
Why does the child cough without signs of a cold

A child's cough can appear without a cold, there are enough reasons for this. It is necessary to observe the well-being of the baby, to find out if there are other symptoms. Parents should understand when a cough is physiological in nature, which is typical not only for newborns, but in which case it is a symptom of the disease.


Causes of non-cold cough in children

Usually, the child begins to cough with viral diseases. The baby's temperature rises, snot appears. If these symptoms are absent, infection is usually ruled out.

Nervous coughing

When a child coughs occasionally and only during the day, it can be assumed that this is due to nerves. The baby's psyche is overwhelmed with emotions, or he does not rest enough, as a result, spasms occur, leading to coughing. Usually, in this case, the behavior of the crumbs changes:

  • Sleep is upset;
  • The kid becomes moody, irritable.

Foreign body in the airway

When a child has a cough for no apparent reason, it is worth excluding the ingress of a foreign object into the respiratory tract. A baby can swallow a designer piece, a paper clip, a coin. Sometimes this is invisible to the parents. This happens not only with babies. So, an adult child can swallow, for example, candy. It is better to show the baby Laura, who will conduct the examination, and, if necessary, use an endoscope.

Physiological cough

Physiological cough occurs in newborns. The kid cannot cope with the large amount of mucus that is normally secreted by all people. Therefore, coughing occurs after sleep. If a newborn baby also has a physiological runny nose, he begins to grunt at night, the volume of discharge increases, naturally, that the baby is trying to clear the airways. You don't need to do anything, especially take expectorant drugs.

Note! If the baby periodically coughs without signs of a cold, his teeth may be cut. Then there is profuse salivation, the child pulls toys, hands, clothes into his mouth.

Teeth being cut

Laryngitis and bronchitis

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the lining of the throat. This can be caused not only by an infection, but also by an allergic reaction or overstrain of the vocal cords. The child is worried about a sore throat; on examination, it is easy to notice that it is reddened. Then a dry cough begins, already with the help of treatment it must be made productive so that the sputum leaves.

Bronchitis can also develop as a result of exposure to an allergen. The child suffers from a dry cough, it happens in fits, and there is no relief after it. It is often accompanied by shortness of breath. The intensity increases at night. It must be treated with medication under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Allergic cough

A non-cold cough can occur in a child with allergies. In this case, additional symptoms are observed:

  • The eyes turn red and begin to water;
  • The kid sneezes;
  • Irritation and rash are visible on the skin.

The task of parents is to find a provoking factor and exclude it from the baby's life. Medicines can only relieve symptoms.

Signs of asthmatic cough

If the child is not sick, but coughs badly at night and in the morning, you need to carefully monitor him. When the baby feels tightness in the chest, he has shortness of breath, he does not have enough air, most likely he will have asthma.

Worms in the airways

A child can cough for a long time due to parasites that irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Most often, the body is inhabited by roundworms. The kid feels their presence and tries to get rid of it. Trichinosis and toxocariasis can also be transmitted from dogs.

Coughing at night

If the child constantly coughs at night, but during the day he is healthy and cheerful, you need to take care of the baby's comfortable rest. Perhaps the air in the room is too dry, or the baby is uncomfortable to sleep. It is worth slightly raising the head of the bed so that mucus does not accumulate in the throat. A baby at 2 years old can already be given a pillow.

Sleeping on a pillow

Is coughing dangerous without temperature

When a child coughs without signs of a cold, attention should be paid to see if there are additional symptoms. If the ingress of a foreign body, allergy is excluded, then you should take care of creating the necessary humidity in the room. When the baby coughs only in the morning, while his breathing is not disturbed, then there is no need to worry.

Note! If a child coughs during the day, his behavior, mood change, he gasps for air, and he has shortness of breath, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

Komarovsky's tips for treating cough

Komarovsky recommends that parents first of all take care of the temperature and humidity in the room. Comfort is important not only for newborns, but also for older children and adults. Dry air and lack of ventilation are factors that provoke a cough.

The doctor advises to teach children to eat healthy, offer them fruits and vegetables every day. If the baby coughs after sleeping, give him water. Usually this is enough to help the baby. Drinking plenty of fluids is encouraged in any case.

Helping your baby at home

When a child develops a cough without symptoms, it should be watched for a while. If it is physiological in nature and is not a sign of illness, then it will not cause inconvenience to the baby. In any case, he needs to drink a lot of fruit drinks, herbal decoctions, tea. It is believed that warm drinks are more effective in dealing with attacks, allowing you to cough up.

Note! The baby needs clean, cool and moist air. When a child feels good, he is active, then you need to spend a lot of time outside. It's okay if he coughs several times a day.


Should I see a doctor

It is necessary to visit a pediatrician when alarming symptoms appear:

  • The cough occurs in seizures, which are difficult for the baby to cope with, it is impossible to cough up. It does not go away for a long period, more than 2-3 weeks;
  • The secreted sputum is green;
  • The child complains of pain in the throat, chest;
  • The voice became hoarse, hoarse;
  • Eyes tear and redden;
  • A rash appeared on the body;
  • The baby became restless.

After the examination, the doctor will determine why the child is coughing, whether treatment is required, or it is enough to follow the rules of care, creating the necessary conditions at home.

Prevention of cough

Daily walks and moisturizing the mucous membranes will help to avoid coughing. Saline solutions can be dripped into the nose not only in case of illness, but also for prevention. There is no need to wrap up a baby, especially a baby. Children are dressed like adults, adding one layer in winter. It is necessary to avoid gassed and smoky rooms and monitor the diet.

A cough in a child without other symptoms is usually not a cause for concern. This is a natural reaction of the body when the baby is trying to get rid of mucus. It is important to exclude the fact that he could swallow a small object and then observe it. You need to pay attention to changes in his behavior and the nature of the cough, whether it causes inconvenience to the baby.

Watch the video: Dealing with a Persistent Cough in Children (July 2024).