
How to teach a child to poop in a potty - recommendations

Many new moms dream of getting rid of always wet diapers and expensive diapers as soon as possible. That is why the question of how to teach a child to poop in a pot is the most relevant among young parents. In order for the formation of neatness skills to pass faster and without unnecessary problems, first of all, it is worth considering the age of the baby and following all the principles of training.

Baby poops

When to potty train your baby

Many pediatricians state that the optimal age for potty training is 18-24 months. During this period of life, psychological and physical maturation occurs, and the baby is already able to learn all the skills of neatness.

Note! The period of formation of the necessary conditioned reflexes is individual for everyone. Some babies already at one year old know how to consciously go to the potty, others - up to three years old continue to write and poop in a diaper.

Early landing of the baby

A newborn baby does not yet realize that he wants to poop or pee. He just feels discomfort or mild pain in the genital area. He does not know how to control the sphincters and, making various sounds, asks his mother for help. Early placement of the child is considered one of his important needs.

If the parent gently pats the crumbs on the genitals and points to the exact place where the area of ​​discomfort is, the baby will be able to relax the sphincter. If the parents have mastered the landing technique, then the baby will quickly learn to control its sphincters and learn to endure.

Also, the early planting method contributes to the establishment of close emotional contact between the mother and the child, since the baby must be observed all the time in order to learn from the first second to understand all the signals that it gives. In addition, early planting will relieve parents of the problem of potty training.

If the baby began to be planted very early, then, most likely, he will ask for a pot much earlier than his peers. The benefits of getting out early can also include significant savings in diapers, which cost a lot of money.

Kid on the toilet

Child's reluctance to poop in a pot

Very often, young mothers are faced with such a problem when a baby who knows how to walk on a pot suddenly stops sitting on it. If the parents persuade and insist, they begin to cry loudly. There may be several reasons for this behavior:

  • Changes in the usual mode: the process of adaptation to the kindergarten, change of place of residence, the birth of a younger sister or brother;
  • Quarrels in the family that negatively affect the behavior of the baby;
  • The crumbs are teething, he underwent a routine vaccination;
  • Once upon a time it was painful for the baby to poop, and he does not want this situation to happen again;
  • Child protests in response to parental pressure;
  • Overexcited state;
  • The baby has a fear of loss (he does not want to part with the poop);
  • The kid is afraid that his pot will be dirty;
  • A recent illness often leads to regression, and the child will have to be taught to potty again.

Important! If the baby does not want to sit on the potty, this can lead to stool retention, respectively, constipation. The kid will protest even more and will not want to sit on the pot at all. If the situation is not corrected, the infant may develop psychological constipation, which is not easy to cure. Parents should understand why this is happening and correct the situation as early as possible so that problems do not arise in the future.

Potty boy

Which is better: a pot or a toilet

Pot advantages:

  • Portability. It is lightweight and compact, it can be easily carried from place to place and taken on a trip;
  • Low height. When the baby is sitting on the potty, his legs are on the floor, this provides a more natural posture in order to "relieve themselves";
  • Safety. Sitting on the potty, the child cannot fall to the floor or fall into the water.

The disadvantages include the fact that the pot will have to be looked after all the time. After the child has done his business, he will have to be carried to the toilet, washed and dried. Such an item is not an interior decoration.

Toilet bowl advantages:

  • The child gains more independence. Can defecate and write without help from mom or dad;
  • You can put a special adapter on the toilet that fits the baby's size;
  • After the crumb has done "his job", it remains only for him to wash off;
  • The toilet is in the toilet, no one outsiders sees it there;
  • Going to the toilet "like an adult" contributes to the early training of the baby to cope with natural needs.

Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting that at first the baby will need the help of parents: open the door to the toilet, install the adapter on the toilet and get comfortable on it. In addition, you will have to buy a special stand, since adult toilets are very high for a small child.

Boy pissing

How to teach your baby toilet etiquette

How can you teach a child to poop in a pot:

  1. To begin with, it is worth showing the baby the pot and telling why it is needed.
  2. Plant the baby immediately after a night's sleep, before and after eating, before and after lunchtime, before and after a walk, before a night's sleep.
  3. Do not use diapers all day. So the baby will study his body, find out what the genitals and the priest are for. Establish the relationship between organs, urination and defecation.
  4. When a child asks to poop or pee, he must be praised every time.
  5. If the baby already sits on the pot on its own, regardless of the time of day, then the last stage of training has come.

Teaching girls and boys

The baby is taught in a standard way. The process of teaching a toddler is slightly different. The boy should first be taught to use the pot while sitting, since bowel movements and emptying of the bladder in infancy occur at the same time. For girls, it is worth buying a pot with a rounded hole; for a boy, it is better to choose a pot with a special notch and a roller to prevent splashing.

Additional Information. Pediatricians say that girls are more assiduous and obedient than boys, so they can sit on the potty for a long time, teaching them is much easier.

The kid sits naked and poops

Training method in seven days

How can you teach a child to poop in a pot in a week:

  1. 1st day. Remove diaper immediately after a night's sleep. Sit the child for 5-10 minutes on the potty so that he pee and poop. If all else fails, repeat the dose every 10-15 minutes;
  2. 2nd day. It is necessary to carefully monitor the behavior of the baby. At every sign of readiness to go to the toilet, you need to offer him to sit on the pot;
  3. 3rd day. The tactics of behavior are the same, but an important condition is to get rid of diapers altogether, even on the street. Before a walk, it is worth going to pee, and on the street very often ask if the baby wants to again;
  4. 4th-7th days. The child already understands when to sit on the potty and push. If he has forgotten, you need to tell him. Praise for your successes.

Life hacks for moms

How to teach a child to poop, little tricks:

  • Be careful not to overdo it to potty train your baby. You shouldn't keep it on it for more than 5-7 minutes. If you force him, he will refuse to even come close to him;
  • To put on light and simple clothes for the baby, without belts, buttons, strings and buckles;
  • It is better to put the pot within the reach of the crumbs. The pot can be placed in the nursery, next to the play area;
  • Buy a very beautiful bright pot;
  • When teaching neatness, you can use different books that tell you about the purpose of the pot.

Potty training will be done individually. Some babies who are already physiologically mature and ready to control their bladder and intestines can learn a new skill in 2-3 weeks. Others will need several months.

Watch the video: How to Potty Train a Toddler - FAST AND EASY! What to buy for potty training u0026 when to start. (July 2024).