
How to get your child to poop for analysis

You can't persuade a child to poop - no matter how hard the parents try, they won't be able to do it quickly. You can help him by showing affection and patience. Digestive problems, disturbed intestinal peristalsis lead to constipation and difficulties in collecting tests. Therefore, it is so important to constantly monitor the well-being of the baby and not abuse drugs that relieve constipation. You need to know how to make a baby poop in cases of emergency, and do it gently and painlessly.


Why there is no bowel movement

Constipation in babies is a common problem. He gives concern not only to the baby, but also to parents trying to help in all sorts of ways. You should not try all folk remedies and grab an enema. Sometimes the problem lies in the nutrition of the baby or the nursing mother. If the baby is "artificial", then constipation is most often explained by an inappropriate mixture or a constant transition from one to another.

Important! The well-being of breastfed babies depends on the mother's diet, especially in the first months of life.

The influence of mom's nutrition

Breastfeeding women should carefully consider their menu so as not to provoke a digestive upset in the infant. Constipation in infants appears if the following foods are consumed in large quantities:

  • White bread and pastries;
  • Smoked, fried foods;
  • Strong tea and coffee;
  • Rice and semolina;
  • Legumes;
  • Chocolate.

Together with the upset of the stool, the baby often suffers from colic, which appears due to increased gas production. The kid screams, pushes, his stomach is hard and puffed up. To avoid such problems, mom needs to reconsider her diet. With constipation in a baby, it is permissible for her:

  • Lean meat, boiled, stewed, or baked;
  • Vegetables, especially beets, pumpkins, zucchini are useful. You can eat cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes. If the baby is worried about colic, then vegetables are best consumed after heat treatment;
  • Oatmeal, buckwheat, corn porridge. It is advisable to cook them for the first time on the water;
  • Prunes and dried apricots. The main thing is to remember that excessive consumption of dried fruits leads to diarrhea.

Note! In order not to overload the crumbs' imperfect digestive system, the mother should be careful about her diet. You do not need to adhere to a strict diet, you can eat everything in small quantities, if the baby does not suffer from this and feels comfortable. You should always focus on the child's mood and behavior.

Mom with a happy child

How to collect feces for tests

Stool analysis allows you to assess the state of the baby's digestive system and its ability to absorb food. According to its results, the doctor will be able to adjust the diet of the mother, baby, and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

It is not always easy to collect material for tests; in infants, the stool is not regular. It is especially problematic to prepare for the examination if the baby is constipated.

How to make a baby poop

It is easier to make your baby poop after eating. There are gentle ways to speed up the onset of bowel movements:

  • Belly massage. Gently massage the area around the navel. At first, simply stroke clockwise, then press lightly. You can run your fingertips from the navel to the sides of the child, as if dispelling gases and stimulating the intestines. The baby should be nice and a little ticklish, but in no case hurt. No effort is needed. To literally slide your fingers over the baby's skin, you can apply a little baby cream or oil to them;
  • Gymnastics. Put the baby on his back and alternately, bending his knees, lift them to the stomach. You can also do the bike exercise. In this case, the baby should be like pedaling. It is recommended to complete gymnastics with a variation of "birch". It is necessary to raise the baby's straight legs up, tearing his ass off the surface. The main thing is to constantly communicate with the baby, talk to him, smile, not look away.


If the baby has already begun to get acquainted with adult food, you can offer him a decoction of prunes. The dried fruit must be thoroughly washed, cut into several pieces and covered with boiling water. As soon as it is infused and cooled to room temperature, offer it to the child. For the first time, a few sips are enough. Some children quickly learn to drink from the straw, the main thing is that it is soft - this will eliminate the risk of injury.

Solutions to the problem

If massage and gymnastics do not help, and the baby still cannot defecate, you can use a glycerin candle. It is necessary to cut off a fourth part from it and check the safety, whether it will scratch the baby. Then insert a few millimeters into the ass. It will melt almost immediately and act quickly. In this case, it is better that the baby lies on its side.

Note! It is not worth using soap - it is not intended for this, it can only cause irritation, and there is a possibility that it will slip further and lead to injury.

Often the baby cannot poop due to increased gas formation. Therefore, it is important to rule out this problem:

  • Place a warm diaper on the baby's belly. It is enough to iron it with an iron, but make sure that it is not hot;
  • After eating, lay the child on his stomach, strengthening the abdominal muscles;
  • Wear it in a column so that the baby releases the air that it swallows during feeding. It is most convenient to place him facing mom or dad, so that his chest is at the shoulder level of an adult.

In an extreme case, when nothing helps to defecate, but it is important to pass the analysis, you can use a gas outlet tube. Do not use pipettes, thermometers and other glass and plastic objects. Even if you lubricate them with cream or vaseline oil, they are dangerous. You shouldn't risk your baby's health. Enemas are also not recommended. Their use leads to the fact that the baby stops going to the toilet on his own. Usually, such events are carried out in hospitals, if absolutely necessary, under the supervision of medical personnel.

There are medicinal enemas that are allowed for babies from birth. They have a safe tip, the drug itself acts gently, causing bowel movements. Frequent use of them in order to make the child poop is equivalent to a regular enema with water, leads to addiction.

Rules for storing and transporting feces

Most often, a general analysis of feces or a coprogram is taken from infants. You can collect the material in the evening and put it in the refrigerator in a sterile, tightly closed jar. It is impossible to freeze feces, the optimal temperature is 2-4 degrees above zero. The refrigerator door is suitable for storage. In the morning he needs to be delivered to the laboratory. It is recommended to pass the test within 12 hours after collection. It is not necessary to open the lid of the container - this will violate sterility.

Analysis container

Note! If you purchased a special jar with a spoon at the pharmacy, then you do not need to wash it before collecting it, it is ready for use. You just need to open the bag and put the feces into a jar. A few small spoons or half of the usual dessert are enough.

In some cases, a still warm material is required, which cannot be stored. This applies, for example, to tests for bacteria. In any case, this can be clarified with the attending physician prescribing the referral. He will tell you about all the intricacies and clarify whether it is allowed to store feces in the evening, whether this will affect the result.

It is not difficult to collect feces for analysis from an infant if he has regular stools. With constipation, you will have to try to get tested. It is necessary to gently and painlessly force the baby to poop so as not to harm him. Do not neglect the help of doctors, relying on folk methods. It is important to constantly monitor the condition of the baby, then you will not have to persuade him to go to the toilet. Massage and gymnastics will never be superfluous. Even if your baby goes to the toilet every day, it is useful to strengthen his muscles and establish contact with loved ones.

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