
How babies react to the weather - problematic

Many mothers cannot understand what happened to the baby: why there have been abrupt changes with the baby, he cries, is capricious for no reason, refuses to breast. To make it easier for a baby to endure the change in temperature outside the window, pressure and the period of magnetic storms, you should know how babies react to the weather in order to act correctly at such moments.

Excessive moodiness is one of the symptoms of weather dependence

Weather factors affecting infants

Does the weather affect babies? Many experts will answer that there is a pattern. Children from birth to 4-5 years old are considered the most meteosensitive.

Important! According to statistics, boys react more to bad weather than girls, as well as those kids who live in the city.

What weather factors can affect the mood of the baby:

  • drops in atmospheric pressure;
  • changes in temperature and humidity;
  • windy weather;
  • unstable geomagnetic environment.

Air temperature

The influence is exerted not so much by too frosty or, conversely, hot weather, but namely by abrupt changes in temperature. Even adults often react to such changes and weather events, and infants of the first year of life also need to adapt to such changes.

Atmosphere pressure

760 mm Hg is considered the most ideal atmospheric pressure. True, people do not observe such an indicator so often. Increasing this value strongly affects the cardiovascular system of the baby, whose vessels are much weaker and more permeable than those of adults.

Note. Even very slight fluctuations in atmospheric pressure can affect the well-being of the baby. The child may also suffer from severe headaches, dizziness and fatigue.

Air humidity

With a decrease in air humidity, the baby begins to sweat a lot, which, in turn, leads to dehydration. There is a thickening of the blood, the heart rate changes, the blood circulation is disturbed. If the baby is not helped on time, it is fraught with serious consequences, up to and including death.

Note! Increased humidity also has a negative effect on the baby. Heatstroke is possible in summer and hypothermia in winter.


Windy and cold weather is the period when babies do not feel well. On such days, symptoms of increased excitability, anxiety and tearfulness manifest themselves. Doctors call this behavior meteoneurosis.

Magnetic storms

Do newborn babies react to weather when there are periods of unstable geomagnetic conditions? It is a recognized fact by scientists and doctors that the influence is strong.

Important! The magnetic surge causes arousal in infants that can last up to eight hours. At this time, the baby becomes too moody and irritable. If the baby is very meteorological, then it will experience the consequences of magnetic storms for several days.

Who is the more sensitive of the little ones

How the weather affects babies if they were born prematurely, this has been noted more than once by famous pediatricians, including Yevgeny Komarovsky. Children born prematurely, by caesarean section or with multiple pregnancies, feel the changes in the weather especially strongly. It is doubly difficult for such babies to get used to life outside the mother's womb, and the climate, which is constantly changing, only exacerbates the situation.

Premature baby

A baby who is born naturally can also be weather dependent. It is noted that babies with light hair color react more strongly to changing weather.

The risk zone also includes those children who have undergone any surgical interventions, are undergoing drug treatment with strong medications, or those who have experienced serious stress (moving, an uneasy family environment).

The kid who underwent surgery

It is not uncommon for babies to react strongly to changes in atmospheric pressure for some time after vaccination.

Diseases that increase sensitivity to weather

Do all babies react to the weather, or do babies become sensitive due to complications after childbirth, hereditary factors or some diseases? Today not a single doctor can answer one hundred percent to this question.

However, there are such diseases that can increase the meteorological dependence of the crumbs:

  • Rheumatism. If a child complains of pain in the legs during bad weather, you should definitely show him to a specialist.
  • Cardiovascular diseases - vegetative-vascular dystonia, heart disease, intracranial pressure. If the baby is diagnosed with these ailments, then it is quite justified to be capricious, cry in bad weather, the child suffers from discomfort and pain.
  • Digestive system problems. Most often, in bad weather, exacerbations of gastritis, colitis occur, dyskinesia of the biliary tract manifests itself.
  • Skin diseases - eczema, atopic dermatitis and others. At low temperatures and low air humidity, these ailments are exacerbated and are less treatable.

Infant atopic dermatitis

  • Kidney disease. High humidity and low temperature negatively affect kidney health - urination worsens, stomach and lumbar region are very sore, kidney intoxication may begin.
  • Asthma. Asthmatic children in bad weather feel shortness of breath, cold sweat, dizziness, and loss of consciousness occur.
  • Neurology - hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder. When the weather changes, children with such ailments become either too excited and capricious, or lethargic and depressed.

Hyperactive child

Reactions to weather changes

The influence of weather on the well-being of infants is noted especially often with changes in atmospheric pressure. Symptoms such as lethargy, tearfulness, the desire to be on hand all the time, whims are frequent companions during such periods.

Additional Information. Some babies begin to knock their legs, cry hysterically and try to constantly take the breast, and then immediately quit. Mom should be patient and try to calm the baby.

Breast refusal and baby crying

The reaction of a newborn to changeable weather with a severe course of meteorological dependence can even be expressed in some regression of development. Some children on such days seem to forget their "first" spoken words, what it is to "sit at the support" and how to play their favorite "okay". Such regression can be reversed, but it is worth noting that it indicates the presence of some pathologies.

What can be done

What to do if the child reacts to the weather:

  1. Get calm and watch your baby closely. Usually, even a few days before the weather changes, children begin to worry, their behavior changes. In order to prevent unpleasant consequences, it is worth consulting with the pediatrician about the drugs that can be given to the baby on such days.
  2. Make tempering procedures a permanent practice. Gradually lowering the degree of water when bathing, bring the temperature to 33-34 and take such baths regularly.
  3. Add herbs to the bath: mint, motherwort, lavender and chamomile. They will not only calm the baby's nervous system, but will also serve as an excellent prevention for skin diseases.
  4. Massage. It can be performed both by the mother independently and by a specialist if any pathologies are found in the baby.
  5. Regularly ventilate and wet the apartment.
  6. Walking in the fresh air every day is better for at least two hours, so the baby quickly adapts to climate changes. In severe frosts, wind and rain, it is better to stay at home, but it is good to ventilate all rooms.
  7. Air baths in the summer. Sleeping outdoors is also helpful.
  8. Doing gymnastics with your child, exercises on fitball are especially useful.
  9. Build a competent daily routine so that the baby has time to get enough sleep and rest.

Most babies react to changing weather conditions and can manifest in a variety of ways. If the baby is very anxious, no measures help, you should inform the doctor about it. He will be able to prescribe a course of procedures - meteorological prophylaxis, he will offer to treat the baby in a special pressure setting, in which the pressure level is regulated. Timely treatment will significantly alleviate or completely remove negative symptoms.

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