixture of many fractions of fats, differing in physical and chemical parameters and melting point. The main fatty acids in it are palmitic (among saturated) and oleic (among unsaturated).

Common myths

Among moms and dads, the following statements about palm oil were formed, which are far from reality:

  1. Eating is extremely harmful to the body. This is not the case, because people first got acquainted with this oil more than 5000 years ago. Back in the days of Ancient Egypt, they began to eat it and was considered a useful product. In moderation, the body gets a lot of benefits from it.
  2. It is not added to blends in Europe. In fact, European manufacturers add it to their products, but the label usually says simply "vegetable oil". Most often palm oil is substituted here for β-palmitate.
  3. The reason for adding to the mix is ​​the low cost. In fact, well-refined and high-quality oil is added to infant formula, the price of which is comparable to the cost of sunflower oil.
  4. Due to its high melting point, palm oil remains in the human body, as our body temperature is lower than its melting point. Indeed, at room temperature, its consistency is semi-solid, and it becomes liquid at temperatures above 39 degrees. However, the melting point of the oil has nothing to do with its digestion. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, the oil does not melt at all, but is broken down by enzymes.

Baby food is good business. Therefore, many unscrupulous manufacturers can spread rumors about the benefits or dangers of any component in order to advertise a new mixture with or without it. Therefore, you should be careful with such information and consult with specialists.

Why is it added to baby food?

Thanks to the addition of palm oil, baby food is saturated with fats that the baby needs for normal development. A baby who receives breast milk is really lucky, since the fats in its composition are useful and important for the development of the baby.

About a quarter of all fat in breast milk is palmitic acid, which is not found in cow or goat milk. And the desire of manufacturers to bring the composition of infant formula as close as possible to the composition of mother's milk by adding palm oil to the composition is connected with this fact. In addition, during the production of a whey mixture, part of the fat is removed from it, therefore they are replenished with other fatty acids.

For normal functioning and development, the baby must receive enough fats, which not only act as an energy source, but are also needed for the formation of cells. Modern mixtures include mixtures of fats from milk and vegetable oils, which also include palm oil. Purchase infant formula only with structured palm oil. It is these mixtures that will be as similar as possible to milk from mom's breast.

In addition to mixtures, it is added to instant cereals, baby cookies, and various sweets. In the food industry, they are substituted for milk fat, cocoa butter and other fats. You can find it in mayonnaises, margarines, spreads, processed cheeses, frying fats, and confectionery. This ingredient also lengthens the shelf life of products.

Healthy red

Red palm oil is a natural product rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Its composition includes 40% unsaturated (mainly oleic acid) and 50% saturated fat. This oil contains a significant amount of vitamin E, which is important for saturating brain cells with oxygen, as well as vitamin A. It also contains a lot of the antioxidant coenzyme Q10. The cost of this type of palm oil is quite high, therefore, as a rule, it is not used in the production of baby food.

Diet without palm oil

Not wanting to feed your baby and yourself with palm oil, you should carefully study the labels, choosing products that do not contain it.


Palm oil is not found in the following blends:

  1. Similac. Omega fatty acids and prebiotics are added to the mixture. Vegetable oils in this blend include coconut, safflower and soybean oils.
  2. Nanny. This blend includes healthy fats derived from marine fish. Vegetable oils in it are represented by coconut, sunflower and rapeseed.

Beta Palmitate Blends

In our opinion, this is the optimal solution. Study the composition and look for beta palmitate in it.

Among the brands, we currently only know 3 with structured palm oil: Nutrilon, Heinz and Kabrita. If you know others, welcome to the comments.


Among the ready-made children's cereals, palm oil is not present in the products of the Heinz and Spelenok companies. You can also cook cereals, cookies and other sweets at home from proven products, and then you will be sure that it is completely absent in the child's diet.

There are many TV shows about palm oil, some of which you can watch below.

Watch the video: Soy Formula! When to use it, how brands differ, and how to choose - Happy Hour w. Dr. Young (July 2024).