
Glycerin candles for newborns - how often can you put

Constipation is a fairly common problem in newborns and children under one year old. Although modern pediatricians, including the famous doctor Komarovsky, believe that a fecal delay of up to three days in breastfed babies is quite normal, it is necessary to look at the baby's well-being. Yes, milk can be completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, but if the little one is tormented by colic, and the tummy is swollen from gas, he needs immediate help. One of the proven and safe remedies is glycerin suppositories for newborns, which can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Suppositories with glycerin help relieve constipation in children

The use of glycerin suppositories for newborns

The main application of this remedy is to eliminate problems with emptying the large intestine in infants and older children, as well as adults (especially expectant mothers).


Especially often babies who are fed with artificial milk formulas face the problem of constipation. The reasons may be an inappropriate formula, a transition period from breastfeeding to artificial feeding, as well as a violation by a nursing mother of the recommended diet when breastfeeding.

Constipation torments infants with abdominal pain

In real babies, feces have a mushy consistency, bowel movements occur from 3 to 5 times a day (maybe less often), in artificial people the consistency is denser, which sometimes makes it difficult to excrete it from the body (normally - 1-3 times a day).


In some surgical pathologies, when it is forbidden to actively push, for example, hernias of various localization, glycerin suppositories are also prescribed for soft defecation.

Contraindications for use

Like any drug, glycerin-containing "torpedoes" have a number of contraindications to applicationin infancy:

  • the presence of hemorrhoidal nodules;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the intestines;
  • anal fissures;
  • diagnosed proctitis;
  • allergic reactions to an active active ingredient.

Important! Before using the candle, be sure to consult with your supervising pediatrician.

Operating principle

The laxative effect of the drug is based on the chemical properties of its active ingredients.


Each glycerin candle for newborns contains the following substances:

  • glycerol, which is the main active ingredient;
  • macrogol is a laxative chemical;
  • stearic acid - for smoothing the surface, as an additional lubricant;
  • sodium carbonate decahydrate.

The appearance of a glycerin candle without a shell

For children, torpedo-shaped candles are produced, each weighing 0.75 grams (for adults - 1.5 g). The package includes a dozen suppositories of yellow-brown color. The top layer may soften slightly from storage in a warm place.

Produced effect

Thanks to a special combination of components, the walls of the baby's intestines feel irritating, and its work is activated. The suppository provides additional lubrication for the rectal lining, which allows you to easily and painlessly remove dense feces (common for artificial people), the baby does not have a psychological fear of defecation.

Also, the components of glycerin torpedoes for babies, due to their high hygroscopicity, help to soften feces by drawing out liquid.

How many act

The effect of this laxative can begin within a couple of tens of minutes. However, a small child may not be immediately affected, then a 12-hour break is maintained, and if the result remains zero, the attempt is repeated.

Benefits of using

Glycerin candles for newbornsa very popular remedy for constipation because of its many benefits:

  • they can be used at a very early age, when other laxatives are still contraindicated;
  • usually give a fairly quick effect;
  • do not contain coloring and flavoring substances that can cause allergies;
  • they are not absorbed into the intestinal mucosa;
  • not quickly addictive;
  • easy, fast and painless;
  • the components are harmless to the baby's body;
  • the undissolved remains of the suppository go out with feces, without remaining in the intestines;
  • available in any pharmacy without a prescription and at a low cost.

Disadvantages of using

Any remedy is not without its drawbacks. Glycerin-based suppositories can harm a newborn if you start using them at your own discretion, at the wrong time, exceeding the permitted dosage and without consulting a pediatrician.

When applying, you must take into account the possible side effects of the drug:

  • allergic manifestations;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • troubles from the gastrointestinal tract.

Additional Information. If the suppositories are used for too long, catarrhal proctitis may develop, their laxative effect will tend to zero.

The main disadvantage is that suppositories only relieve the symptoms of the disease, allow you to solve an urgent problem, and the causes of constipation will have to be treated together with a pediatrician.

From what age to use

In the pharmacy network, you cannot find specialized candles specifically for newborns (which is considered a child up to one month of age), however, candles for children ("Glycerax" and the like) can be used, which are recommended from 3 months of age.

Is it possible for newborns

If necessary, pediatricians allow the use of children or even large adult candles based on glycerin, divided into several parts (halves or quarters for very tiny children). Most likely, they will need to be further shortened, the active active ingredient, glycerol, does not have a negative effect on the body.

Instructions for use

The use of children's glycerin suppositories for children and newborns is possible only if certain rules are observed, which are strictly prescribed in the instructions for the drug enclosed in each pack.

How to insert

First of all, you should thoroughly wash your hands with warm water and soap. The initial position of the child is lying on the back on a changing table or a low sofa (then the mother sits in front of the baby). Taking the legs with one hand and lifting them at a right angle, it is necessary to lubricate the outer surface of the anus with baby cream or oil, then slowly insert the prepared (freed from the shell and slightly warmed in the palms) candle directly into the rectum. During the introduction, the legs can be bent at the knees and pressed against the baby's stomach. Then you should immediately pinch the baby's buttocks for a couple of minutes so that he, instinctively pushing, does not push the medicine back.

Pose for the introduction of a glycerin suppository

To calm the crumbs, you can take him in your arms, you just need to be careful, since bowel movements can begin at any second.

Note! The key to a successful "operation" is the mother's calmness and her confident but gentle actions.

How long will it take

Many mothers are interested in the question: how long does a glycerin candle last for a baby? As a rule, the long-awaited result comes immediately - after a very short time, the baby will be relieved to do "his business". At a minimum, the active substance of the candle works after 15 minutes. The rate of action of the drug is influenced by the duration of constipation and the state of the baby's small intestine.

How often can you bet

Recommendations for the use of glycerin "torpedoes" are issued to the crumbs individually, as a rule, one piece is allowed once a day. If there was no result, you can insert a second candle, but not earlier than half a day after the first. The daily dosage is limited to 0.75 grams, the duration of the course of treatment is no more than 3 days, it is prohibited to put candles longer without consulting a pediatrician, it is fraught with strong side effects such as diarrhea.

We must remember! "Magic candles" only eliminate the symptoms of crumbs' ailment in the form of constipation. Together with the attending pediatrician, it is necessary to look for and eliminate the very cause of constipation: sometimes it is just to review the nutrition of a nursing mother or choose a more suitable milk or fermented milk mixture.

How much are

This laxative for babies can be freely purchased without a prescription from a doctor in a pharmacy network, as well as bought in popular online stores: order from an electronic catalog and arrange home delivery (large pharmacy portals can supply medicines to any region of Russia). Usually on sale are glycerin candles of domestic production - the Nizhpharm plant (Nizhny Novgorod), Glyceraks. Such a medicine costs about 140 rubles for a pack of ten suppositories. *

You can also use foreign counterparts, for example, from the Polish manufacturer Farmina. They will cost more - from 180 rubles for a similar package. *

Available funds

Glycerin suppositories are the most affordable way to relieve constipation. However, in the absence of effect or possible allergic reactions, they can be replaced with analogs: suppositories "Glycerol Euro", "Slabinorm", "Duflac", as well as microclysters with glycerin.

"Glycelax" - an affordable remedy for constipation

In the future, in grown-up infants, the consistency of the stool can be regulated by the correct balanced diet: beet juice or applesauce.

What newborn baby, especially one who is bottle-fed, has not experienced constipation? Fortunately, mothers have an effective and inexpensive tummy teller - glycerin candles for newborns. They are easy and painless to insert, do not cause trouble for the baby, and bring quick results. Their soft composition is harmless even for tiny newborns. However, after eliminating constipation, parents, together with pediatricians, need to understand its causes and eliminate them as soon as possible.

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