
How much should a baby sleep at 1.5 months

It makes sense to adjust the daily routine when the baby is already three months old. Until this time, the alternation of sleep and wakefulness in a child is chaotic, the newborn often confuses day with night. Up to a month and a half, the baby sleeps almost all the time between feedings, so it is still possible to bring a certain rhythm into his life.

Parents should protect and guard the sleep of the newborn

Features of sleep up to 1.5 months

Young parents often think about how much a baby should sleep at 15 months. There is no single norm at this age, because each baby is individual. It all depends on the health of the baby. Premature and weak babies sleep longer than those born without birth defects or diseases. Pediatricians distinguish the following features of sleep up to one and a half months:

  • The baby cannot sleep for more than two to three hours in a row and often wakes up;
  • The child falls asleep easily and wakes up just as easily;
  • During the waking period, the baby mainly eats;
  • With the wrong schedule, the baby can confuse day with night, such cases are not uncommon.

In order for the baby to sleep soundly, you need to walk with him more often and bathe daily before resting at night. Baths with medicinal herbs (for example, chamomile) contribute to good falling asleep. If the child is awake for a long time because of intestinal colic, which is common, the pediatrician may prescribe medication to help normalize digestion. Also, a common cause of falling asleep is diaper rash. In this case, you should use special baby cosmetics to solve the problem.

Attention! In the first month and a half of life, the baby often wakes up to feed and cannot sleep all night without interruption. This is quite normal, a healthy baby, after eating, falls asleep again. The number of nighttime awakenings can vary.

How much should a child sleep

Sleep rates for ages up to one and a half months may vary. You should not try to fit the child to any standards, all children are different. However, some general patterns can still be identified. It should be borne in mind:

  • Baby's age;
  • His state of health;
  • Having the right conditions for sleeping;
  • Feeding type (artificial or natural).

The older the baby, the less he sleeps and the longer he is awake.

2 weeks

During this period, a healthy newborn sleeps almost all the time between feedings and is awake several times a day for 15-20 minutes. Several breastfeeding or formula feedings are allowed at night.

3 weeks

The regimen remains the same as at 2 weeks. However, gradually the periods of active wakefulness begin to lengthen. The child also eats several times at night.

Month and a half

A one and a half month old baby is no longer a newborn. Such a baby can stay awake for up to thirty minutes in a row. At this time, you can do massage or gymnastics with your child, conduct developmental activities. Gradually, the baby begins to take an interest in the world around him, but on a walk he still sleeps soundly. Walking and hardening procedures will help get rid of problems with falling asleep, as well as contribute to the correct development of the baby.

How to improve a child's sleep

When asked how much a one and a half month old baby should sleep, pediatricians answer: it all depends on the particular baby. However, there are some general guidelines to help you get the right regimen:

  • Lay at night at the same time;
  • If bathing excites the baby, it should be done an hour before bedtime so that the baby can calm down;
  • The infant should always rest in his crib;
  • If the baby is hungry, be sure to feed it before laying it down.

Compliance with these simple, but necessary tips will help get rid of serious problems in a month and a half and establish the right regimen, which is very important for young parents. A clear feeding and resting schedule will help adults plan their own affairs.

The daily routine is a guarantee of the baby's health

How to put to bed

Parents often ask if a two-month-old baby can sleep on his stomach. There is no prohibition, on the contrary, a long stay in this position helps to relieve intestinal colic and has a beneficial effect on the well-being of the baby. However, if a 3-4-week-old baby is in this position, he should only lie under the supervision of parents and always without a pillow - burying himself in a soft pillow, the child may suffocate.

Doctors recommend swaddling the baby during the day and at night so that he is not afraid of his hands and does not flinch. The child does not know where to put his limbs, and is worried about this. Swaddling should not be tight, but loose. You can buy a special "sleeping bag" for an infant, the child feels comfortable and protected in it, while at the same time can move freely inside the soft cocoon.

Putting a baby to bed is easy, the main thing is to create conditions for this

Attention! When mom puts her 1.5 month old baby to sleep at night, turn off the lights and close the curtains. Complete silence is not necessary; on the contrary, a monotonous background sound (for example, the quiet sound of a working TV or refrigerator) will help the baby fall asleep, providing a calming effect.

Possible problems due to non-compliance with the regime

Failure to comply with the regimen at the age of 3-4 weeks often leads to the fact that the baby begins to confuse day and night. It is not difficult to get rid of this problem, it is enough to shift the child's schedule by 10-15 minutes every day, and gradually everything will work out. The main thing is to stick to the system and not deviate from your intentions.

Pediatricians say: the earlier a two-week-old baby gets used to the daily routine, the better for parents. In the first months after birth, it is necessary to ensure that the baby wakes up on time for feeding in the fifth or sixth week of life, otherwise he will develop poorly and gain weight. Weak and premature babies need to be woken up at a certain time so as not to miss a meal.


Watch the video: How Much Sleep Do Babies Need? (September 2024).