
At what age to potty train a child

Diapers are a thing that all parents, without exception, appreciate. Sooner or later, the time comes when it's time to teach the baby to go to the potty. In order for everything to go without problems, it is important to understand at what age you need to potty train your child and how to do it correctly.

Potty training is not as easy as it might seem

Is the baby potty ready

You can understand that the baby is ready to start using the potty by the following signs:

  • the baby remains dry, at least a couple of hours after sleep and during the day;
  • the baby's bowel movements and urination become regular;
  • the baby signals with facial expressions, words or posture that he is defecating or urinating;
  • the child shows a desire for a diaper change;
  • the baby begins to ask to use the toilet.

At the time of the beginning of training, it is not at all necessary that all the described reactions or circumstances be present, but at least some of them should be manifested.

Important! When deciding to give up the diaper, parents need to understand whether they want to potty train their baby or just go to the toilet. The first option is preferable because it is easier for children.

At what age to potty train

Most experts are inclined to believe that a child should be potty trained from about a year and a half. A similar conclusion was made taking into account the physiological characteristics of the development of the child's body. At an earlier age, both urination and stool in babies are reflexive and not controlled. The child simply does not feel that he wants to use the toilet. At this stage, potty training is a waste of time. You should wait until the baby's brain begins to recognize the transmission of the appropriate impulses from the nervous system and process it properly.

Sooner or later, it's time to wean the baby from the diaper

Interesting. Children begin to feel the filling of the rectum earlier than the need to empty the bladder.

Which pot to choose

When choosing the first pot for a child, you should pay attention to all possible nuances. Experts recommend studying models made of not too bright and high-quality plastic. Metal (for example, enameled) options should not be purchased - they are cold, heavy, therefore, with a high degree of probability, the baby will not like it.

Any pot on the label has information about the age for which it is intended. You should not select a product for growth - such a move will significantly complicate the process of getting used to the child's pot.

When it comes to accustoming yourself to the "night vase", you should not choose a model with long legs. The likelihood that the child will turn her over is too high. The correct version should have a wide and stable base.

Pot for boys and girls

If almost all parents ask the question of at what age to potty train a child, then not many are interested in which model is more suitable for a boy and which for a girl. Nevertheless, gender is one of the main criteria when choosing this product. This is due to the anatomical features of the sex of the babies.

In addition, the answer to the question of when to pot a girl will be different from the answer when it comes to a boy. Girls usually develop a little faster, because everything happens to them a couple of months earlier.

Pot for girls

With the choice of a pot for a girl, everything is easy. Almost all models are suitable for them. If we take into account that babies usually sit down by sliding their legs together, it is best to choose the simplest round version without a splash guard or dividers.

A simple round pot is suitable for a girl.

Pot for boy

Every little boy goes to the toilet a little differently than a girl. The correct pot in this case should be oval in shape, have a divider for the legs and a splash guard. A backrest is also encouraged as it allows the child to do things in the correct posture.

An oval pot is a great choice for a boy

Important! The main disadvantage of oval-shaped models is that it is not very convenient for children to sit on them on their own. At first, the parents will have to put the baby on the potty themselves.

Since girls from an early age try to imitate their mothers, it becomes easier for them to understand the principle of using a pot. Being by their nature more assiduous, the little ones have more chances to safely complete the started event.

Some little girls are shy and afraid to say what they want for the potty, which inevitably leads to incidents and wet panties.

As for the training of boys, they should first be taught to use the pot while sitting. Only when this skill is consolidated, you can switch to the traditionally "male" version. Dad or another member of the stronger sex family should demonstrate the process. At first, the boy will inevitably have problems with accuracy. This stage will have to endure.

Rules for teaching a child to potty

You can try to put the child on the potty after he turns one year old. In order for the learning process to take place as quickly and painlessly as possible, it is recommended to use the following simple rules:

  1. Explain to the child what the pot is for. The explanations should correspond to the age of the baby and the limits of his understanding. So, the kid needs to be told why people go to the toilet, and for whatever reason, you should not do your business in your pants.
  2. Host themed games. Exciting games will help to train your child to the potty. For example, toys can be planted on a pot. Together with the baby, they need to be fed, put to bed and taken to the toilet. For clarity, you can pour water into the pot.
  3. Read books. There is children's literature that helps children quickly learn to relieve themselves of a potty. For example, the recently popular book "Hurry to the pot, my friend!" tells the story of a rabbit and his friends who gathered for a picnic. Suddenly the rabbit wanted to use the toilet. The story of how the book character was looking for a pot will be equally interesting and informative for the kid. Using the example of a rabbit, he will understand that going to the potty is a normal and completely natural process, with which he will most likely want to get acquainted closer.

Do not assume that, once going to the potty, the baby will do it regularly. No need to scold him for stepping into his pants again. For every successful attempt to go to the potty, you should definitely praise the child. The kid will perceive going to the "night vase" as another victory.

Important! If the baby is scolded too often for wet pants, this can injure him and lead to the so-called psychological constipation. The child will form a logical chain: when I pee and poop, they scold me, which means that this is bad and it cannot be done that way. A much wiser decision is to ignore your toddler's mistakes.

During potty training, you should not completely abandon the use of diapers. It is recommended to leave them at night, to remove them during the day. When the baby remains completely dry for a long time (at least two weeks) during the daytime, you can try putting him to sleep without a diaper all night. It may not work out right away, but, most likely, very soon the baby will stop peeing in his sleep.

Some children flatly refuse to go to the potty, no matter how hard mothers and fathers try. In such a situation, parents have to use all their imagination and approach the process creatively. For example, you can put a kind of motivational board in the toilet and paste a sticker for each successful trip to the pot. A pleasant surprise awaits the child for five stickers. For example, going to a park, circus or playground. It is better not to use material bonuses, like buying a new toy.

The choice of pot models on sale is simply unrealistic.

By about the age of four, the baby is already ready to change the pot for a toilet. If a child goes to kindergarten, there are no problems with this - there are special children's toilet bowls. For a home "faience friend" you can purchase a baby seat with which the baby will be as comfortable as possible.

Tips on how to help your child

The process of potty training is very delicate, therefore, its organization should be approached with great care and accuracy:

  1. Under no circumstances should your child push hard to empty their bowels.
  2. For training, you can use accelerated methods of potty training, but it should be understood that they do not work with every child, no matter how child psychologists insist on this.
  3. It is recommended to go shopping for a pot together with a crumb. This will demonstrate the importance of the event and contribute to the early start of the baby's friendship with the night vase.
  4. If it didn't work the first time, you should forget about the problem for a couple of months, after which you can try again.
  5. If the child is afraid of the pot, it is best not to force him to use it. It is worth waiting for these fears to be forgotten.

Important! If uncontrolled urination and bowel movements continue beyond the age of five, this is a serious reason to see the child for specialists.

It is better to choose pots from high quality plastic.

Potty training can last from a week to several long months. Even if the process is delayed, parents should not have any reasons for concern. Science will be mastered sooner or later. The most important task for moms and dads is to be patient and make sure that the baby is healthy.

Watch the video: 9 signs your child is ready to potty train (July 2024).