
Why an 11 month old baby sleeps poorly at night and wakes up often

Sometimes a child at 11 months old does not sleep well at night, in addition, he often wakes up and cries. Parents need to make sure that he is healthy and does not have a fever. Next, you need to check the diaper and evaluate the conditions in which the baby sleeps. The quality of sleep depends on whether he is comfortable, or, for example, hot or cold. It is necessary to exclude all factors that can interfere with the proper rest of the child.

Infant at 11 months

Sleep features of an eleven month old baby

Children at 11 months are quite active, many are already starting to walk. In order to rest and restore the spent energy, they need about 14 hours of sleep, 11-12 of which fall at night. Some babies try to go to one day nap. Readiness for this can be determined by the following criteria:

  • The child is awake for about 5-6 hours in a row, while remaining active and joyful, not being capricious, not screaming or crying;
  • In the morning, the baby wakes up earlier and earlier;
  • The second dream shifts to a later time, and the baby gets up when it is already time for a night's rest.

If the baby still has two naps during the day, then their total duration should not exceed 3 hours. Parents need to carefully observe the child, notice signs of severe fatigue, in order to painlessly make the transition to one rest in the daytime.

Eleven-month-old babies often do not wake up at night to refresh themselves. The main thing is that the child has a good meal before going to bed. If the baby is calm and comfortable, he sleeps until morning without waking up.

Why sleep is disturbed in infants

A child at 11 months, like an adult, sleeps, obeying biorhythms. If they are violated, then the baby rests for a long time during the day, but at night for the most part is awake. The baby's nervous system is still immature, so you need to help the baby to establish sleep rhythms. Day, sunlight should be associated with activity, in the morning the curtains should be opened. In the evening, the child should tune in to sleep, so it is recommended to dim the lights, not turn on loud music and TV.

Note! If the baby is healthy, has not gone too far during the day, ate a heavy meal before bedtime, his diaper is empty, the causes of the sleep disorder should be sought in the conditions in which the baby is. First of all, this is the temperature and humidity in the room.

Why does a child have trouble sleeping

Infant sleep will be disturbed for a variety of reasons. First, parents must exclude the disease, check if the baby has a temperature, if possible, examine the throat.

Sleeps poorly

If an 11-month-old baby does not sleep well at night, chances are he hasn't used up his energy during the day. It happens that the baby is not very active, and in fact, in order to get tired, the baby can run for several hours in a row. To tire a baby, you need to spend time in the fresh air, play. At the same time, the parents are not faced with the task of exhausting the crumb so that it collapses exhausted. At this age, children usually do not know how to entertain themselves, so moms and dads must help them and teach them various games.

Baby Games

Poor sleep is often attributed to the baby's hunger. Babies at 11 months of age may still need night feeds and wake up several times at night. In any case, you should not overfeed your baby in the penultimate meal. You need him to stay slightly hungry. Then, immediately before bedtime, the child will eat satisfyingly and fall asleep much more soundly.

Wakes up often

If an 11 month old baby wakes up often at night, he may be uncomfortable:

  • Too hot or, conversely, cold;
  • The crib is in a draft;
  • A street lamp shines in your eyes;
  • The room is stuffy, hot, the air is dry;
  • The diaper is overfilled or does not fit the baby. Even the highest quality diapers sometimes provoke allergic reactions, you need to check if there is any irritation on the pope;
  • Rubs clothes. Babies grow so quickly, so pants and blouses imperceptibly become small for them;
  • Underwear or bedding made from synthetic materials is unpleasant.

Wakes up and cries

It is worth reconsidering the saturation of the day with events, if the child often wakes up at night and cries, 11 months is a transitional period, which is characterized by hyperactivity. Babies are quickly excited, while calming down much more slowly.

Note! Poor sleep, with constant awakening and crying, usually appears if the child has received a lot of emotions during the day. It doesn't matter if they were happy, or the baby was stressed.

The baby's nervous system does not have time to cope with all the experiences, therefore, his calmness is disturbed, the quality of sleep suffers. Therefore, it is so important to follow simple rules:

  • active games, planning acquaintances for the afternoon;
  • in the evening, gradually prepare the baby for going to bed, create rituals that help him relax and feel safe.

A child can cry during illness. At this age, the crumbs actively crawl teeth, which causes itching, sometimes the temperature rises. The baby can wake up from discomfort in the middle of the night. Then, during the day, the baby will be drooling profusely, and transparent mucous discharge from the nose will appear. To alleviate the condition, the baby will pull everything into the mouth, scratching the gums.

Teeth are being cut

How to normalize infant sleep

Parents can help the baby to make his sleep more restful and longer, to do this, you need to use simple tips:

  • Ventilate the room before going to bed;
  • Make sure that the temperature is kept around 22 degrees;
  • Keep humidity between 50 and 70 percent. To do this, it is better to get rid of carpets, soft toys. Wipe floors and dust daily. You can already try to involve the child in these activities;
  • Buy bedding for crumbs only from natural materials. The same goes for pajamas;
  • Do not dress the baby too warmly and make sure that he does not freeze;
  • Spend time actively during the day, work with the child, play, walk for at least two hours daily;
  • Surround the baby with care, do not leave him alone for a long time. Frequent waking up can occur due to the fact that the baby did not have enough attention from the mother during the day;
  • Try to fix the problem as soon as it occurs. The longer a child cries, the more difficult it is for him to fall asleep later. This does not mean that you need to immediately grab him in your arms and rock him. You can wait a few minutes, perhaps the baby will calm down by itself, which will help him learn to fall asleep on his own. You cannot ignore the cry of a child. He must understand that his parents are there and will always come to his aid. It is important for the baby to feel safe.

Preventing sleep problems

In order for the baby to sleep peacefully and sweetly, you need to help organize his daily routine. To do this, you must adhere to a certain schedule, this applies not only to sleep, but also to food and walks. Children quickly get used to the routine.

The child should be in a calm environment. Quarrels between parents, constant screaming and a showdown can affect the child's psyche and lead to problems with sleep. In addition, babies adopt the mood of their parents. If they are tired and exhausted, then the baby begins to suffer from this. Therefore, when planning a daily schedule, you need to take into account the interests of all family members.

Note! Rituals have worked well to help the child fall asleep. Every day the little one with mom or dad repeats the same actions. For example, she bathes, then eats, changes clothes before going to bed and goes to bed, where she listens to her favorite fairy tale or lullaby.

Part of the ritual

When a child does not sleep well at eleven months, what his parents do depends on factors that affect the infant's rest. It is not always possible to immediately understand why the baby is constantly waking up. Perhaps you just need to choose more comfortable clothes for the baby and change the underwear. Sometimes you have to revise the daily routine to help your baby sleep peacefully and sweetly.

Watch the video: Sleep Training Babies: 12 Hours a Night at 4 Months Old (July 2024).