
How to boil oil for a newborn in a water bath

The oil is essential for the complete care of a newborn. Some parents only need a purchased product, others prefer to cook it at home. In such cases, the problem of how to boil oil for a newborn in a water bath becomes urgent.

Sterilized baby oil

What is sterilized oil used for?

It is used to lubricate scales on the head, folds in the elbow area, near the palms, under the knees, near the feet, in the armpits. Dry baby skin is also lubricated with this product. Proper dermis care is essential to prevent possible skin irritation. It can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Improper dressing of the baby and, as a result, the formation of prickly heat.
  2. The skin is irritated by too much movement of the arms and legs, especially in hot weather.
  3. Young children have different body ratios than adults. Therefore, they may have a large number of folds. They may develop diaper rash, inflammation.
  4. Babies may have crusts on their heads. They disappear without additional treatment. To speed up the process, they are treated with vegetable oil.

Sometimes a small amount of sterilized oil is used when bathing children. You need very little of it: about 15 drops per bath. To cleanse the auricles and nasal passages, cotton swabs moistened with water are used.

Benefits of Baby Skin Care Oil:

  • it moisturizes the skin well;
  • does not contain chemical additives, unlike purchased cosmetics for children;
  • multifunctional, i.e. can be applied after bathing, changing a diaper, to clean the nose and ears, to treat diaper rash.

Important! It is impossible to abundantly, all the more to completely lubricate the baby with cosmetic oil.

What is good for the skin

Various types of vegetable oils are used to treat baby's folds.


Olive oil is a real storehouse of nutrients for a baby. It contains:

  • antioxidants, including vitamin E;
  • vitamins A, D and K;
  • unsaturated fatty acids: oleic, linoleic, palmitic, peanut;
  • some active chemical compounds - alcohols, terpenes, tocopherols, phenols and polyphenols.

Olive oil

It is used to treat such parts of the baby's body:

  • folds in the skin;
  • the skin behind the ears (here it can be very dry);
  • auricles;
  • axillary and elbow folds;
  • neck;
  • skin on the palms and fingers;
  • spout.

Olive oil can be used to treat gneiss - milk crusts, certain types of allergic manifestations. Such whitish crusts must be lubricated every day before bathing.

The oil is also great for massage. It should only be used at room temperature. Therefore, if it was in the refrigerator, it needs to be heated. Do not massage the face due to the risk of product penetration into the eyes.

Attention! Olive oil should not be rubbed into the skin too much. You should make gentle circular movements, stroking and patting with your palm.

An allergic reaction may be a contraindication to the use of this product. Too frequent use is not recommended, because it can form a film on the skin that does not allow air to pass through.


It contains a large number of ingredients that are irreplaceable for the body. For hygiene purposes, you can take unrefined sunflower oil.

Sunflower oil

Cold pressed unrefined sunflower oil contains all the nutrients. In the process of its production, sunflower seeds are pressed, squeezed out. The finished product is filtered and bottled.

The scope of application of this oil is the same as that of olive oil. It is great for treating diaper rash. After bathing, each fold is gently blotted with a towel and lubricated with a sterilized product.

It is also used for hygienic care of the nasal cavity. If a lot of dense crusts have formed in it, you should drip 2 drops of oil into each nostril. After a quarter of an hour, clean the nose with flagella (they can be made from cotton wool). Periodically, you should clean your ears with a cotton swab dipped in sunflower oil. Rarely, children may be allergic to this product. It is associated with a hereditary predisposition.


It is an excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of diaper rash areas on the skin. They can lubricate folds on the dermis. It is used for:

  • softening the skin before massage treatments;
  • protection against diaper rash and prickly heat;
  • treatment of the labia for newborn girls;
  • softening and removing crusts on the head;
  • lubrication of skin folds.

Note! Some cosmetologists warn parents against using vaseline oil - it is not natural, but synthetic. They draw attention to the fact that petroleum jelly does not have antibacterial and healing effects.


For the hygiene of the baby, other natural oils are also taken.

Sea buckthorn

It contains various vitamins in a sufficiently high concentration to treat diseases:

  • wounds;
  • burns;
  • cracks;
  • diaper rash.

Sea buckthorn oil

Before applying it, it is recommended to treat diseased skin with a solution of furacilin (one tablet per 100 ml). A clean cloth should be applied to the skin.


It should be used for colds. Forbidden when:

  • epilepsy;
  • allergies;
  • under two years of age.


They are good at treating dermatitis and eliminating diaper rash areas. Small amounts of peach oil are applied to the diaper. With a large number of crusts in the nose, cotton turundas dipped in this product are used.


It is great for baby bathing. A small amount of the product is added to warm water. After washing, it is advisable to lightly massage the skin.

Why sterilize oil

According to some parents, the child needs to be "accustomed" to the environment so that his immune system can fight off bacteria and viruses. This is a completely correct opinion. However, newborns' skin needs special protection. She is more gentle and more prone to irritation. Therefore, you should not specifically provoke contact of children's skin with microorganisms. In order to prevent damage to the product and contact of the child's body with harmful microbes, you need to boil it.

How to boil oil in a steam bath

Any product will serve as the basis for sterilized oil. The result of hygiene depends on how to sterilize the oil for newborns.

Container preparation

250 g of oil must be poured into a half-liter jar. Fill a large saucepan with water and place the jar in it. Put the container on fire.

Note! The jar should never be placed in hot water. Due to the large temperature difference, it can burst.

Place gauze or cloth folded in several layers under the jar. This measure protects it from sudden temperature changes.


Parents should have the skills to ignite vegetable oil for newborns. During heating, stir the product evenly (with a stick or wooden spoon). Sterilization time (from the moment of boiling) - 40 minutes. All this time, the water in the pan will boil away. Therefore, it needs to be refilled periodically. If you don't, the bank will burst. There should be a few centimeters more water in the pan than oil.


If boiling water gets into the oil, nothing bad will happen - it will quickly evaporate. It is strictly prohibited to cook it in a microwave or multicooker. From this it quickly overheats. As a result of overheating, chemical bonds are damaged, from which the oil will harm the baby.

How to store oil properly

It is best to store the boiled product in the refrigerator. You do not need to stock up on them for future use - it is enough to sterilize no more than a glass of fat. Do not expose it to direct sunlight.

Boiled fat can be stored in the pantry. Subject to the storage rules (room temperature and lack of direct sunlight), it is suitable for use for a long time.

The period at which the oil is considered sterile

Pediatricians warn that the oil does not retain its sterile properties for a long time. The maximum duration of sterility of a boiled fatty product is only a few hours. In order to use just sterile oil, you need to prepare a small amount of it.

However, if the period during which the oil has lost its sterile properties has expired, there is no need to throw it away. It is applied as usual - for performing hygiene procedures (for example, massage).

Baby massage

Sterile Newborn Oil is used to treat inflammation-prone baby skin. It prevents the development of diaper rash and irritation. Skills on how to sterilize newborn oil in a water bath help keep your baby's skin healthy and well-groomed at all times.

Watch the video: Eczema: Bleach bath therapy (July 2024).