
New Year's table for a nursing mother of a newborn

Breast milk should provide adequate nutrition for the baby. There is evidence that the composition of milk changes in accordance with the changing needs of the baby. How does it (composition) depend on mommy's nutrition? Is it possible to harm a baby by eating certain foods? These questions are especially relevant on the eve of big holidays such as New Year.

Mom with a newborn baby for New Year

Influence of maternal diet on infant nutrition

During breastfeeding, the mammary glands have a certain independence of metabolic processes, which guarantees the correct composition of milk. Every mother, if she is not malnourished, can produce milk of proper quality and in sufficient quantity.

Important! Changes in the mother's diet can change the concentration of fatty acids and micronutrients, but they are not related to the amount of milk or its quality.

The milk of all mothers has a high nutritional and immunological value. Their body always prioritizes the needs of the baby. Carbohydrates, protein and all nutrients enter milk from both the mother's current diet and the mother's reserves. This suggests that if a mom is eating an unbalanced diet, the synthesis of nutrients is done by extracting them from her body's reserves, which can cause health problems such as anemia.

Products for a nursing mother

During the first month of breastfeeding, the mother must learn to make her diet with healthy foods, avoiding foods that can cause problems for the baby.


It is recommended to follow a balanced and varied diet during breastfeeding:

  1. Increased intake of calories, vitamins and minerals. The daily calorie content is 2500 kcal;
  2. The menu should include meat, legumes - a source of protein, vegetables and fruits;

Vegetables are good for a nursing mother

  1. It is necessary to include the consumption of fatty acids (found in fatty fish) for the development of the brain and vision in the early stages of a baby's life;
  2. A breastfeeding mother should drink plenty of fluids (depending on the thirst, which increases during this period);
  3. Every day you need to include in the diet dairy products, which contain a lot of calcium;
  4. Dried fruits are a source of trace elements. They improve digestion, but if too much of them is eaten, laxative effects can occur. Before eating, be sure to scald and wash the dried fruit.

Important! There is no need to consume certain foods to stimulate lactation. This process depends on the intensity of the release of the already produced milk from the mammary glands.

What to exclude

A nursing mother should lead a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits and unwanted foods, these are:

  1. Caffeine. As a stimulant, it causes anxiety and nervousness. Present in coffee, tea, soft drinks. When it is consumed by a mother, the baby may experience problems falling asleep. If it is impossible to give up coffee altogether, then it is better to drink two weak drinks a day than one strong one. The effect of tea is not so pronounced, since theine is absorbed more slowly, and herbal teas are even useful;
  2. Alcohol. Excessive alcohol not only impairs lactation, but can also seriously poison the baby. In addition, alcohol consumption by a nursing mother affects the child's psychomotor development. Most doctors agree that alcoholic beverages are contraindicated for mothers during lactation. However, there are many experts who argue that small amounts of weak alcohol cannot get into milk. Strong alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited, but mom can drink a glass of beer or half a glass of dry wine with a meal.

Products harmful to mom

Important! If a mother wants to drink some weak alcoholic beverages, it is better to do this immediately after feeding, so that by the next meal of the baby, the alcohol has time to be processed by the body.

  1. Sweets and foods with preservatives should be avoided;
  2. Nicotine. Able to penetrate into breast milk and reduce its production. Tobacco smoke is more harmful to the baby. It is recommended to stop smoking while breastfeeding;
  3. Asparagus, celery, cabbage, onions, garlic and many spices give milk a tangible taste only when overused. In moderation they can be used for food.

Important! Foods that cause flatulence, such as legumes or gas water, cannot cause the slightest discomfort to the baby, because gas is produced exclusively when these foods are digested in the mother's intestines.

Festive New Year's menu

On holidays, every mother wants to please not only herself, but also her loved ones with delicious and original dishes. A New Year's table for a nursing mother of a newborn should bring maximum benefit and minimum inconvenience to all family members. This is not difficult at all, since there are few restrictions for mothers, and the selection of New Year's dishes is wide and varied.

The main features of the New Year's menu for mom during lactation:

  1. If the child is only 1 month old, then the New Year's table with HS excludes fried, fatty, vinegar-acidified food, allergenic dishes, as well as smoked and very salty fish;
  2. Mushrooms, even well cooked, are difficult to digest. This does not mean that you cannot use them, a small portion will not cause problems;
  3. Grilled carp are preferable to fillets of salmon or trout, baked or steamed. It is an excellent source of protein and calcium;

Baked Trout Steak

  1. A slice of cake or other sweet pastry won't hurt if it's homemade without artificial flavors;
  2. By replacing one ingredient with another, you can prepare a new dish based on traditional recipes. For example, the well-known salad "Olivier" will delight you with unusual taste sensations if you crumble fresh cucumbers and boiled tongue instead of sausage, seasoning with natural yogurt or sour cream;
  3. Fresh fruits and vegetables will be appropriate for a nursing mother of a newborn in the New Year's festive menu. Only citrus fruits, persimmons and grapes should be treated with caution and not to abuse cabbage beets, onions and garlic.

Dish recipes

It is usually customary to put snacks and a main course on the New Year's table. Some families also have a first course, but this is very rare. Given the busyness of the nursing mother, simple recipes are suitable for cooking.

Chicken and pumpkin salad

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 2 chicken breasts;
  • 200-300 g pumpkin;
  • 2 peaches;
  • leaf salad;
  • olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper to taste.

Chicken salad with pumpkin


  1. Brush the chicken breast with olive oil and bake in the oven along with the pumpkin, cut into strips;
  2. Cut the chicken and peach into thin slices;
  3. Put in a large dish the salad, torn by hands into large pieces, chopped chicken and peach, baked pumpkin;
  4. Season with salt, lightly pepper, two teaspoons of lemon juice, two tablespoons of olive oil. Mix everything carefully.

Important! Instead of a peach, you can use a sweet apple, or add a handful of pine nuts.

Fish baked with tomatoes

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 4 fish fillets (salmon or any other);
  • 12 slices of tomato 0.5 cm thick;
  • 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of butter;
  • 4 sprigs of thyme;
  • 8 olives, chopped;
  • lemon zest;
  • olive oil;
  • white pepper.


  1. Grease baking paper or foil with olive oil and put on it first three slices of tomato, on top - a piece of fish, salted to taste and seasoned with white pepper;
  2. Add 2 chopped olives, lemon zest, a teaspoon of butter and a sprig of thyme to each steak;
  3. Close the top carefully with the same paper or foil, making closed packages.
  4. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees, put the bags with fish on a baking sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes.

Salmon steak in foil

For a side dish, you can serve boiled potatoes, seasoned with butter and sprinkled with herbs.

Cranberry jelly

Cranberry jelly is not only a simple and tasty dessert, but also very useful for nursing mothers.


  • cranberries (frozen or fresh);
  • water;
  • sugar;
  • gelatin.


  1. 1 tbsp. l. pour gelatin into a glass of water and stand for 30 minutes;
  2. Thaw 2 cups of cranberries. If the berries are fresh, sort and wash thoroughly;
  3. Grind the berries in a blender and pass the gruel through a strainer;
  4. Dilute the remaining squeezed mass with 2 glasses of water, add a little less than 0.5 cups of sugar and put on fire;
  5. When the sugar dissolves, add the swollen gelatin, and while stirring, keep on low heat until it is completely dissolved;

Important! Do not allow the liquid to boil, it is better to remove from heat and continue to stir.

  1. Strain the liquid and put the previously obtained cranberry puree into it;
  2. Pour into small portions, leaving some liquid in the saucepan. Place the portion containers in the refrigerator until solidification (about 4-5 hours);
  3. The remaining liquid is cooled and whipped with a mixer until a pink foam is obtained and placed on top of the frozen jelly.

Cranberry jelly

When preparing festive dishes, you can dream up a little and add your own ingredients. The main rule must be observed: the amount of food consumed should not be excessive, even if it does not contain unwanted components for nursing mothers.

Watch the video: Trip to the Russian shop and Russian New Years salad how to (July 2024).