
Irritation on the bottom of a child - what to do with reddening of the buttocks

The most tender place on the body of a newborn baby is the priest. The skin on it is very soft and smooth, which leads to the appearance of all kinds of irritations. Irritation on the bottom of a child causes fear and anxiety in many parents, and this is not unreasonable. In some cases, redness on the skin occurs not only due to improper care, but also due to possible deviations in the development of the child's body.

Child with a rash on the bottom

Features of the skin of babies

In newborn babies, the protective function of the skin is poorly expressed due to insufficient keratinization of the stratum corneum. It consists of only 2-3 layers of cells. Due to the fragile loose connection of the epidermis and dermis, accidental injuries are possible. Skin infections spread much faster than adults.

During the first months of life, the skin cannot protect the baby from most mechanical damage. The infection can penetrate very quickly into a fragile body and instantly spread through the blood throughout the body.

The skin of a newborn contains about 17% of all body moisture. Sweat glands begin to form at 3-4 months (they will be fully formed at 7 years old), until this time the baby loses and absorbs liquid directly through the skin.

Important! Through sweating, babies can regulate their body temperature, but with the wrong care they can easily overheat or overcool.

Respiratory function is one of the important features of baby's skin. Oxygen passes through a very thin layer of the epidermis into the blood vessels of the dermis. Babies exercise skin respiratory function ten times more than adults. It is for this reason that it is necessary to ensure that the baby's skin is clean and the pores are open.

Despite the fact that the skin of a newborn is thin and permeable, and also undergoes the instant spread of infections, it constantly adapts to new possibilities. The skin of the baby learns to recognize harmful microorganisms, autonomously maintain the moisture balance, and form the immune system.

Naked baby

Causes of skin redness in a newborn

Redness on the bottom of a newborn can appear as a result of external causes, and because of internal pathological abnormalities in the body.

Diaper reaction

A negative reaction to diapers can be due to their composition or structure. Very often, modern diapers cause irritation on the entire bottom of a newborn due to the fact that their inner layer contains chemical components. Some diapers do not absorb liquid very well, so the skin of the butt is exposed to urine and feces, and this is the first degree of a chemical burn of the dermis. Also, the priest may turn red if the size of the diapers is chosen incorrectly.

Baby diaper change

Irritation with diarrhea, frequent stools

Up to one year, the baby's stool is often liquid, sometimes diarrhea occurs, and irritation from the feces of the baby appears. There are some reasons why a baby has a stool disorder:

  • Allergic manifestations to food;
  • Change of milk formula or abrupt transfer from breastfeeding to artificial feeding;
  • Teething.

In this case, you should understand what exactly caused the appearance of diarrhea, and solve the problem as soon as possible. If a child is irritated on the priest from frequent diarrhea, you should carefully monitor his behavior. Make sure that the baby does not touch the ass with his hands and does not scratch the irritated skin.

Additional Information. Sometimes bacteria or fungus in the stool causes irritation on the bottom. This happens if dysbiosis was found in a baby. In such a situation, you cannot do without a doctor - he must draw up a treatment regimen for the intestines and prescribe an antifungal ointment to the child. It is possible to anoint the ass with such a means only at the direction of the doctor.

Red booty in a baby

Other reasons

External factors affecting the appearance of irritation in the baby's bottom:

  • Violations in the conduct of hygiene procedures. Not all children like to take a bath, and some parents, in order not to bother their baby once again, who starts yelling violently during each bath, stop bathing him altogether. Due to wiping the skin with wet wipes, not only redness, but also wounds may appear;
  • Allergic reaction to washing powder or soap. Often, irritations are caused by detergents, fabric softeners and even baby soaps. The skin of a newborn absorbs everything like a sponge. Allergens penetrate into a small body and provoke the appearance of a skin rash, which begins to itch strongly;
  • Glycerin suppositories are also extremely irritating;
  • Not enough air. The baby should be left to lie down for a few minutes daily without clothes. Taking air baths is necessary, otherwise diaper rash may appear;
  • Overheat. Do not wear too many clothes on the baby. It is best if, in a room, he is dressed, like mom and dad;
  • Synthetic clothing. The fabric does not fit the baby, which, upon contact with the skin, will irritate it, it will turn red from this. All newborn clothing must be 100% cotton.

In addition to external factors, there are also internal reasons:

  • Diathesis. This disease can occur in a child if the mother violates the nutritional rules for nursing mothers. There are foods that should not be consumed during breastfeeding, such as coffee or oranges and lemons. An allergic reaction can also manifest itself on any mixture with artificial feeding. With diathesis, redness appears on all parts of the body;
  • Candidiasis, or thrush. This disease is the reason for the appearance of irritation on the bottom. The fungus can also be seen in the mouth;
  • Taking antibiotics by a mother (for HB) or a child. The child's body tolerates such drugs very badly. The reaction can even occur in the pope.


How to properly care for your baby's booty

Parents should adhere to these rules for baby's skin care:

  1. Bath the baby every day. If the baby is afraid of water, you should wrap him in a thin diaper and slowly immerse him in warm water. Gently unwrap the baby after a couple of minutes. Wipe baby skin very gently and only with a soft towel.
  2. Replace old diapers - they should be of better quality. Change bath foam and butt cream. Wash clothes with laundry or baby soap.
  3. Try to use diapers as little as possible. It is better if the child's bottom receives the required amount of air and sun baths. Put the baby naked on a disposable diaper. Before this procedure, it is better to take the baby out of the room and ventilate the room. After that, heat the baby up to 22-25 degrees and remove all clothes from the baby for taking air baths.
  4. Wash the baby every time after he poops. This will prevent the bacteria in the stool from growing.
  5. Use wet wipes only when traveling or outdoors. At home, it is better to wash the child with warm water.
  6. Gradually introduce new foods into complementary foods. New food should be given to the baby in a scanty amount - no more than 0.5 teaspoons of complementary foods per day. With diarrhea, you do not need to self-medicate. Seek a prescription from a doctor after examination.
  7. How to treat a baby's ass with severe redness - while bathing, you can add a decoction of medicinal herbs to the bath, which have anti-inflammatory and soothing effects.
  8. Use pharmacy healing ointments or creams, but smear them on the skin only as directed by the pediatrician.

Important! If, in addition to redness, there are other symptoms on the priest, such as allergic rashes, regurgitation, nausea and vomiting, fever, you should immediately call a doctor.

The child is wearing a diaper

Prevention of redness on the bottom of a baby

To prevent the baby from developing rashes, certain preventive measures should be followed:

  • Change diapers every 2.5-3 hours;
  • Wash the baby with clean water and soap at least twice a day (especially babies): in the morning after changing the diaper, during the nightly bathing;
  • When changing the diaper, leave the little one for 2-3 minutes, so that the skin "breathes";
  • Wash the baby's bottom with soap after each bowel movement;
  • Use only non-allergenic infant powder for washing baby clothes;
  • The use of wet wipes is appropriate only outdoors;
  • The air temperature in the room should not be higher than 22 degrees, and the humidity should be at least 60-70%. Komarovsky advises using a humidifier to increase humidity;
  • Choose the right diapers. It is worth purchasing only soft and high-quality diapers that will not cause allergies in the child;
  • To avoid the appearance of dysbiosis in a newborn, it is better if the young mother breastfeeds the baby (mother's milk contains protective antibodies and bifidus factor, which activates beneficial bacteria in the intestines);
  • If it is necessary to introduce a mixture or complementary food into the baby's diet, then this should be done gradually so that the intestinal microflora can adapt to all changes;
  • If the baby is taking antibiotics, it is worth giving drugs at the same time that they prevent dysbiosis;
  • In order to avoid candidiasis, it is important to observe hygiene standards (before preparing food for the baby, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water, sterilize nipples and bottles before feeding, while breastfeeding - wash your breasts twice a day);
  • When the baby drinks milk, you can give him some water to neutralize the acidic environment that has formed in the mouth and can cause the Candida fungus to multiply;
  • For bathing, you must provide the baby with a personal washcloth and a towel.

Additional Information. Before purchasing an expensive diaper cream, you should make sure that your home medicine cabinet has regular baby powder. She will cope well with diaper rash and pruritus. You should not sprinkle it directly on the baby's bottom if he is still very small. You just need to wash your hands and sprinkle them with powder, then stroke the baby's bottom.

If irritation progresses, weeping sores appear on the skin, its integrity is violated, it is dangerous to self-medicate. The risk of infection is high. It is imperative to show the child to the doctor. Many diseases develop and progress in newborns very quickly, so any expectation can turn into serious problems.

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