
How to give dill water to a newborn

The birth of a child forces all his internal systems to rebuild under new conditions of existence. It takes 3 months for the digestive function to adapt, so the baby has intestinal problems. One of the recipes of our grandmothers helps to cope with colic. For the treatment to be beneficial, you need to know how to give dill water to a newborn.

Popular colic remedies

About the benefits of folk remedies

Regardless of whether the baby is on gv, or he is fed with milk formula, he is not immune from digestive problems. An excellent remedy for colic has long been considered dill water, which is easy to prepare at home.

The folk medicine is so effective that the recipe was taken as a basis by modern pharmacology - an inexpensive mixture of dill and fennel can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Benefits for the child

Water, infused with herbal seeds, is allowed to be given to the baby not only for colic, but also used as a preventive measure. The mixture has a number of useful properties:

  • helps relieve intestinal spasms by reducing pressure on its walls;
  • eliminates the inflammatory processes that have developed in it;
  • relieves constipation and bloating;
  • facilitates the removal of gases;
  • cleans the system of putrefactive bacteria and promotes the development of beneficial microflora;
  • as a diuretic, normalizes kidney function;
  • improves appetite;
  • expanding blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on blood flow.

Dill water has a positive effect on the child's nervous system, providing him with a restful sleep. It is recommended to give the remedy even when coughing - by diluting phlegm, the mixture helps its rapid elimination.

Additional Information. Water is also useful for the mother of the baby - the infusion enhances lactation, normalizes the digestive tract and helps to cope with postpartum depression. Indeed, the composition contains folic, nicotinic and ascorbic acids, B vitamins, phosphorus, iron.

Operating principle

The above-described properties of the spicy mixture are provided by the essential oils contained in fennel seeds (their concentration is lower in dill). The solution, getting into the intestine, lingers there for a short time, thereby preventing the accumulation of gas bubbles, from which the latter are quickly excreted through the rectum.

The vitamin and mineral composition of the agent absorbed by the intestinal walls has a beneficial effect on peristalsis, improving the overall work of the digestive tract. This relieves the baby from pain symptoms and discomfort.

Tea that relieves discomfort

Due to the effects of dill water, food is absorbed better, which increases the quality of metabolism. As a result, a small organism receives a maximum of nutrients during feeding.

At what age can you give

According to WHO recommendations, babies under 6 months should not be given water. But this does not apply to a dill drink belonging to the category of medicines. Spicy teas are harmless, so they can be given from the first days of a baby's life. Although this does not mean that the child should be immediately given dill water.

Sometimes parents do not need a folk drink, especially if the baby is bottle-fed. Milk formulas are produced adapted to the child's age, so their composition takes into account the peculiarities of the digestive system. This helps to avoid colic.

A baby and a baby on a mixed diet depend on the mother's diet. Already at 2-3 weeks, the newborn may suffer from tummy problems, this is a reason to give the baby spicy tea.

How to properly prepare a drink

Dill water is called conditionally - in pharmacology, fennel seeds (or its derivatives) are usually used. It is enough to buy a package of disposable tea bags and brew them like tea. At home, you can use fennel essential oil or collect herbs from the garden.

Dill drink

For this recipe, it is recommended to take not only seeds, but also dill greens. The algorithm for preparing the drink is as follows:

  • 1 tsp raw materials are poured with boiling water (1 glass);
  • insist 1 hour;
  • filter and give to the baby.

Important! You should not cook water in large quantities - it is not recommended to store it for a long time. After opening the bottle, a medicine purchased at a pharmacy can be kept in the refrigerator for about 30 days.


To prepare some water according to this recipe, use dill inflorescences and perform the following actions:

  • raw materials are crushed and take 1 tsp;
  • pour boiling liquid (1 glass);
  • the container is placed in a water bath and simmered for 40 minutes.

The finished drink is removed from the heat, filtered and immediately poured into a bottle. Cool to room temperature and give the toddler in the right amount.

From fennel seeds

Unlike dill, this spice has more pronounced healing properties. Therefore, to prepare the infusion, less raw materials are required:

  • fennel seeds (2-3 g) are ground;
  • pour boiling water over it (250 g);
  • insist 1 hour;
  • filtered through a fine strainer.

Dill water is being prepared

They give the baby only a freshly prepared drink. If the product has not been used during the day, the leftovers are poured out.

In a thermos

Spicy water can be prepared in this way:

  • 1 tsp crushed fennel seeds (you can rub in a mortar);
  • fall asleep in a thermos flask;
  • pour boiling water (1 l).

Insist for 1 hour and filter through 2-3 layers of sterile gauze.

Note! If the recipe uses dried seeds from a pharmacy, then the infusion time is increased by 20-30 minutes.

From essential oil

To prepare this drink, you will need a sterile syringe (to remove 1 ml of oil from the bottle). The product is diluted with distilled water (1 l), stirring until smooth. You can also get drinking water for babies sold at the pharmacy.

Fennel essential oil

Before using this drink, you should consult your pediatrician on how much dill water to give to the newborn so as not to cause an overdose.

Dill water norms for children under one year old

Having decided on which recipe for preparing a medicinal drink to choose, they clarify how to properly give a newborn dill water. Here, the purpose for which the drink is used is taken into account.

How often to give the remedy

If dill water is needed to prevent the formation of gas, it is given to the child 3 times a day. When the baby has colic, the tummy swells, infusion or decoction of the newborn is given a one-time drink to relieve pain. If the attacks are repeated, it is allowed to increase the frequency of taking the drug up to 4, maximum 6 times a day.

Note! The infusion begins to act 20 minutes after the baby swallows it.

By the end of the 4th month, the need for dill water will disappear by itself. After all, by this period, the baby's digestive system has already formed and adapted to the diet. Therefore, in most cases, colic ceases to bother the child.

Although older children may have other problems:

  • flatulence;
  • poor sputum discharge for colds;
  • wounds and inflammation in the intestines.

A spice will also help in these situations. The frequency of its reception is determined individually for each specific case.

What is the dosage

The above described recipes for making dill water from seeds per 1 glass of liquid. But this does not mean that the little one should drink all of it. Regardless of how many months the baby is, no more than 1 tsp can be given for 1 call. drink.

The baby should first be introduced to the new taste. Therefore, first, a drop of dill tea moisten the lips and observe the reaction of the little one. If he calmly accepted the innovation, in the 2nd run they give ¼ tsp. In subsequent doses, the dose is increased, bringing it to normal.

How to give

Mothers are interested in how to give a newborn dill water while breastfeeding. If the baby only takes the breast, it is sometimes difficult to drink with a spoon. In this case, you can use several methods of drug administration.

Relieves colic

To begin with, mom expresses a small amount of breast milk and mixes it with 1 tsp. dill water. For bottle-fed babies, the drink is diluted with a mixture. Then they give the remedy to the baby in one of the ways:

  • pouring the drink into a bottle with a nipple;
  • using a sterile syringe;
  • dripping onto the tongue of the baby with a pipette.

As soon as the baby gets used to the cure for colic, in one of the visits, you can offer him pure dill water (without adding milk). If the child eagerly drinks it, then the liquid is not stirred.

Having decided how many times a day you can give dill water to a newborn, it is important to choose the right time. It is best to do this before feedings or between meals.

Features of receiving a purchased analogue

If it is easier for mom to go to the pharmacy and buy a spicy potion there than to prepare a drink in insufficiently sterile conditions, the frequency and dosage remain the same. Instead of water, a woman can be offered a powder analogue "Plantex", which has similar medicinal properties.

Analogue of dill water

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the following features:

  • the product is diluted with drinking water for babies, adhering to the proportions indicated in the instructions;
  • the amount of the drug corresponds to the child's age:
  1. for infants up to six months, 1 sachet is distributed into several doses per day;
  2. A 6 month old child and up to a year will need to dilute 2 sachets per day;
  • drinking method:
  1. for children on guards - with a spoon;
  2. with artificial and mixed feeding - from a bottle.

If a baby suffers from colic, then it is advisable to take the remedy for a nursing woman. She should drink ½ cup in 30 minutes. before giving the baby to the breast.

In addition to Plantex, there are other preparations similar in properties to a spicy drink.

Pharmacy analogues of dill water

"Baby Kalm"It is a combination of fennel and anise extracts. The concentrated preparation is diluted with water and given to the baby before feeding, 10 drops
"Happy Baby"The method of preparation is identical to dill water. The ready-made solution is given to the toddler 3 drops after eating
"Bobotik"The drops are measured according to the instructions, taking into account the age of the baby and diluted with plenty of water. Drink from bottle in small portions after feeding throughout the day

If it was not possible to find dill water or its analogues in pharmacies, you can use drugs: "Sub Simplex", "Espumisan", etc. They are suitable for infancy and quickly relieve colic attacks.

Possible problems

The statement that dill water can be given to a baby for preventive purposes is perceived by some mothers too unambiguously. The constant intake of a spicy liquid can provoke the occurrence of other unpleasant problems:

  • frequent long-term use of healing water will not only eliminate constipation, but also significantly weaken the stool, and also provoke flatulence;
  • increasing the dose can disrupt heart rhythms and lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure, which is dangerous for young children.

Seeds (as well as greens) of fennel and dill are considered a harmless folk remedy that relieves babies from colic. But an excessive passion for spicy water can provoke an allergic reaction.

Dill water overdose symptoms

The younger the toddler, the more imperfect its digestive system. Spicy herbs contain substances that are difficult to break down in the body of babies. Therefore, you cannot exceed the agreed dose of dill water in 1 tsp. per reception (and no more than 6 calls per day).

In addition to an allergic reaction in the form of skin redness and a rash, other symptoms of an overdose of dill water in a newborn are possible:

  • swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • increased flatulence;
  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • vomiting.

Poisoning may be due to the fact that the spicy seeds were collected from herbs growing in the soil saturated with heavy metals.

Flatulence increased

Noticing the inadequate reaction of the baby to the folk remedy, the mother immediately excludes it from use. In severe cases, the intervention of a pediatrician will be required to help eliminate the consequences of an overdose of a spicy drink.

Note! If the mother is afraid of colic, there is still no reason to solder the child with dill teas. Sometimes it is enough to give the little one a simple water to calm his tummy.

A medicinal herbal drink is an inexpensive remedy, proven for centuries. But it does not always help young children. If mom noticed that dill water does not give the desired result, and the little one continues to cry from another attack, you should not increase the dose of the medicine. It is better to consult a doctor who will help you choose another analog remedy that is more effective for a particular child.

Watch the video: how to give gripe water to baby? (July 2024).