
Baby development 5 months

The physical, intellectual, emotional and mental development of the child continues at five months. The baby learns new skills and continues to improve those already acquired.

A five month old baby playing with a mobile

Features of development at 5 months

At 5 months, the baby is more and more able to master physical skills, his body becomes stronger and more obedient. He begins to actively explore the world around him and takes initiative in communicating with loved ones.

The baby begins to taste everything, examine, throw it on the floor and listen to the sound. At five months, the child really needs constant communication with mom and dad.

Development of five month old boys and girls

The development of boys and girls is different from birth. Boys are born with a greater body weight and are several centimeters longer, they are more developed, more active, their muscles are much stronger. Hearing acuity is higher in 5-month-old boys than in girls.

At the same time, babies are more sensitive to any noise. Their tactile sensations are much better developed. They experience bodily discomforts more acutely. Girls are more affectionate and responsive to kisses and hugs than boys. Little space is enough for babies to play. Boys need a large entertainment area.

Girls have a dominant left hemisphere of the brain, so they concentrate well on certain objects and are more sociable. Boys have a dominant right hemisphere, thanks to this, they are better oriented in space, they have well-developed motor functions. The skills and abilities of children of different genders differ slightly.

Highlights of the skills and abilities of boys and girls are summarized in the table.

Table of comparative analysis of the development of five-month-old boys and girls

Benchmarking Criterion5 months old boy5 months old girl
Skills and skills of a physical natureMany boys already know how to sit with support. They are very mobile and can roll over on their stomach.Some girls are already trying to sit down on their own. But it is not recommended to sit down babies earlier than 6-7 months, since their bones and pelvic organs are still very weak.
Speech abilityBoys communicate by humming.The girls are already trying to pronounce the first syllables. The humming gradually turns into babbling. The baby is trying to imitate the speech of adults.
Communication formBoys love to hug and ask for arms.Girls love it very much when their mother talks to them for a long time, they love to hear congratulations addressed to them.

The girl reaches for the tumbler

How to develop a child

What are the features of the development of a 5 month old baby? With the help of educational games, the little one will learn about the world around him, learn to recognize objects and establish a relationship between them. Classes should be carried out only against the background of a favorable emotional state of the child. If the baby is sick or naughty, then it is worth postponing all games and exercises for a more appropriate time.


Parents can play the game "get the toy" with their baby. To do this, mom or dad should take in his hand any colorful rattle, cube or tumbler, and when the baby pulls its hands, wanting to grab this toy, try to move it a little further so that the baby has a desire to catch it. You can also move the toy from one place to another.

Parents need to name all the objects they hold in their hands. It is very important to read poems and fairy tales with your baby, telling in detail what is shown in the bright pictures.

For games with a five-month-old baby, you can purchase soft cubes with colorful patterns and bright stripes, various geometric shapes (cylinder, cone, ball).

At 5 5 months, the child can be given not very large objects, for example, rattles, beads, bells. Let the baby touch them, sort them out, shift them from place to place, from pen to pen - this will help the development of fine motor skills.

Rattle games

Note! If the baby is 5 5 months old, then it is better to spend the first half of the classes in the morning after feeding (from 10.00 to 10.30) and in the afternoon during the waking period (from 13.30 to 14.00). Duration - no more than 5-7 minutes.


Developmental exercises for toddlers who are five months old:

  1. A bike. Put the child on the back. Take him by the shins. Bend the legs carefully. Bend and unbend them alternately, as if a toddler was pedaling a bicycle. Repeat this exercise 6-8 times.
  2. Easy steps. Put the baby on the back. Easy to grip his ankles. Pull the legs forward one by one so that the foot slides over the surface. After the leg is fully straightened, return it to its original half-bent position. Do this 4-6 times for each leg.
  3. Crawl. It is necessary to encourage the child to crawl. To do this, you need to put the baby on his tummy and place 2-3 bright toys near him. The baby will try to reach them and very soon learn to crawl
  4. Fitball exercises. They will help the development of the vestibular apparatus, teach to keep balance, strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen, and the general tone of the baby.
  5. Gymnastics. The task is to dynamically breed and cross the baby's arms at the chest, to massage the legs when the baby is lying on the tummy or back.

Preparing your baby for crawling

The benefits of walking

Walking in the fresh air has a positive effect on the physical development of the child. The number and duration of walks will depend on weather conditions. When it's snowing and frosty outside, you can walk with your child twice a day for 40 minutes. In warm weather, the duration of the newborn's walks should be at least 3-4 hours a day.

It is ideal if the period of nap is combined with walking outside. Thanks to the active supply of oxygen to the brain, the quality of sleep will improve, it will be longer and deeper.

During a walk, if the baby is awake, you can talk to him, show leaves or twigs in trees, birds, benches on which passers-by rest, cats and dogs walking on the grass. So the child will explore the environment and learn a lot.

Important! It is not recommended to walk with your child outside when the air temperature is below -10 C.


Mental and neurological development

At five months old baby:

  • Publishes such combinations of sounds as: "ma", "nya", "yes", "ba". Pronounces them very often, repeats them several times in various combinations;
  • It features a strict and gentle intonation. Often takes offense when he is scolded;
  • He falls silent when someone talks to him and listens carefully to the words;
  • Draws attention to itself through crying or babbling;
  • Recognizes familiar faces, is alert when he sees new people;
  • Can easily take the desired object, looking at it;
  • A 5 month old baby still does not know how to find a toy covered by something, but if you do not cover it completely, the baby will immediately understand where it is hidden;
  • Remembers the color or size of the toy, and also remembers what it feels like;
  • Can grab and hold a toy, pull it towards himself, take it away;
  • While taking a bath, can play with toys in the water, will try to hold on to moving objects;
  • Laughs loudly, can walk for a long time;
  • Knows how to eat food from a spoon, swallows well;
  • Can play on its own for 5-10 minutes.

Five month old baby smiles

Physiological development

Physiological parameters are the basis of the baby's health and at five months should look something like this:

  • The physique becomes more proportional, the muscles are much stronger;
  • Vision continues to develop. The kid is already fixing his gaze, both on stationary and on rapidly moving objects. It can also look at bright pictures for a long time;
  • A five-month-old baby salivates very strongly. The reasons are the upcoming teething and cleaning of the oral cavity, since the baby pulls into his mouth almost all objects that fall into his hands;
  • Defecation in a breastfed baby can be either frequent (5-6 times a day) or rare (once every 2-5 days), this will continue until the child is 1 year old. Babies who eat only artificial food or have begun to receive the first complementary food, as a rule, defecate 1-2 times a day, their feces have a denser consistency and a very pungent odor;
  • A five-month-old baby can urinate up to 12-15 times a day.

Additional Information. Another equally important indicator that the toddler has grown up is the complete absence of hypertonicity. It usually disappears by the end of the fifth month.

Physical parameters

During the fifth month of life, the baby gains about 700-750 g of weight, its growth increases by 2-3 cm. The volume of the baby's chest becomes larger than the circumference of the head, which indicates that the baby is growing every day. Despite the fact that each child develops completely individually, and there is no need to compare him with other children, experienced pediatricians still advise paying attention to the generally accepted indicators of the norms that a five-month-old baby must meet.

Table of physical parameters of boys and girls at five months

Weight, kg6000-93005400-88006900-7500
Height, cm61,7-70,159,6-68,564-65,9
Head circumference, cm40,1-4538,9-4441,5-42,6
Chest circumference, cm40,1-45,740,3-44,542,4-42,9

Taking proper care of your 5 month old baby

The main components of full-fledged care for a five-month-old baby are hygiene procedures, gymnastic exercises and bathing.

Daily care for babies at the age of 5 months consists of certain hygiene procedures that need to be carried out in the morning immediately after sleep and throughout the day. So what mom needs to do:

  • Clean the baby's nose, wipe the dirt around the ears and inside the auricle;
  • Wash the ass and genitals of the crumbs with warm water;
  • Use baby powder for skin rashes;
  • Change the diaper if it is overflowing, or when the baby poops;
  • Wash your face and hands, wipe with a damp cloth as needed and at the end of playing activities.

Daily water treatments help to eliminate many problems on the baby's skin, such as: prickly heat, red spots on the skin and other allergic reactions.

It is best to bathe your baby in the evening, before going to bed. To make the child more interesting, you can put colorful toys specially designed for water procedures in the water. Adding infusions of medicinal herbs such as chamomile, string and thyme to the water will have a positive effect on the health of the baby's skin.

The duration of the baby's bathing in the bath should not exceed 30-40 minutes. This time will be quite enough to restore the child's physical and emotional state, which he used up during the day.

Five-month-old babies grow and develop very intensively. They quickly master new and improve the skills already acquired. It is important for parents to know the norms of the physical and psycho-emotional development of the child at 5 months, in case of identified deviations, immediately seek medical advice.

Watch the video: Five-Month-Old Baby - What to Expect (July 2024).