
At what age can a child be given jelly - recipes

When introducing complementary foods into the diet of a newborn, mothers wonder at what age a child can be given jelly. Many kids like this tasty dish, but the not fully formed digestive system accepts it with difficulty. Therefore, it is worth figuring out how and when to introduce a new recipe into the diet.

Kissel for breastfeeding

The use of jelly for nutrition

In the menu of children over a year old, this dessert is becoming a mandatory component. Infants are given it gradually in small doses.

The dish is not only tasty, but also healthy:

  • starchy product contributes to the formation of a film that protects the gastric mucosa;
  • depending on the components included in the composition, the jelly has various effects: antimicrobial, cleansing, anti-inflammatory;
  • the introduction of starch into the diet helps to regulate the baby's weight;
  • helps to cleanse the clogged digestive system and is a good remedy for dysbiosis;
  • the healthy products from which the jelly is made bring blood vessels back to normal and prevent harmful cholesterol from forming.

Healthy drink

In addition to the benefits, jelly can be harmful if you use foods that the baby is allergic to. If metabolic processes are disturbed, leading to excess weight, this dessert is contraindicated.

Important! If the family has a predisposition to diabetes, the baby is cooked jelly without sugar.

What berries and fruits to use

Having started to introduce jelly into the baby's menu, they use only those products that are already familiar to him. Therefore, the mother acts on the same principle as in standard complementary foods. The first was a fresh green apple, and a little dessert should be made from it. Then you can move on to yellow fruits, and you need to be careful with red ones - they provoke allergies.

Next, you can cook pear jelly, then drain. Closer to the year, cranberries and cherries are introduced. If the baby does not have a negative reaction to garden raspberries and currants, use them. Then the body is accustomed to forest berries (blueberries, lingonberries, cloudberries).

Note! The larger the list of vitamin products, the more varied the baby's menu. Up to a year, jelly should remain one-component.

Can frozen berries

Fresh produce from the garden or forest is available during the summer. To feed the baby with a delicious dessert in winter, frosts are quite suitable, but provided that the preparations were made at home, and the fruits were not processed in any way. In terms of nutritional value, frozen berries are not inferior to fresh ones.

Is it possible to store jelly

Semi-finished products are contraindicated for small children, so you should not buy jelly briquettes in supermarkets. The store product contains colors, flavors, and other harmful additives.

Store product

If you don't have fresh or frozen fruits on hand, dried fruits (which are inexpensive in winter) are fine. If homemade preparations were made (compotes, natural juices, boiling), they can also be used in the preparation of jelly.

From what month can jelly be

According to WHO recommendations, the baby is kept breastfed for up to six months, only then they begin to diversify the menu. Therefore, it is important to know from how many months a child can be given jelly.

Introducing dessert to the menu

6 monthsHaving accustomed the baby to applesauce, mom can safely feed him with jelly, but always with a liquid consistency. A nutritious drink is introduced into the menu no more than 2 times a week, so as not to provoke excess weight
8 monthsYou can already diversify the recipes: cook oatmeal and milk jelly, introducing them into the diet little by little. As a result, 1 feeding can be made exclusively jelly
9 monthsYou can already cook jelly from other fruits and berries, making them a little thicker
10 monthsFrom this period, kids can eat dessert with spoons, so the jelly is made jelly-like

Closer to the year, you can introduce an additional ingredient, making the dish two-component. With the use of wild berries, the dessert will acquire a more intense aroma that stimulates the appetite.

A new dish in the diet

How to cook jelly correctly

To prepare a healthy dessert, you need to know the intricacies of the technological process. Without such nuances, the correct jelly will not work:

  • In the preparation of fruit and berry dishes, potato starch is used, and for dairy dishes it is better to use corn starch, which gives the taste a delicate shade;
  • The amount of starch per 1 serving in 200 g is taken depending on the required density:
  1. for liquid jelly - 7-8 g;
  2. medium consistency - 8-10 g;
  3. for thick - 12-15 g.
  • Kissel is prepared not from the fruits themselves, but from juice (or compote), which at first are diluted with water (1: 3);
  • The starch is dissolved in the cooled liquid and poured into a boiling broth;
  • Keep the dessert on the stove until thick and remove immediately.

It is not necessary to sweeten the dish - the fructose present in the fruits is enough. If the jelly was made from dried fruit compote, then sugar was already used there.


Having familiarized herself with the tricks of the process technology, mom can move on to preparing a vitamin dish. The first addition to the diet is a jelly recipe for a 6-month-old baby.

Apple dessert

The fruit is washed, peeled and poured over with boiling water (to kill germs). To prepare a portion of jelly, 1 apple is enough.

Kissel from apples

The technology includes the following steps:

  • the peeled fruit is rubbed on a fine grater and squeezed out;
  • pomace is poured with water (1 glass) and boiled for 10 minutes;
  • the broth is divided in half and one part, filtered, cooled;
  • the second half of the liquid is placed on the stove and a little sugar is added (0.5 tsp);
  • in the cooled broth, dissolve starch (0.5 tsp) and pour into a saucepan.

Bringing to a boil, remove the jelly from the heat and cool. Then pour in apple juice and mix well.

From cherries

To prepare this jelly for babies, the recipe suggests a slightly different sequence of the process:

  • pitted cherries (1 glass) pour over boiling water;
  • spread on a colander, covered with gauze, and squeeze the juice;
  • mashed berries are placed in boiling water (1 glass), boiled for 3 minutes;
  • pour out a little liquid, cool and dilute the starch (1 tsp);
  • pour into the broth and bring to a boil;
  • then diluted with cherry juice and boiled for another 1-2 minutes.

If desired, sugar can be added to the jelly (1/2 tablespoon), if the cherry is sour. It is recommended to give this dessert to a baby from 9 months of age.

Oatmeal jelly

Dr. Komarovsky recommends this dish to infants who are lagging behind in weight gain. The ideal complement to complementary foods will strengthen the immune system and increase vitality. The algorithm for preparing jelly is as follows:

  • in the evening, oat flakes (100 g) are poured with warm water (0.5 cups) and left to infuse until morning;
  • then filter and squeeze through cheesecloth;
  • add salt (a small pinch), sugar (3 tsp) to the liquid and mix;
  • pour milk (1 glass) and put on the stove.

Oatmeal jelly is brewing

Boil the jelly with constant stirring until it thickens. There is no starch in this recipe - oatmeal took over its "responsibility".

Freezer fruits

To prepare jelly from frozen berries for a child, there is no need to waste time defrosting. Therefore, mom immediately proceeds to the following actions:

  • pouring water (200 ml) into a saucepan, put it on the stove and bring to a boil;
  • pours frozen berries (0.5 cups);
  • when the fruits "get warm" and swell, the broth is drained through a colander;
  • rub the berries through a sieve into a separate container;
  • the puree is added to the broth (leaving a little liquid for the starch) and put on the stove again;
  • pours sugar (0.5 tablespoons);
  • starch (1/4 tablespoon) is diluted with a decoction and poured into a boiling liquid, not forgetting to reduce the heat before that.

While stirring the jelly, it waits for the first signs of boiling and immediately removes it from the stove. Pour into a dessert mold and cover. Before giving the baby jelly, the dish is cooled to room temperature.

Additional Information. Berries can not be separated from the liquid, but use a submersible blender.

Kissel feeding rates by month

Having decided at what age the baby can be given jelly, the mother specifies how often to do it and how much by volume. An overabundance of hearty food will lead to digestive problems.

Before the age of one year, all innovations in the baby's diet are classified as an addition to breastfeeding. Jelly should start with ½ tsp. before feeding, 2 times a week. If everything is normal, gradually increase the dose of the product, adhering to the nutritional standards.

How much jelly to give up to a year

Age, monthsVolume, ml

The table shows the average feeding rates. Taking into account the individual development of the baby, the indicator can be slightly reduced or increased. It all depends on how the child is gaining weight.

Rate per feeding

The frequency of feeding with jelly up to 12 months remains unchanged - no more than 2 times a week. If a one-year-old child eats a nutritious dessert with appetite, and the body reacts to it adequately, then you can give the dish more often.

What can be combined with

First, jelly, as a subsidy, is added to the child in breastfeeding. Closer to the year, the drink becomes independent and replaces one portion of milk. Transferring the baby to a thick or solid meal, fruit jelly is made in addition to the main meal.

Fruit and berry starch dish can be combined with cottage cheese, cookies, puddings. It is better not to combine them with protein foods (eggs, meat, fish) in one feeding.

Possible Power Problems

All mothers know the property of starch to strengthen the intestines. Therefore, with liquid frequent stools in an infant, jelly will have therapeutic benefits. If the baby suffers from constipation, then this drink will only aggravate the situation.

If the baby's digestive system is poorly formed by six months, then the stomach can respond to jelly (as a heavy product) with profuse regurgitation, and sometimes vomiting.

Some children respond adequately to fresh fruits and juices, and jelly will provoke their food allergies. Here starch may already be the culprit, although such cases are rare.

A baby's diet is an important part of his development. Despite the benefits of jelly, mom carefully introduces them into complementary foods. At the slightest sign of allergy, the product is removed from use and replaced with another.

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