
"Loperamide" during pregnancy: instructions for use

The body of the expectant mother is subject to various external influences, so the appearance of health problems is not uncommon. They also include indigestion, which is manifested by loose and frequent stools. Forced bowel contractions are dangerous while waiting for the baby, so diarrhea cannot be ignored.

In some cases, medication is indispensable. If a woman has already used diarrhea medicines such as Loperamide, out of habit, she can purchase it at the pharmacy, but she should not rush. There are some restrictions for taking this medication during the period of gestation.

Features of the drug

Loperamide is available from several pharmaceutical companies in two oral forms... One of them are flat white or white-yellow tablets, which are sold in jars or boxes of 10-20 pieces.

The second dosage form of "Loperamide" is white-green capsules with gelatinous shell... One package contains 10 or 20 capsules. To buy both versions of the drug, you do not need to present a prescription, and the price of "Loperamide" is low, which determines its popularity.

The active ingredient in the medication is called loperamide hydrochloride... Its dosage is the same both in capsules and in tablets - 2 mg. The auxiliary components of the drug differ depending on the form and the manufacturer. They are indicated on the packaging and in the paper annotation attached to the tablets and capsules.

Operating principle

Once in the intestine, the active substance "Loperamide" is attached to the receptors, which leads to suppression of smooth muscle tone and decreased motility... In addition, the drug interferes with the release of biologically active substances that enhance peristalsis, therefore, under its action, the food mass moves along the intestine longer. Even "Loperamide" has an effect on the tone of the anal sphincter, due to which feces are retained in the intestines.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

As with any medicine, taking "Loperamide" while waiting for the baby should be treated with extreme caution. The instructions for all forms of medication indicate that in the early period of gestation, this drug is prohibited, therefore, in the 1st trimester, the drug is not prescribed so that it does not cause developmental disorders in the child. No studies of the effect of "Loperamide" on the embryo have been conducted, therefore, it is impossible to talk about its safety, so doctors avoid unnecessary risks and replace such a medication with guaranteed harmless analogues.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, "Loperamide" can be used, but only as directed by a doctor. At this time, the formation of the fetus is completed, and the risk of harmful effects on its development is lower, but this does not mean that you can take capsules or tablets yourself.

The use of "Loperamide" in the later stages is in demand only in cases where diarrhea is a danger to a woman or baby, and other means are ineffective or absent.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

The use of "Loperamide" is in demand when diarrhea functional in nature, for example, if loose stools appeared after a change in diet or stressful situations. The drug is often used for diarrheaarising during the trip, as well as allergic intestinal inflammation... He is appointed and with stool disorders due to medication.

In expectant mothers, diarrhea is often provoked by errors in nutrition or diseases of the digestive tract. A change in hormonal levels also contributes to the appearance of the problem. At the same time, frequent loose stools are dangerous while waiting for a child, because it not only provokes the tone of the uterus, but also removes important minerals from the body.

That is why it is impossible to ignore diarrhea in a pregnant woman.

However, when liquefied feces appear, a woman should consult a doctor, because this may be a symptom of some dangerous disease. It is unacceptable to buy “Loperamide” for diarrhea without a prescription and use it on your own.


In addition to the first trimester of pregnancy "Loperamide" prohibited and in case of hypersensitivity to any ingredient of tablets or capsules... In addition, the remedy is not used if intestinal obstruction is suspected, as well as for problems with stool caused by antibiotic treatment.

It should also not be consumed when dysentery or other intestinal infection (if "Loperamide" is prescribed for similar indications, then only as an adjuvant). Since metabolic changes in the active substance of this drug take place in the liver, then in case of pathologies of this organ, taking Loperamide requires increased caution.

Side effects

In some patients when using any of the forms of "Loperamide", various negative symptoms may appear, for example, an allergic rash, dizziness, or abdominal pain. Sometimes there are complaints of sleep disturbances, nausea, dry mouth, bloating. If such ailments occur, further use of the drug should be abandoned.

How to use

The scheme according to which the pregnant woman should take "Loperamide" is determined by the doctor, taking into account the clinical picture and other factors. Both capsules and tablets are swallowed without biting or chewing.

Most often, for the first dose, they take 2 capsules or 2 tablets of medicine, after which they take 1 piece after each visit to the toilet, if the stool is still liquid. The maximum permissible dosage per day for expectant mothers is 16 mg, which corresponds to 8 capsules or 8 tablets.

When the feces become formed or there is no stool within 12 hours, the drug is discontinued. If on the second day of using "Loperamide" there is no effect of the drug, a second consultation with a doctor is necessary. In case of bloating or constipation, the drug should also be canceled and a specialist should be consulted.

It is important to take care of fluid and electrolyte recovery while taking Loperamide.

Their loss with diarrhea is quite dangerous for a woman in position, therefore, simultaneously with drugs for diarrhea, saline solutions are necessarily prescribed. The required drug and its dosage should be checked with a doctor.


According to women who had a chance to take "Loperamide" in 2-3 trimesters, the medicine quickly enough helps to get rid of loose stools... Those expectant mothers who used this remedy for diarrhea as prescribed by a doctor leave mostly positive reviews. They confirm efficacy, but often complain of side effects, such as drowsiness, nausea, or abdominal discomfort.


To replace Loperamide, other drugs based on the same active ingredient are usually used, for example, "Imodium", "Superilop" or "Diara". They all act according to the same mechanism, have the same indications and possible side effects. Analogs such as Loperamide are prohibited in the 1st trimester, but can be prescribed to expectant mothers at a later date, if the doctor sees the need for such funds.

In addition, other medications may be prescribed for diarrhea of ​​a pregnant woman.

  • Enterosgel... Due to its special structure, this gel-like product is capable of absorbing harmful substances and excess gases. It is not prohibited for pregnant women and is often used for digestive disorders, poisoning, intestinal infections or intoxication.
  • "Smecta". It is an effective sorbent containing a natural substance that is safe for the fetus. The drug is available in powder and suspension, can be prescribed for bloating, allergic intestinal lesions, dyspepsia or intestinal infection, both in the late stages and in the 1st trimester.
  • "Activated carbon". This tablet medicine is also allowed during pregnancy at any time. Such a drug can be drunk for diarrhea, heartburn, vomiting, bloating and other digestive problems, as well as for poisoning, allergic reactions and reduced kidney function, in order to remove excess toxins and other harmful substances.
  • "Bifiform". This probiotic in capsule form has a positive effect on intestinal function, helps to eliminate flatulence, loose stools and fermentation. It is used for colitis, functional diarrhea, taking antibiotics, viral intestinal lesions. Bifiform capsules are considered harmless to the child, therefore they are prescribed at any stage of pregnancy.

In the next video, you will learn more about the indications and procedure for using loperamide.

Watch the video: Case #2: Diagnosing and managing motility disorders in IBS-D (July 2024).