
Up to how many degrees can you walk with a child up to a year in winter

Walking with your baby is a must for those parents who want to raise healthy children. Busy mothers try to find time to take their child to the playground for active outdoor games at least twice a day. In total, such walks are at least 3 hours. Mothers of younger children are wondering how much to walk with a baby up to a year in winter in freezing temperatures.

Walk in winter

The peculiarity of walking with a newborn in winter

Walking for an infant is strikingly different from how children over one year old spend their time outdoors. The baby most often sleeps during walks, and the mother rolls the stroller with him through the streets. Therefore, it is advisable to walk babies on an open balcony, if there is one, until they are still unable to roll over and crawl.

Important! Children over 3 months old cannot be left unattended on the balcony if the design of the stroller is not capable of securing the child securely in the cradle with belts and an envelope zipper.

To what minus can you walk with a baby

Freezing temperatures are not dangerous for babies. You can walk with him and in the minus. The main thing is a sufficient number of layers of clothing and special creams or ointments on the face that protect the skin from moisture loss, chapping and frostbite. General recommendations boil down to the fact that you can calculate the permissible minimum temperature for a child using the formula: after one month, subtract 5 degrees.

In other words, it is not recommended to walk with a newborn at negative temperatures. Monthly babies can be safely outdoors at -5˚C. Two to three month old babies walk with pleasure already at -10˚C. For central Russia, walks in -15˚C are safe. A baby sleeping in a stroller can feel comfortable even at -30˚C. Only parents are very scared that the child will freeze, but they will not notice it.

Negative temperature

If adults doubt the safety of the walk, you can safely do without it until the frost subsides on the street. If the family decides to sit out the extreme conditions at home, they should pay more attention to the air quality in the rooms:

  • winter is not a reason to cancel airing;
  • it is permissible to warm up the room no more than up to 22˚C;
  • air humidity must be kept in the range from 55 to 70%.

Attention! If the family does not have a humidifier, you can solve the problem of dry air by using wet towels covering the radiators, regularly washing the floors or spraying flowers, curtains and upholstered furniture with a spray bottle.

Up to how many degrees you can walk with a child up to a year in winter, most often the mother herself is able to decide. If she taught her baby to sleep on the street from summer or autumn, until frost, then with their arrival she is unlikely to be able to give up baby sleep in the fresh air.

In order not to worry about the child's condition while walking in cold weather, you need to keep in mind the following:

  • heat is stored between layers of clothing, therefore, to provide sufficient warmth to the child, it must be dressed in several layers;
  • clothes should not squeeze the body or squeeze its individual parts - the inability to move arms and legs in the cold can cause hypothermia;
  • a child during walks at negative temperatures easily loses excess heat with breathing, therefore it is impossible to overheat him in such weather conditions, which gives the parents the right to put on as much clothes on the baby as they want;
  • not a single child will silently endure hypothermia, if he really freezes, he will certainly loudly inform his mother about this.

Fearing to go out into the cold with a newborn, it is worth thinking about how entire cities live in northern Russia. There the thermometer is below -30˚C for 5-6 months a year. This does not become a reason for mothers accustomed to frost to keep their babies at home.

Frost in Yakutsk is significantly different from frost in St. Petersburg, even if the thermometers show the same value. The difference in air humidity makes its own adjustments. The dry air of northern latitudes makes it easier to inhale frosty air, while the humid climate of the northern capital turns the fearless -15˚C into an all -30˚C in sensation.

High humidity in frost

Pediatricians, answering the question of parents about how many degrees you can walk with a baby in a frosty winter, answer that if extremely low temperatures are rare for a particular region, it is better to stay at home and wait for the temperature regime to return to normal. In the case when the family lives in a climate where -30˚C you can watch the window for several months in a row, you should not be afraid to go for a walk.

The length of time babies stay in the cold should be adjusted, gradually increasing. The first time you can limit yourself to 30 minutes. Next time it is allowed to go out for an hour.

Important! Without being afraid to go outside in the cold, parents will be able to provide the child's body with fresh air, full of oxygen, as well as sound sleep. The most reasonable option for walking in the cold is putting the stroller on the balcony. Even at -30˚C, the baby will happily sleep for 4 hours.

What you need to take with you for a walk

If the baby sleeps in a stroller in winter not on the balcony, but while rolling down the street with mom's or dad's help, you should think about the fact that the baby, unlike the accompanying one, is protected from the wind by the cradle and the stroller, and the adult who rolls him is not. Therefore, there is no need to hesitate to take care of yourself while walking your children: prepare a thermos with aromatic tea, which will allow you to walk for more than 30 minutes.

No special equipment for the baby is required. He will sleep warmly wrapped in a cradle. It is imperative to worry about open areas of his face in advance. There is a wide variety of wind and cold protection products in stores today.

Attention! You can apply such cosmetics to the skin no later than 20 minutes before leaving. The cream must have time to be absorbed.

Baby in winter

If a baby of 10-11 months already knows how to walk and is actively exploring a snowy street, you should always have removable gloves with you, in case the worn on the handles gets wet.

Duration of walks in winter

There are no time restrictions that govern walking in the cold, everything is very individual. For doubting parents, you can use a sample table as a guide.

Dependence of the duration of walks on weather conditions and the age of the child

t˚С / age, monthsNewborn1-33-77-12
030 minutes1 hour1,5 hour2 hours
-5-1 hour1,5 hour2 hours
-10-30-40 minutes1 hour1,5 hour
-15-30 minutes40-50 minutes1 hour

Attention! It is not necessary to cover your baby's mouth and nose with a scarf, as the accumulated condensation increases the risk of frostbite. The main task of the mother is to make sure that the child can breathe through the nose; if nasal breathing is disturbed, it is imperative to use vasoconstrictor drops.

If a mother, relying on the above table, decides to take a walk with a stroller several times, she herself will become more confident in herself, she will understand that there is nothing wrong with such walks. The most important advantages of such exits are healthy sleep of the baby and strong immunity. Learning to walk in any weather is a natural hardening.

Watch the video: HOW TO SURVIVE WINTER. Prague (July 2024).